Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Old McGraw photos copied from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland.
Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, April 7, 1894.

Great Crowd at the Hearing—A Satisfactory Conference—Some Points Claimed in the Franchise.
   Messrs. P. S. Page and Horace E. Hand of Scranton with their attorney H. L Bronson of Cortland and a number of prominent business men went over to McGrawville yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock to meet the citizens of that place and the board of trustees. A large number of McGrawville people called at the hotel in the afternoon and the whole matter was talked over in an informal way. Mr. A. P. McGraw showed them through the corset factory and after a conference with several others gave the gentlemen a little estimate of the amount of freight business of the factory and of the town at large which would be likely to be done by the railroad if it should be constructed.
   At 7 o'clock in the evening the gentlemen met the trustees in the town hall which was packed to the doors with an interested company of citizens. Mr. Bronson presented the application for a franchise. He asked to have it made broad enough so that, if upon making a survey, it should seem better to enter McGrawville by way of Elm-st. instead of Main-st. it could be done.
   An opportunity was given the board to ask any questions they chose and many were asked and satisfactorily answered by Messrs. Page and Hand. It was found that there was an unanimous sentiment, not only in favor of an electric road, but also in favor of this company being its builder, and there was even anxiety lest something should arise to prevent its construction.
   The board then unanimously passed a resolution to grant a franchise. The document itself when signed and sealed was a lengthy affair, but among the points contained in it which will be of general interest are the following:
   Permission is given to construct the road from Corey's tannery to the west line of the corporation on Main-st, also on South-st., and Elm-st,, with their extensions to the highway leading from McGrawville to Cortland. The construction must be begun within one year from date and must be completed within two years from date. "T" rails are to be used, and the track must be properly filled. The poles must be erected inside the curb lines and as far as possible opposite the division lines between property owners. The poles are to be neatly painted and the village can use them if it chooses free of charge for police or fire alarm wires. The trolley wires must be sixteen feet above the street. Not more than fifteen cents can be charged by the company for a single fare between any point in McGrawville and any point in Cortland.
   The granting of the franchise seemed to give general satisfaction to the McGrawville people and they are greatly interested to know what action will be taken by the Cortland board of trustees and the town board who with the railroad men are holding a joint session in Fireman's hall as we go to press.

Two Thousand Pounds of the Deadly Explosive Stolen.
   UNIONTOWN, Pa., April 7.—It has just been discovered that the strikers have stolen 2,000 pounds of dynamite from the new reservoir being constructed on the mountain east of Dunbar, and great destruction of property is expected.
   The dynamite was stolen while the workmen on the reservoirs were absent, the rioters breaking open the storage house.
   The robbery has caused great excitement in the coke regions and many believe preparations are being made for a renewal of hostilities.
   President Davis, who is in jail, said he would not withdraw his call for a convention today and he urges the board to report at the meeting and arrange for a continuance of the strike. He, however, condemns the rioting and says that it must be stopped.
   An ugly feeling is developing and there are indications that trouble will break out anew after, if not before, the Scottdale convention.

Princess Kaiulani's Guardian Discusses Affairs of the Islands.
   NEW YORK, April 7.—Theodore H. Davies, the guardian of Princess Kaiulani of Hawaii, who is at the Brevoort house in this city, expressed his opinion on the situation in the islands.
   "The situation is very grave. The provisional rulers are nonplussed. They would never have taken the course they did except they were certain of annexation. They are now acting under the direction of the American league, which contains but few of the best people.
   "The committee of public safety, which was appointed during the middle of the revolution, can make and unmake the laws just as it pleases. There are 15 members of the committee and of these five have resigned and their places have been filled by friends of the other 10.
   "The Thursday before I left they passed a law 'that any passenger from any steamer who landed there who had not $450 in his pocket, or who had no contract with a responsible firm, it was at the discretion of the attorney general to send him back on the same steamer.'
   "In 18 hours it was law. They rushed it. I have a telegram from my agent at San Francisco stating that there has been called a convention for May 2. They are in such a minority (the government people) that they have decided to give votes to people who have only been resident one year on condition that they will take an oath against the restoration of the monarchy and will support the government. This oath will not be taken by four-fifths of those whom it is intended for. As to the restoration of the queen, I cannot say anything."

Rev. Sam Jones.
Politicians of Forty Years Standing are Hard Material.
   CINCINNATI, April 7.—Rev. Sam Jones, the evangelist, is in the city. When asked if he had really converted Ex-Senator Ingalls of Kansas while at Nashville, he replied: "No, I only began on him. Now you do not suppose I can convert a person in an instant. That is a hard thing to do in the case of an ordinary sinner. But, a man who has been in politics for forty years, you cannot convert that way. I endeavored to give him a right good start and I hope I did."

Echoes from "Small Elections."
The total vote for aldermen in Chicago,Tuesday, gave a Republican majority of about 20,000 against the same Democratic majority for mayor last spring.
There are just enough Democrats left in the Rhode Island legislature to serve as horrible examples of what has been.—New York Commercial Advertiser.
In this week's elections the Republicans carried the home towns of ex-Governor Campbell of Ohio, Governor Waite of Colorado and Senator Gorman of Maryland.
Shall the State Give Men Work?
   This question is actually soon to be decided by the referendum in Switzerland. Thus far has state socialism, or nationalism, as its adherents in America call it, progressed in Europe.
   Socialists declare it makes a great difference how one looks at this question. It is recognized among civilized nations that the state must give alms; hence our vast array of poorhouses and charity refuges. The advocates of the state labor idea say if the state owes charity to its indigent citizens, then it also owes the labor which will keep them from becoming objects of charity.
   Some nice questions of both logic and ethics are involved here. 
   The Swiss socialists declare, further, that the labor given by the state must not be considered at all as an alms. That was how Bismarck looked at it in his famous move for state employment, but that is all wrong, these advanced thinkers affirm. The proffered labor from the state is the "right" of the citizen.
   In the way of the practical execution of their plans, in the extremely improbable case of the adoption by Switzerland of the state labor idea, the advocates of it would begin by providing state employment bureaus and labor bourses. But the issue to which all these ideas will come sooner or later is this: Shall the state take hold of the great industries of the country and run them itself, employing workmen and distributing the fruit of all labor as equitably as may be?

Great Crowd at Mager's.
   There were more people to the square inch this morning in the store of G. J.  Mager & Co. when they opened for their fire sale than have been seen in one place in Cortland before since the visit of Barnum's circus last fall. For some time before the doors were opened at 9 o'clock the crowd had gathered, and when the locks were slid back they went in with a rush. There were from eighteen to twenty people behind the counters to attend to them and business began at once.
   It was not many minutes before it was impossible to admit more and the doors had to be locked. Officer Monroe was summoned and stood on guard there for a couple of hours. People were admitted on the installment plan. By 11 o'clock the perfect jam was over, but all day it has been difficult to move about in the store either down stairs or up in the carpet room.
   About noon two dogs that had slid in with their owners resented the crowding of one against another and there was a momentary scrap in the center of the store. One was kicked out and the other subsided, and every one laughed and enjoyed the fun except the women and children who happened to be nearest the ring. They expressed their disapproval of the idea in the usual way. 
   Every one goes out loaded with bundles. There will be some tired proprietors and clerks up at that store by bed time to night.

Spring Announcement.
   I beg to announce to my customers and the public that we are now dispensing that delicious ice cream soda which won for us last season a reputation for fine soda far and near.
   With the largest and most convenient fountain in Central New York I am still making improvements from time to time to accommodate our large and increasing trade. I have the longest dispensing counter in the state outside of New York City and Buffalo and parties numbering from ten to fifty can be served at a moment's notice. I have added twenty new drinks to our list (now numbering over fifty) and am confident we please the most fastidious.
   Our soda and mineral waters are charged with the famous Saratoga natural gas of which I have the exclusive right of Cortland. I use no sulphuric acid gas at all. You will please remember our syrups do not come in contact with any metal whatever. The syrups pass from glass jars within the fountain to the dispensing glasses, therefore avoiding the deleterious properties of metallic substances for which there are many fountains in the cities condemned every year.
   Our ice cream we manufacture ourselves from pure Jersey cream with the addition of a little sugar and the flavoring. There is none purer, cleaner or better. Our motto is "The best is the cheapest." Yours truly,
   F. E. BROGDEN, 77 Main-st. (64l-lt)

   —Services at the East Side reading room as usual, Sunday afternoon at 4:15.
   —The Empire club are preparing for a dance in Empire hall next Friday evening.
   —G. B. Waters has joined Cortland's army of wheelmen, having purchased of S. H. Strowbridge a fine Ariel wheel.
   —The Model Milk Cooler Co. this morning received an order for eighteen of the coolers from the McLean cheese factory.
   —Special street cars will run to Homer after the "Ben Hur" entertainment on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of next week.
   —The Groton Bridge & Manufacturing Co. have double the number of contracts they had last year at this time and much better ones.—Groton Journal.
   —The sale of seats for the "Ben Hur" entertainment upon Tuesday, Wednesday evening, April 10, 11 and 12, opened this morning at the store of D. F. Wallace & Co., and was unusually large for an advance sale.
   —The graduating class at the Normal this year will be the largest in its history. Though the number cannot be given with accuracy as yet, it is certain that the fifth year's class of graduates will comprise not less than 70 young ladies and gentlemen.—Oneonta Herald.
   —Dr. L. H. Pearce is about to begin a series of Sunday evening sermons at the First Methodist church upon Palestine. These sermons will be of special interest to the Palestine class just organized in that church. The first sermon will be preached to-morrow evening and will be upon the mountains of Palestine.
   —A Palestine class was organized after the prayer-meeting on Thursday night at the First M. E. church. The talk of Dr. Pearce was received with deep interest, as he gave some of his experiences while sojourning in the Holy Land. A goodly number have joined the class and others are invited to come in. Shepp's pictures that can be obtained through The STANDARD will be excellent helps in this study.
   —The Cortland and Homer Ministerial association will meet in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Monday, April 9 at 10.30 A, M. Sermon by Rev. E. J. Brooker. Exegesis of Matt. xvi: 18-19, Dr. L. H. Pearce. Exegesis of the passage, "Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak," Dr. H. A. Cordo. Paper—"Methods of raising money for church work," Rev. Geo. H. Brigham.
   —Meetings will be held in the W. C. T. U. rooms beginning Monday night. The following is a list of the subjects: Monday night at 7:30, "Exaltation of Christ;" Tuesday, "Evidence Given the Jews Concerning Christ's First Advent;" Wednesday, "How Will Christ be Received at His Second Coming;" Thursday, "The Sabbath." These meetings will be conducted by Elder D. A. Ball of Ellicottville, N. Y., a returned missionary from the West Indies. The public are cordially invited.

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