The Wicked World.
(From the Albany Argus, June 9.)
One of the former reporters of the St. Louis Post
Dispatch, a paper owned and managed in connection with the New York World,
gave testimony before the senate investigating committee which lets light into
the inside workings of these newspapers. This reporter, Mr. Walker, testified that
he had been instructed to implicate Senator Vest in the sugar scandal, and that
on his refusal he was discharged, and the
World bureau in Washington continued the work which he had dropped.
The World
is one of the newspapers which is set up to be a political machine in itself to
destroy the men in politics who will not succumb to its wishes and to elevate
those whom it finds to be pliant tools. Its attitude towards several prominent
officials in this State shows that their treatment of Mr. Walker has not been
confined to himself alone.
Everybody knows that the World maintained a paid lobby during the
winter to influence legislation. The men who did what the World wanted were supported and praised, and the men who would not take
their instructions from its lobby were attacked in their public and private
Such conduct as this does injury to ever reputable
newspaper in this State. It hurts the influence of the public press. It prevents
a reform of the libel system. It tends to bring published statements into disrepute.
It is altogether the greatest bane and the worst injury with which the reputable
newspapers of the State have to contend.
Once upon a time the Dutch captured Holland
and last week the republicans carried Oregon. The state was devastated by the
floods and the Democrats were short of sailing craft or they might have done better.
The Cortland Daily Standard is
wonderfully fond of quoting the New York World and New York Sun as
Democratic journals. If it can derive any satisfaction from such a course, when
everybody else knows that both of these journals are giving all the aid and
comfort to the republicans in their power, no harm can be done. The Standard claims great results for the republicans in the Oregon
election last week and quotes from the Sun to substantiate its claims.
Just at present the DEMOCRAT feels in the mood to quote from the Sun. According to this great allie [sic]
of the republicans the vote in the State of Oregon last week was as follows:
Lord, Rep. for Governor, 38,795
Pierce, Pop. For Governor, 32,021
Dem. for Governor, 16,241
At the National election held in that state
in 1892, the vote was as follows:
Harrison, Rep., 35,002
Weaver, Pop., 26,965
Cleveland, Dem., 14,243
It will be seen that at the election held last
week the gains over the election of 1892 were:
Populists, 5,056
Republicans, 3,774
Democrats, 1,998
From these figures we learn that the
Populists gained 19 per cent, the Democrats 13 per
cent, and the Republicans 11 percent over the vote of 1892. The republicans
have no cause to rejoice over the recent election in Oregon for both the Democrats
and Populists made larger gains than the Republicans. Every Democrat in the
country has a right to rejoice and they do rejoice over the splendid showing made
by the Democrats in Oregon last week. Of course the Republican N. Y. Sun and the Republican Cortland Standard would like to have it otherwise but figures tell the truth. The Cortland
Standard is a great newspaper.
(From the Albany Argus, June 5.)
The New York Tribune prints an interesting letter from a correspondent on the history
of election frauds in New York State. This letter says that these frauds were
begun by the old Whigs. They started the system of colonizing voters, of
changing ballots and of marking tickets so that they could be identified as they
went into the box. It is surprising that the Tribune prints this confession. Probably the letter, which is not
on the editorial page, appeared by inadvertence and the man who put it in the
paper has been discharged for his carelessness
It is a matter well known in history that the
various election frauds in the state have been begun and continued not only by
the Whig party, which was the father of the Republican party, but by its
offspring. That is the reason why the Republican party so
strenuously objects to extending the registration laws over the State and to make
equal the safe guards to every ballot box whether in a Republican or in a
Democratic district.
The Republican party has always been able to
have a large campaign fund. Money is essential to frauds at the polls. The men who commit fraud do not do so through
the love of fraud, but to earn the wages of their iniquity, and the Republican
party has constantly had the means to pay these wages. Its large collections
from corporations, protected manufacturers, trusts and other interests defended
by its legislative and financial policy, have constantly kept full to the brim
the Republican treasury. It has hired negroes to come from the South and pad
the districts of New York every presidential year. It was more readily enabled
to do this because the inspectors were not able to distinguish as quickly
between colored men as between white men.
In every successive presidential campaign the
Republican national committee has located its headquarters and its treasury in
New York and poured its corruption fund out through the State. Voters in our
city recall the amount of money which every presidential year has been in the
hands of the Republican workers.
The Tribune
makes a frank confession. Everybody knows the truth of it.
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Bill Dalton. |
Sheriffs Took the Famous Desperado by Surprise and in the Engagement Which
Followed the Bandit Was Shot, Dying Quickly.
ARDMORE, Indian Territory, June
9.—"Bill" Dalton, outlaw, train robber, bank robber, and the leader
of the Longview raid, is dead. He died as he always swore he would, with his
boots on and a six-shooter is his hands. The encounter occurred three miles
southwest of Elk, I. T., yesterday morning, between 7 and 8 o'clock.
When the Longview bank robbery occurred it
was learned that the horses ridden by the men were stolen near Elk. The last
that was seen of their trail, on their return from the raid, they were going in
the direction of this place. Thursday morning Houston Wallace come to town
accompanied by two women. He had an unusual amount of money, and bought a wagon-load
of provisions. Deputy Marshall T. Lindsey was suspicious that something was
wrong, as Wallace is a man of very small means. Lindsey resolved to search the
He found three gallons of whisky and a large
amount of ammunition. The various other purchases further aroused his
suspicions, and he resolved to go to Wallace's home, thinking the bank robbers
were there.
The men and two women were held under arrest
by Commissioner Gibbons on the whisky
charge, while Deputy Lindsey secured as a posse Deputies Denton, Leatherman,
Brooker, Reynolds, Hart, Freeman and E. W. Roberts to raid Wallace's place.
They left Ardmore Thursday night, riding on
a circuitous route and reaching Wallace's place about daylight yesterday
morning. The house was quickly surrounded, but a woman had seen the Deputies
and given the alarm.
rushed to a rear window and leaped out, but was ordered to halt by Deputy Hart,
who commanded him to stop three times. Dalton refused, and pulled his pistol,
when Hart fired, striking Dalton in the left side. Dalton fell and died in a
few moments. There is no doubt as to the identity of Dalton, as letters were in
his trunk. Mrs. Dalton says she expected him to meet his death as he did.
A sum of money was found in Dalton's trunk,
along with a coin sack such as is used by banks. The dead robber was a fine
type of physical manhood. Jennie Dalton, his wife, has telegraphed to friends in
San Francisco of his death, and has requested them to arrange for his burial.
Big Circus.
Walter L. Main's circus, menagerie and
hippodrome will exhibit in Cortland on Tuesday, June 26, 1894. The press of the
country speak highly of the show and its reputation is on a par with Barnum and
Forepaugh. Here is what the Belaire, Ohio, Tribune of a recent issue
says of the show:
After witnessing the street performance
given by Walter L. Main's circus, there was but one verdict, that if the parade
was any indication of the worth of the circus, that then it must be the best
that the people of Braddock ever witnessed, and so it turned out to be.
From the time one entered the menagerie,
where the two-headed calf was one of the curios, until the time one left the
large circus tent, there was nothing but strange sight-seeing and marvelous and
hitherto unseen acting hereabouts, both by man and beast.
Just think of a lion, that lordly beast of
the forest, riding a horse, yet that is just what the lion "Wallace"
does; then imagine dogs, ponies and elephants all working together, evincing a
degree of friendship many of the human race could copy from with advantage, and
as for bare-back riding, you must see Miss Nellie Ryland and Prof. Stick
Davenport to appreciate their skill and daring. Then there is the leaping
Geneva, who recalls the doubted feats of the traditional "Black
Bess;" Geneva leaping over bars six feet high. M'lle Gaza, who by power of
magnetism raises three men on a chair with one hand, although weighing but 110
pounds. The hippodrome races are positively unequaled and more than worth the
cost of admission.
The concert is in accord with the circus,
most of the taking features of the Midway Plaisance being seen there.
Altogether Main's circus is without a parallel, and we hope to have them return
to us as often as possible.
Beatrice, Lion Tamer, Terribly Bitten During a Performance—May Not Live.
CONEY ISLAND, June 10.—Mile Beatrice, a lion
tamer at the London Zoo at West Brighton, had a narrow escape from being
mangled to death to-night by a lion.
She enters a cage with two lions. While she
was making her usual attempt to kiss the lips of Brutus to-night the man who feeds
the lions made his appearance near the cage with a box of raw beef.
Brutus caught sight of the beef and in a moment
he unfastened Beatrice's hold upon him and sprung upon her.
Manager Farrar and trainers Bronce and Ordway
rushed in with pitchforks. After plunging the forks several times in the head
and body of the lion they managed to make him loosen his hold and got the girl
out of the cage.
Dr. Hill was summoned and upon examination
found that the lion had succeeded in sticking three of his teeth through the
woman's left jaw. Other parts of the face were also chewed.
Dr. Hill said it was the worst case of
animal bite he ever saw. The woman was delirious at midnight and is in a
precarious condition.
Two of a
A year ago one Harry Howard, who owned a
cigar store in Waverly, N. Y., deserted his wife and child and ran away with
another woman and has not since been seen or heard from. The Owego Gazette of
last week gives the following history of subsequent events connecting the
Howard woman with a Cortland county man
"After Howard's elopement, his wife and
three-year-old daughter Bessie went to live with Howard's grandfather, Clark
Howard, in south Waverly, whose house was next door to the one she and her
husband had occupied. Not long since she obtained a divorce.
"Last winter John Cronk, a stone mason,
came from Marathon, Cortland county, to live with his sister, Mrs. Potter,
whose home was near by, and soon he became attentive to Mrs. Howard. She began
to keep late hours, and soon afterward went to live alone in the house she had
formerly occupied, Mr. Howard assisting her in furnishing it. Some two weeks
ago she told him that she was going away on a visit. She had secretly sold a
portion of her goods, and she packed up and removed the rest, leaving her child
with her grandparents. Then she disappeared from public view. As Cronk has been
missing ever since, it is believed that they went away together.
"Cronk disappeared just in time to avoid
arrest. He had deserted his wife and five children at Marathon, carrying away $2,000,
the proceeds of the sale of a house and lot, which had been given to Mrs. Cronk
by her mother. When Mrs. Howard left town she took all of her little daughter's
best clothing and some jewelry, which has left the impression that she intends
some time to send for the child."
Trial Fire Alarm.
Some three or four weeks ago it was
announced that the annual trial alarm for the Fire Department would take place
in the near future but, of course, no date was set. The several companies were
expecting it at almost any moment.
Last Saturday night, a Standard reporter
took Chief Peck and his assistants into his confidence and informed them that
he was about to spring the trap on the boys, consequently the Standard reporter
and the officers of the department hied themselves by different routes to box
214 on the extension of Lincoln-ave. and at 7 o'clock the reporter pulled the
box. At precisely 4 minutes later Hitchcock Hose had a stream of water on the
reporter and thereby won the $5 offered by the chief as a prize. Forty-five
seconds later Water Witch Company had another stream of water flowing. Emerald Hose
got third water and Orris Hose Co., fourth. The Hook and Ladder Co. got mixed
on the number of the box pulled and were a little late. They sent a man over
the ladder however in 16 ½ seconds after their arrival. The Protective Police
had a stake in the ground and were stretching their rope when the first stream
appeared. It was plain to all that the Cortland Fire Department is a first
class organization.
Had not the Standard reporter
confided the secret to Chief Peck and his assistants, the affair would
undoubtedly have been a terrible failure.
A Good
Last Saturday soon after one o'clock the
streets of Cortland presented a somewhat animated appearance for nearly an
hour. All the excitement was caused by a grand parade of farmers from different
parts of the county, each with a McCormick harvester or mowing machine in his
wagon, the whole headed by Cortland city band. They traversed several of our
principle streets and were photographed by Burnham at the corner of Railroad
and Main. The machines were sold by the local agent Mr. M. J. Peck, who entertained
about fifty of the farmers at dinner at the Cortland House. Thirty-five
machines were in line.
Dr. F. W. Higgins was thrown from his bicycle
last Friday night and his right wrist was badly sprained.
The primary department of the McGrawville Sunday
school are enjoying a picnic at Floral Trout Park to-day.
Main's Circus, menagerie and hippodrome will
exhibit in this place Tuesday, June 26th.
Don't fail to see it.
The interior of the first door of the Messenger
House is very much improved by a new coat of paint and some handsome paper.
Prof. J. J. Pease of Moravia, formerly principal
of the old Cortland academy, died at his home in that village last week Thursday
The trustees of Cortland Rural cemetery have
purchased 2 1/4 acres of land of Dudley G. Corwin which adjoins their property
on the north.
Dr. F. W. Higgins assisted by Drs. Reese,
Henrick and Kinyon removed a tumor weighing between one and two pounds from Mr.
Eber N. Withey of East Freetown last week Thursday morning. The operation was
performed at the Cortland hospital and was successful.
Bill Daniels, proprietor of the Orchard-st.
livery has a fine new hack upon the streets, and is now prepared to carry
passengers to any part of the village for 25 cents. He also runs a dime express
in connection with same for transporting baggage or packages. Orders by
telephone will be promptly answered.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the muster
in of Grover Post, No. 98, G. A. R. was celebrated in their rooms last evening.
It was also the 117th anniversary of the adoption of the stars and stripes as
the National flag. The evening was a pleasant one and the short talks were all
interesting. The flag was displayed on all public buildings in the state
yesterday by order of Gov. Flower, and many patriotic citizens in every town
and city in the state displayed the colors.
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