Monday, July 3, 2017


Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 1, 1894.

The New School Law
   Perhaps no one bill signed by the Governor, since the adjournment of the legislature, is of more general importance than the compulsory educational bill, which last week received his signature. There has been on the statute books of this State, for some years, a law compelling parents to send their children to school; but the law was not rigidly enforced, and in some cities where it was undertaken to carry out its provisions it was found that the accommodations were inadequate, and thousands of children were turned away.
   The new bill which has become a law was carefully prepared by the council of school superintendents of this State, and was framed with a view of remedying all of the defects of the old law. The bill had the approval of the State Department of Public Instruction, the school commissioners, board of education and other school officers throughout the State, as well as the principal labor organizations, and its provisions will doubtless be enforced. The new law is brief, as explained by Superintendent of Public Instruction Crocker, provides as follows:
   Children between eight and twelve years must attend a public, private or parochial school, or be instructed at home during the whole school year.
   Children between twelve and fourteen years must attend school or have private instruction eighty days, one half of the legal school year.
   Children between fourteen and sixteen years must attend school when not lawfully and regularly employed.
   Children not in proper mental or physical condition are, of course, exempted.
   Persons responsible for children, who fail to comply with the law, are subject to fine.
   Persons employing children unlawfully are subject to fine.
   Attendance of officers are provided for the execution of the law in cities and union free school districts.
   Truants are to be arrested and turned over to their parents or teachers. Incorrigible truants are to be brought before a magistrate.
   Truant schools are provided for where needed.
   The State Superintendent will have general oversight of the execution and enforcement of the law.
   The new law also contains several other important provisions. One is that after January 1st, 1896, no persons shall be employed or licensed to teach in the primary or grammar schools of any city having a superintendent of schools, who has not had successful experience in teaching for three years, or has not graduated from a high school or academy of three years' course, approved by the State Superintendent, or from some institution of equal high rank or from any teachers' training class having a course of thirty eight weeks.
   Under the bill just approved by the Governor, the school authorities are obliged to provide school room for all children in the district—a fact of much importance, especially in large cities. It also provides for a superintendent, at a salary of $2,500 to see that the law is properly enforced.

Citizens Meeting Held in the Interest of the New Railroad— Soliciting Committee Appointed.
   Saturday night is always a bad night to hold a public meeting in Cortland, but notwithstanding this fact about seventy-five prominent citizens met in Firemen's hall last Saturday evening, in response to the call issued the day before, to consider the question of raising funds to assist in building a railroad from this place to the mouth of Gee Brook, in the town of Cincinnatus, a distance of seventeen miles. Mr. Wesley Hooker was called to the chair and E. D. Blodgett, Esq., acted as secretary. Mr. Hooker said that the road would prove of great benefit to Cortland and that the citizens here could not afford to allow this opportunity to secure it to pass.
   Mr. I. H. Palmer was then called for and responded. Mr. Palmer said that parties in New York stood ready to take a large part of the bonds, but they wanted the citizens along the line to show that they had confidence enough in its earning capacity to take a portion of them. While these gentlemen first insisted that at least $50,000 of these should be taken here, they had finally consented to take the balance if the people to be benefited by the road would take $25,000. The grading was practically done twenty-three years ago, since which time the road bed has been of no possible benefit to anyone. Here is an opportunity to secure a road that will prove of great value to Cortland and our citizens should make haste to improve it, as the question must be decided at once. The road will undoubtedly be pushed on from Gee brook to Deposit and from Cortland to Syracuse, making a short and direct line from that city to New York and bringing us in connection with the D. & H. Canal companies' coal mines and perhaps another coal road.
   More freight is shipped to Marathon station for Cincinnatus than is shipped there for Marathon. Six teams make a business of hauling freight from the latter place to Cincinnatus. This freight, besides all that is hauled by farmers, would go by rail. Seven lines of stages also center at a point near Gee brook. It is estimated that the milk traffic alone would pay the expenses of running the road. The estimated earnings of the road are $59,513 per year, operating expenses $35,000, leaving a profit of $24,512.
   A low estimate on the value of this road to the business of Cortland is placed at $2,000 per month, making $24,000 per year, which is the interest on $400,000.
   Mr. H. M. Kellogg, one of the R. R. commissioners of this town, said that the town was bonded for this road 23 years ago for $150,000, and we paid 7 per cent interest for thirteen years of that time, or a sum amounting to $136,500. The bonds were then funded at five per cent and in the past ten years we have paid $75.000 in interest, making in the 23 years $211,500 interest paid with no road. The village was bonded for the E. C. & N. road at the same time for $100,000. That road had since paid the town of Cortlandville $46,000 in taxes.
   Nine thousand dollars of the amount necessary has already been subscribed, leaving but $15,000 more to be taken.
   The following committee was then appointed to solicit aid from the citizens of this place: Messrs. W. D. Tisdale, T. H. Wickwire, H. Wells and F. H. Cobb from the directors and the following citizens: Messrs. C. T. Peck, C. F. Brown, E. Keator, Hugh Duffey and Fitz Boynton.
   Since the meeting the committee have met with considerable success among our business men. As a rule they agree to take bonds, which in any event will have a market value and it is confidently believed they will be worth one hundred cents on the dollar. The bonds are not to be paid for until the road is completed, with all bridges, stations and fences finished and fully equipped with rolling stock.

What Queer Notions Some People Have.
   EDITOR DEMOCRAT:—The Cortland Standard in its issue of May 25th takes occasion to oppose Mr. Mantanye's proposed amendment, making the terms of justices of the supreme court and judges of the city courts eight years. The Standard believes that all justices, judges, sheriffs and district attorneys should be appointed, and its suggestion as to the manner of their appointment is altogether more novel than sensible.
   The Standard's idea that the court of appeals should appoint the justice of the supreme court, and that the county judge should appoint the sheriffs, district attorneys and justices of the peace, seems too absurd for serious contemplation. If the burden of appointing the justices of the supreme court rested upon the court of appeals, they would be constantly besieged with applications for office, and their minds distracted from their onerous and important duties. It would make the court of appeals, in effect, the nominating convention for every judicial district in the state. The Standard could not conceive of any course more likely to lessen the respect due to the highest court in the state, than the one it now urges, nor one more likely to make the court intensely partisan.
   What reason can the Standard assign for giving a county judge power to appoint the sheriff, district attorney, and all the justices in his county? The Standard's theory might find support in a monarchial form of government, but certainly not in a republican or democratic form of government. Fortunately we live in a county where the people are capable of selecting their own officials, and it has not yet become necessary to delegate to one individual the appointing of the officers named. What a strange and anomalous condition it would be if the court had the power to create, and recreate itself.
   The Standard evidently does not expect the "dear people" will relinquish all right to select their officials, but insists if judges are to be elected it should be at rare intervals, say once in twenty years.
   When a judge is first elected it is to some extent an experiment. He may be a failure upon the bench, or he may even exceed the reasonable expectation of his friends. If a justice of the supreme court discharges the duties of his high office faithfully, capably, and honestly for eight years, his re-election is practically assured. If he has not so discharged his duties, eight years will be quite long enough for such an incumbent to retain his place.
   There is a broad intimation, running through the Standard's articles, that judges, not unfrequently procure their nominations by the corrupt use of money, and would unless elected for a long term of years, at once by "ways that are dark and tricks that are vain," seek to secure a re-nomination. The Standard evidently believes that such judges should be accorded long terms upon the bench so as to keep them from temptation, and make them independent.
   The reasons suggested by the Standard, (if they exist) afford the strongest reason for having the commission of such judges expire within a short period of time, and are the weakest, silliest reasons imaginable for asking their long continuance in power.
   Lawyers quite as strongly as laymen, desire a fearless, conscientious and upright judiciary and any personal favoritism by a judge does not escape the attention of the bar, and does not fail to receive its swift condemnation. Just how the Standard imagines a judge can, by dishonest practices increase his chances for a re-nomination does not appear. A judge may by farming out references to a favored few, obtain their favor, but such a course invites discussion and reprobation. The lawyer who is unduly the recipient of such favors, may boast of his success, but even he does not respect the donor of such judicial favors. If a judge after eight years experience on the bench, cannot be re-nominated and re-elected, it is because his judicial course has not commended itself to the people of his district or because it is believed that some other person will perform the duties of the office with greater acceptability. In either event, the people ought to have the right, as often as once in eight years, to speak upon the question. The judge of the supreme court is but the servant of the people, and he should at all times be made to feel that a re-election depends upon the faithful performance of his duties. The surest way for a judge to secure a re-nomination and re-election is to demonstrate by an industrious, faithful and honest discharge of his duties, that he is worthy of the high office. A comparatively short term is an incentive to such effort. Where the incumbent holds his office for a long term, he is less dependent upon public commendation and does not in many instances strive as hard to retain it.
   A judge who has discharged the duties of his office with fidelity for eight years may safely return his commission to the people who gave it, and ask for its renewal. Such a judge will be quite willing to do so. It is those who have demonstrated their unfitness for judicial station that need the long term.
   If the people in any judicial district have made a mistake in the selection of a justice of the supreme court, it is a fearful mistake, and the people should not be compelled to wait more than eight years for an opportunity to correct it.

A Good Appointment.
   Dr. J. C. Nelson has been appointed postmaster at Truxton. The selection is an excellent one in every respect. Dr. Nelson is a lifelong democrat and has twice been elected to the Assembly from this county and has represented his town in the board of supervisors for many terms. In every position Dr. Nelson has been called upon to fill he has demonstrated his fitness for the place.

The Sewer Contract.
   The Sewer Commissioners met in Clerk Hatch's office Wednesday evening and appointed Wm. B. Landreth, engineer to supervise the putting in of the sewers. The contract which had been sent to Messrs. Doe, Nicholson & Deloyea, the contractors, to be executed had not been returned. As soon as it is received the contract will be signed by the proper authorities and the work will be commenced at once.

   Wednesday ev'g, May 23, the interior of the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Warren at 38 Greenbush-st. was the scene of a joyous and brilliant assembly of friends who had gathered to witness the marriage ceremony of their only daughter Miss Lelia M., to Mr. J. William Angell, one of Cortland's most respected business men. During the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Amos Watkins, rector of Grace church, the contracting parties stood under an umbrella of smilax and flowers supported by miniature cords of smilax attached to the umbrella and reaching to the centre and corners of the room.
   As the couple entered the spacious parlor, Mangang's orchestra played the wedding march. Mr. D. B. Baker, the grooms' business partner, served as best man and Messrs. Fred L. McDowell, E. L. Pierce, T. N. Hollister and E. R. Beach were the ushers. The flower girls, the Misses Olive and Cora Edgcomb carried baskets of lilies of the valley and white lilacs. The bride wore a handsome gown of white silk and a wreath of orange blossoms. A bouquet of white roses was in her hand.
   An elegant wedding supper was served after the ceremony was over by caterer Geo. Griffith. After the tables were cleared many couples joined in the dance which was kept up until a late hour. The presents filled one entire room and were very handsome and expensive. The couple left for Washington, New York and Philadelphia on the 11:20 train and are expected home to-morrow. Many guests from out of town were present. The young couple start out in life with the best wishes of a host of friends.

A. P. Smith photographed in 1886 at Gettysburg.
   Judge A. P. Smith delivered the memorial address at Dryden Wednesday.
   Chas. D. Geer has been appointed constable in place of J. J. Gillett resigned.
   The races on the Cortland Driving Park open Tuesday, June 26, and last four days.
   Tully Lake Park hotel will be open for guests July 1st, and the season will close September 15th.
   Last week Mr. F. M. Miller purchased a fine pair of horses in Chenango county for Mr. O. L. Ingraham of the Messenger house.
   A fine display of the goods manufactured by the Cortland Forging Co. is on exhibition in one of the windows of D. F. Wallace & Co.'s store.
   Burglars entered the house of Miss Carrie Travis one mile east of McGrawville last Monday night and carried off a gold watch and ten dollars in money.
  Mr. M. Day Murphey has been chosen by the Hitchcock Hose Co., to take charge of the entertainments at their fair to be held in the armory this month.
   Last Tuesday Mr. Frank M. Miller sold his fine pair of bay pacers to Glenn A. Tisdale for $875. They are a handsome pair and get over the road at a very rapid gait.
   Mrs. Amos Davenport of East Homer, who had an operation performed for cancer at the hospital last week Tuesday, died the following Thursday morning. An autopsy was initiated by Dr. Santee, assisted by Drs. Nash and Johnson [and] took place in the afternoon.
   The regular meeting of the board of managers of the Hospital association will be held at the hospital, Monday afternoon, June 4, at 3 o'clock.
   Mr. John L. Conrad of this village has been appointed distributing clerk in the postoffice in place of Charles A. White, resigned. Mr. Conrad has taught school for several terms in this county and is an active young democrat.
   While Wm. C. Freer was returning from the pump station last Saturday, his horses started to run and he was thrown from the wagon. The wheels of the heavy wagon passed over his chest and shoulder. He has suffered much pain since, but is now better.
   The board of engineers have appointed N. J. Peck delegate and F. J. Burns alternate to attend the State Firemen's convention to be held in Oswego. Mr. A. G. Bosworth will attend the annual meeting of N. Y. Volunteer Firemen's Association to be held in Ithaca as delegate. Mr. O. B. Raymond was appointed alternate.
   There was a large attendance at the Tioughnioga club rooms Wednesday evening, it being ladies night. Miss Grace Darling and Mrs. Shepard played a duet on the piano, Mrs. Mangang gave a solo and Mr. Rackleyeft sang a base solo. Altogether the evening was pleasantly spent.

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