Soup is Good Enough for Democrats.
lifelong Democrat was asked the other day if he still approved of the
Democracy. He replied in language more emphatic than elegant that he was done
with the Democratic party forever, assigning as his reason that he had eaten
too many soups the past winter to ever again vote for the party that
substituted soup for beef steak."—Cortland Standard.
This is a complete give away and we don't
believe a word of it. Whenever there is a general round up of the unterrified, you
will see every one of them taking his soup first and sometimes it is pretty thin
soup too. A Democrat that can't winter on soup without complaining is a fake
Democrat and never had any standing in the party and as soon as he joins the beef-eating English or
Republicans the better it will be for the party of the people.
There is no stuck up aristocracy in the
Democratic party. It is the party of the plain people and its members eat soup
when quail on toast is denied them and they enjoy it too. The Standard has
been deceived in its eagerness to secure Democrat converts and it can't tell
the fraud from the genuine. Hurrah, for the Grand Old Democratic Party. It was born
before any Republican now living, and the man or woman has not yet been born
that will be chosen to write its obituary. It has passed through innumerable storms
of adversity and always weathers the gale and sails into the still waters with
every sail set and its banner waving triumphantly at the masthead.
The bit of adversity, with which the party is
surrounded at the present time, is a legacy left to us by the preceding [Harrison]
administration, but the good ship of State will soon be brought into the harbor
of peace and plenty by the Democratic mariners on board, and prosperity and
happiness will again prevail.
Fortunate indeed is it for the people that
the Democratic party is in charge of affairs. The Republicans took charge in
1889 with a treasury full to overflowing. In less than four years they had spent
every dollar in the treasury and brought the country to the verge of ruin. The
Democratic [Cleveland] administration will reestablish our credit with foreign
nations and bring about an era of prosperity. Put your trust in the Democratic
party and you will not be disappointed.
Soup is good enough for Democrats and when a
man claims to belong to that party and refuses his soup, set him down for a beef-eating
Republican and you will make no mistake.
![]() |
Members of Coxey's army on the march. |
◘ Coxey's army is gathering recruits from all
directions and the situation is alarming. Gov. McKinley failed to do his duty, when
he declined to interfere with the original starters of the movement. He still
seems to be indifferent about the matter. Wonderful man, this McKinley.
Horace V. Howland, one of the ablest
lawyers in Cayuga county, died at his home in Auburn last Friday. He was born
in Providence, R. I., March 8th, 1820, and was a lineal descendant of General Greene
of revolutionary fame, on his mother's side.
"Bat" Shea, the young man accused
of shooting Ross, was one of the "heelers" of Alderman
Dunlap, who is a Republican and was up for reelection on the day of the murder,
and it was in a fight between the partisans of two Republican candidates for
the same office that the killing happened.—Owego Gazette.
The Coxey movement seems to be quite popular
in many slates. Small armies are forming in all directions and are marching on
to Washington under the leadership of cranks. They seem to have no special
object in view, but it is believed they are in search of President Harrison's
'Home Market," that was guaranteed to make us all prosperous, contented
and happy. Will they find it?
The Commissioners of the District of Columbia
have issued a manifesto warning the Industrials that "criminals and
evildoers who, under cover of a crowd of unemployed men, may come to Washington
for the purpose of committing crime and disorder will be apprehended and
summarily dealt with and that the laws of the district will be rigidly
The McKinley bill is in full force and
operation and yet armies of tramps are marching on to Washington from nearly every
state in the union. We were told that the McKinley bill would furnish every man,
woman and child in the country with plenty of work, food and clothing. When
will this much praised bill begin to get in its work? Perhaps Coxey's tramps can
tell. The author of the bill either cannot, or if he can, he won't do so.
Coxey's army started from Massilon, Ohio.
Had Gov. William McKinley of that state, acted in accordance with his plain
duty in the premises, the movement would have been squelched then and there and
the Capitol of the nation would not have been menaced by an army of vagabonds. Gov.
McKinley's attention was called to the matter before Coxey's army started but
he did not think it of any importance and was very indifferent about it. This
great apostle of protection does not think it worth while [sic] to protect the people
of Washington from the influx of such an army of vagabonds. Had the
administration at Washington been in the hands of the Republicans, there is no
doubt but Gov. McKinley would have considered the matter of sufficient
consequence to squelch the army at Massilon. Gov. McKinley's protection does
not protect. If we were not living under the benign influence of the
McKinley bill, would it have been possible for Coxey to organize an army of
tramps to invade Washington?
And now Assemblyman Hamilton Fish, and
another distinguished member, have seen fit to rise in their places in the
house and charge that the record has been falsified and their names recorded as
voting against a measure when in fact they voted aye. It is passing strange
that where two of three or even more republican politicians are gathered
together, the ballot box must needs be tampered with. It is high time that an
"honest elections" bill was passed for use in the State legislature. What a
high old time the introducer of the bill would have in putting the measure through
this gathering of republican politicians?
Are Captured at Last—Federal Troops Ordered
Out—The Beginning of What May Prove to be Serious Trouble.
BILLINGS, Mont., April 25.—The
first bloodshed resulting from the clashes between the law and the Industrial
army movement was witnessed here to-day.
About 11 o'clock this morning
this little city was thrown into excitement by the announcement that the train
stealing contingent of the Coxey army was rushing into the city on a Northern
Pacific train from the west at a high rate of speed, closely followed by a
train load of United States deputy marshals. This was verified a few minutes before noon, when the train of box cars
ran into town. The Coxeyites were overtaken by the special train of the
marshals just as they entered the limits of the city.
After their arrival it was
learned that the marshals' train overtook the Hogan contingent just as they
were pulling away from Columbus (formerly known as Stillwater) and attempted to
arrest the progress of the train, but the leaders would not yield to the
demands of the marshals and instructed their men to go ahead, which was done.
The two trains came on until
this city was reached, when a stop was ordered, the conflict between the two
bodies resulting.
As near as can be learned,
Marshal McDermott ordered the leader of the captured train to surrender, and
when he refused to do so, a few of the marshals, before receiving the command
to do so, fired upon the crowd of Industrials.
The shots were quickly
returned. A number of shots were exchanged before Marshal McDermott could regain control of his men.
During the firing one of the
deputies was seriously wounded and one of the men on the rear platform car was
shot in the groin.
McDermott decided that his men
were not equal to the odds against them and ordered his men to cease firing,
which they did.
The captured train soon after
pulled out from the depot, and McDermott notified the authorities that his
force was inadequate to capture the 500 men who were determined to retain
possession of the train.
FORSYTH, Mont., April 26—The
mighty arm of the law has reached out and seized the Montana army of the
The army, 650 strong, came in
here from the West at 10:45. Its leaders gave it out that the train would
remain at Forsyth until morning.
At 11:30, however, the
engineer went to the round house and deliberately proceeded to take out a fresh
engine and prepare for the trip eastward.
In the meantime Col. Page of
Fort Keogh had secured a special train and was thundering down the road to meet
the train-stealing contingent.
He came into Forsyth shortly
after midnight and found a large part of the Coxey army asleep in the box cars.
The surprise was so complete
that the Coxeyites gave up without a struggle. The troops left most of the men aboard the train and surrounded it.
Nothing definite is known as
to what will be done with the Commonwealers but it is supposed eight or ten of
the leaders will be taken back to-morrow to Butte and the others set at
They Fought Like Beasts.
UNIONTOWN, Pa., April 24.—The
Oliver plant near here was the scene of disorder and bloodshed yesterday
afternoon. Michael Fetzko, a striker, stoned the coke drawers while they were
at work in the yard. Sheriff Wilhelm and a posse of deputies arrested him, when
about fifty women assembled and demanded his release. The officers warned the
women not to interfere. The answer was a yell of defiance and then the whole
crowd of cursing, screaming women charged the squad of men, attacking with
every conceivable missile and weapon except firearms. Blood was flowing from
numbers of the men in a moment and when some of them had been knocked down they
were forced to fight back.
Mrs. Fetako, the leader of the
furies, rushed at Deputy Sheriff Richard with an uplifted axe. He evaded the
blow and knocked her senseless with his revolver, and she lay stretched at
length on the ground with the blood gushing from a gash in her forehead. The
cry was raised that she was killed, and the bedlam of savage excitement cannot
be described. Numbers of women were felled with blows from maces, others were
stabbed with bayonets or beaten with the stocks of Winchesters, and the Sheriff
had great difficulty in preventing the men from shooing them down like dogs.
The "Silk Stocking Club" Gives
Anything but a Hearty Welcome to Apostates From the True Faith.
At a meeting of the "Silk Stocking
Club" [Republican League] held in their rooms in this village last week,
three apostates from the democratic faith applied for initiation into the
unknown mysteries of this not very ancient order of the republican party. After
they had been blindfolded, they were permitted to subscribe to the articles of
the strange faith, but they were not invested with the confidence of the high
priests and grand moguls of the order. The suppliants evidently believed that
after paying $3.00 they would be regarded as members in good standing, and be
allowed to sit at the first table in the inner sanctuary of the temple, but
their ambition in this respect at least, was not gratified, for hardly were the
usual ceremonies over, when one of the high priests arose and delivered a
lecture to the three apostates of which the following is but a synopsis:
"We are always glad to
welcome true converts from the democratic or any other faith, but when they
come to us for the purpose of securing nominations on our ticket for public
office, they must not be surprised or hurt if their welcome is not extremely
cordial. I feel that it is my duty to say to these candidates, that we have an
army of young republicans who were born in the faith and who have been diligent
gleaners in the vineyard, and that these young men must have places at the
public crib before we can recognize the claims of new converts from the
democratic party, who have always done all they could to defeat our candidates
and ridicule and denounce our principles. They must be content to abide on the
anxious seat for a term of years until the faithful have been fed, after which,
it they prove to be better republicans than they were democrats, and show no
signs of backsliding, they may be permitted to sup with the elders We do not
intend to take them into full fellowship and communion, until they have shown
by their works that their conversion has been complete and lasting.''
The address of the high priest
was received by the young and hungry republicans present with many signs of
satisfaction, but the three apostates from the democratic faith are reported to
have taken the medicine with very bad grace. One of them, who had been twice
nominated and elected to a lucrative office, which he stills holds, is said to
have appeared as if he would welcome the smallest sort of a knot hole, that he
might make his exit from the place through its kindly offices. Some of the
republicans present freely charge that his conversion is due entirely to the desire
of obtaining a renomination at their hands for the same office, but of course
he wouldn't change his political principles for a paltry one thousand a year.
The high priest certainly
performed his plain duty, when he warned the first batch of apostates in search
of republican plums, that the fruit was to be reserved for the faithful. It was
a judicious and timely reading of the riot act.
Mahan's Music Festival opens
May 28 and closes June 1.
Hitchcock Hose Co., will hold
a fair sometime in June.
Jewett, the jeweler, has a new
advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT that is quite attractive.
The hotel and saloon bars in
this village were not opened last Sunday. This is a move in the right direction.
Lynus S. Mackey has sold his
Sears street property to Chas. Haworth of Cortland for $1,400.—Ithaca Democrat.
On Saturday at 3 P. M.
the Cortland "North Enders" will cross bats with the Homer Academy
ball team in that village.
The station agents and
operators on the E. C. & N. R. R. have been notified of the
intention of the company to uniform them on or about the first of May.
A teachers institute for this
county will be held m Homer academy during the week beginning May 21.
Prof. Welland Hendrick, of this place, will have charge of it.
Prof. Jourdanais next visit to
Jewett's jewelry store will be Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28. Glasses
correctly fitted. All work warranted. Scientific eye-testing free.
At a special meeting of the
board of trustees held last Monday evening Mr. C. S. Rowley was given permission to erect a store on Clayton-ave., two
stories, eighty feet front by seventy-eight deep, to be entirely covered with
Governor Flower has signed
Senator Coggeshall's bill making it a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than thirty dollars, or imprisonment
for not less than thirty days, nor more than one year, or both, to practice
hazing in colleges and institutions of learning.
On our last page will be found
an interesting report of incidents that took place on the occasion of the one
hundredth birthday of Asabel Seabury Brooks which occurred at the home of his
son. W. S. Brooks in Taylor April 19th. It will be found in the correspondence
from that town.
The next session of the
Harford and Lapeer Sunday School Association will be held with the Hunt's
Corners Church on May 20th.
The D. L. & W. railroad
company will run an excursion to Washington to-morrow. The tickets for the
round trip will be $10, and will be good for ten days.
Messrs. Davis, Jenkins &
Hakes, the well-known insurance firm, have purchased the fire insurance
business heretofore conducted by Mr. F. L. Bosworth in the Squires building.
Mr. Bosworth retains the life and accident part of the business.
A few weeks ago the large
plate glass window of Bingham & Miller's store front was broken while
putting up a sign. Yesterday Mr. D. G. Corwin put in a new and very handsome
glass in place of the old one. The store will now be painted and renovated, and
put in fine shape.
Mr. E. M. Seacord, late Deputy
Postmaster has formed a co-partnership with M. E. Eastman in the insurance
business with offices in the Standard building. Mr. Seacord is a popular
citizen and his many friends will make a note of his location, and give him a
call when wanting anything in the insurance line.
Mr. A. B. Frazier, proprietor
of the Central Market is fitting up the store in the Squires building on So.
Main-st., formerly occupied by John O. Reid for a meat market. He expects to
have the new market open for business about May 1. The business will be managed
by Mr. Wm. Bouck of Scoharie county. Mr. Frazier will continue to run the
Mr. Charles Truesdell died at
his home in Philadelphia last Monday of heart trouble and Brights disease. For
several years he was superintendent of the Homer and Cortland Gas Co. and
resided in this village where he made many warm friends. He moved from here to
Philadelphia about three years ago where he had an excellent situation as Civil
While fishing in the river
just above the bridge on Saturday night, J. Vrooman succeeded in capturing a
trout that takes the cake for this section of the river. It was about 17 inches
in length and weighed 1 ¾ lbs. We hear of one or two other catches of trout in
the river this season. No use of going to the North woods to fish, when you can
haul 'em out right at home.—Marathon Independent.
A plug was forced out of the
water main that runs under the crosswalk at the intersection of Prospect and
Tompkins-sts. last Saturday night and a small stream of water came down
Tompkins-st. to Main. The break occurred at about 9 o'clock. Superintendent Taylor had the water shut off and a force of men were
put on to effect repairs, which were completed before morning. When the water
was turned on again the pipes were full of air, the displacement of which
caused a rattling and pounding in the pipes that aroused those who had city
water in their houses from their slumbers and frightened some of them. It did
not last long however.
In Cortland, N. Y. April 24,
1894, at 2:15 A. M., of consumption, Mrs. Emeline Little, aged 68 years.
Funeral services were held
Thursday from her late residence, 54 Lincoln ave., conducted by her pastor,
Rev. W. H. Pound. Deceased was an earnest Christian and a member of the
Congregational church which she devotedly loved and upon whose services she was
a constant attendant until her last sickness.
How joyful is the
thought that lingers.
When lov'd ones
cross death's sea,
That when our
labors here are ended.
With them we'll
ever be.
Death of Isaac N. Perry.
JORDAN, April 24.—Isaac N.
Perry died at his residence on the corner of Mechanic and Beaver streets at 4
o'clock this morning after a long and painful illness. The cause of death was
enlargement of the liver and heart trouble. Mr. Perry has been engaged in the
grocery business here for the past five years, but owing to his illness he
disposed of his stock about four weeks ago. He was connected with the Grand
Army post of this place. He leaves a widow and one daughter, a father and
mother who reside in Homer, and two sisters and a brother in the West. The
funeral will be held at the family residence on Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock.—Syracuse Courier, Apr. 25.
Mr. Perry was a resident of
this place and for several years was a member of the firm of Garrison & Perry.
He was a genial gentleman and had many warm friends here who will be sorry to
learn of his death.
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