The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 22,
County Teachers' Association.
following is the programme of the Cortland County Teachers' Association which
is to be held in the Academy at Marathon on Saturday, June 30.
10. A. M.—Address
of welcome—Hon. James H. Tripp.
C. V. Coon.
E. D. Clark.
to Intelligent Reading," Miss May A. Knapp, Prin. W. A. Ingalls.
Mary Kerrigan.
Jennie D. Wells.
of Primary Teachers," Miss Nellie Hayes, Prin. Geo. Bailey.
and Decimal Fractions and their Relation to Percentage," Mrs. Dora Greene, Howard
B. Gibbs.
Nellie Page.
to Classify According to the Course of Study," Miss Evelyn Armstrong, Miss Hattie Pollard.
All who
are now teaching or who expect to teach in this county during the coming school
year, and all interested in educational work are earnestly requested to be present
and take an active part in these discussions.
C. V.
COON, President.
HOESEN, Commissioners.
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Tom Platt. |
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Whitelaw Reid. |
◘ The
republicans of Rhode Island have elected Geo. P. Wetmore U. S. Senator in place
of Nathan Dixon. Mr. Wetmore is a very wealthy man.
◘ The
miners are very much dissatisfied with the arrangement made by their leaders, whereby
they agree to resume work again in the mines, and it looked very much for a few
days as if they would not stand by their bargain. Last Monday some fifteen
thousand men went to work in the Pittsburg district, but those in Ohio and other
western states have refused to go to work and claim that they will not be bound
by the agreement signed by their leaders.
◘ It is
claimed that Tom Platt, Whitelaw Reid, Warner Miller and J. J. Belden have pooled
their issues and organized a combination which they firmly believe will sweep
everything before it. It is called "The Big Four" and the combination
proposes to run the republican party hereafter, or know the reason why. Mr. Platt
is a very shrewd political manipulator and it will be an exceedingly cold day
when he fails to do as he pleases with his own party. Belden is no slouch and
he undoubtedly knows what Jim had better do. He was opposed to Platt two years
ago. There will be fun in the Onondaga county primaries this fall.
◘ The
Republicans have been claiming for years that they favored temperance reform.
They now have a large majority in the Constitutional convention and if so
disposed, they have it in their hands to put a prohibition amendment into the
new constitution to be submitted to the people for their adaption. They will
never have a better opportunity to do something handsome for the temperance
people. What harm could there be in submitting the question to a vote of the
people? A majority should rule and if the people say by their vote that they
want prohibition they ought to have It. Are the republicans afraid of the
majority vote of the people or are their professions a mockery? They should be
put to the test.
◘ The Lexow Committee, which was appointed to ferret out as many shortcomings as possible
among Democratic officials in general and particularly in New York city, have
thus far succeeded in showing that police commissioner McClave, republican, has
been using his position for all the money there was to it, if his son in-law, Granger, can be believed. The witness
is shown, however, to be such a consummate rascal himself that he would not be
entitled to belief, were it not for the fact that his story had been corroborated
in some particulars by others. Some of the police captains have been shown to
have accepted money from disorderly houses for protection, but the evidence
comes from the people who were running these festiferous [sic] places and must
be taken with considerable allowance.
◘ On
Tuesday Erastus Wiman, who for several years past has been connected with R. G. Dun & Co., the commercial reporters in
New York, was sentenced to hard labor in Sing Sing prison for five years and
six months for forgery. He had large business interests outside of Dun &
Co.'s affairs, and when in need of money for some of these interests he
drew checks on the firm's account, payable to the order of one E. W. Bullinger
and endorsed Bullinger's name on the back and deposited the same in his own
bank for his private account. His share of the profits of R. G. Dun & Co.
amounted some years to $80,000, and he claimed to be a partner in the firm which
was denied by Dun & Co. It is also claimed that Wiman was the man who built
up the business so that the firm now realizes a profit of $500,000 a year. For a
man who has heretofore occupied such a prominent position in the business and social
world, the fall is remarkable.
◘ The
cultured and extremely high-flavored town of Boston, Mass., is to be reformed.
It is claimed that her cultured citizens refuse to drink the cold tea in her
harbor any more and have of late years taken to guzzling the plain plebian
mixture called whisky. This is indeed sad and reform in this respect would seem
to be an absolute necessity. When the hub of the universe falls from its
pinnacle what can be expected of the common every day towns like New York and
Chicago. Latter day reform and crime seem to travel hand in hand and the one is
often mistaken for the other. The criminal is usually in office and the reformer
is desirous of securing his place, and when his object has been attained, he in
turn will become the criminal, and the rascal whose place he has secured will
meet with a change of heart and become a reformer. Still there are genuine reformers
to be met with but it is somewhat difficult to select the true from the false.
Uncle Sam Demands a Restitution of
22,500,000 Pesetas.
June 8.—United States Minister Taylor has communicated a note to the Spanish
government, declaring that the customs duties are improperly collected in the island of Cuba owing to misinterpretation
of the treaty with the United States.
As a result, the United States claims
reimbursement in the sum of 22,500,000 pesetas, on the ground that articles
which are free of duty, according to the English text of the agreement, are not
included in the Spanish copy of the agreement which was sent to Cuba for the
use of the Spanish customs officials in that island.
It is
said that if Spain yields in this, matter the Cuba revenue will undergo a decline
of 15,000,000 pesetas.
June 8.—The announcement that the United States is pressing claims on Spain for
a rebate on customs duties improperly collected in Cuba is confirmed at the
State department. Little doubt is entertained that Spain will ultimately agree
to reimburse the United States.
In 1835,
fifty-nine years ago, May 14, the snow fell twelve inches deep, but the mercury
was eight degrees above freezing. In 1841, on the morning of June 11, the
mercury fell to six degrees below freezing and all fruit was killed, the leaves
of the forest were scorched as by fire, farmers ploughed up their cornfields
and sowed buckwheat, as far as seed could be found.
On June
6, 1816, snow fell all day with a hard wind, and in Stamford, Delaware county, snow drifted so much as to obstruct the
roads. In August of that year, a frost destroyed the corn in this state, except
in the lower valley of the Hudson river.
May 15,
1894, mercury twenty-eight degrees above zero, and early fruit and vegetables damaged
if not destroyed.— Walton Reporter.
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Edward D. Blodgett. |
Last week
Wednesday evening Mr. Edward D. Blodgett, one of the editors and proprietors of
the Cortland Standard, was married to Miss Bertha E. Jones at the home
of the bride's parents in Brockton, Mass. The bridesmaid was Miss Lizzie Lee
Jones, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Frank D. Blodgett, a brother of the groom
acted as best man. A very large number of the friends of the bride were present
at the wedding.
Blodgett is one of Cortland's most highly esteemed citizens and has a host of friends
here, who will wish him bon voyage as he sails over the sometimes troublous sea
of matrimony. The DEMOCRAT hopes that it will always be a summer sea to him and
his shipmate, and that their bark may never need pilot to take them safely through
the channel of life until it anchors in the haven of peace in the great beyond.
Blodgett was formerly a teacher in the Cortland Normal and is not unknown to
our people. She enjoys the respect and esteem of all of her acquaintances and
she will be cordially welcomed by her old friends and many new ones in her
future home in this village. The honeymoon is being spent in a carriage ride
among the hills of old Berkshire and will be concluded with a sail down the
Hudson to New
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Mr. James Luther Hickok and Miss Edith Emelyne Mahan were joined in the holy bonds of
wedlock in Grace Episcopal Church, Rev. Amos Watkins, rector of the parish
officiating, assisted by Rev W. Bours Clarke of Seneca Falls. While the guests
were entering the church the chime of bells rang "Annie Laurie," Robin
Adair," "Suwanee River" and "Coming thro' the Rye,"
under the skillful manipulation of Mr. Fred I. Graham. During the ceremony Mr.
F. R. Miller played the "Wedding March" from Lohengrin and the
"Angels Serenade" on the organ. After the ceremony and while the
bridal party and guests were taking their leave he rendered the "Wedding
March" from Mendelssohn.
The bride wore a gown of heavy white satin en-train,
trimmed with point lace and real orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet
of Lilies of the Valley.
The bridal veil was of white tulle, fastened with a diamond orchid and orange blossoms.
The handsome gown was made by Miss Doyle of D. McCarthy & Co. of Syracuse.
Miss Mary R. Mahan, a sister of the handsome bride, was maid of honor and was
gowned in white chiffon, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and white satin ribbon.
She wore a white leghorn hat, trimmed with white ostrich plumes and yellow and
white violets and carried a bouquet of yellow roses.
Mr. James
Wallace Hart of Auburn was best man and the Misses Alma Y. Hickok, of St.
Louis, Mo., Grace E. Spalding of Lockport. N. Y., Lina Stanton Hawley of Philadelphia,
Jessica L. Phelps of Norwood, N. Y., and Mary Laura Wright of Wellsboro, Pa.,
were bridesmaids. They were dressed in yellow silk, trimmed with white chiffon
and yellow satin ribbon and carried bouquets of yellow and white roses.
ushers were Messrs. Leroy W. Hickok of Malone, N. Y., Lester P. Bennett of
Homer, Fred B. Haring, Edward R. Beach and F. Alexis Mahan, the brides only
brother of Cortland.
After the
ceremony the bridal party and guests were driven to the home of the bride's
parents on North Main-st.. where an elaborate wedding supper was served by
caterer Geo. Griffith. Mangang's splendid orchestra furnished music at the home
and many of the guests enjoyed themselves in dancing until quite a late hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Hickok took the 11:20 train south and will be gone some ten days
on their wedding tour. They will board at the Cortland House on their return
from the following towns were present: Syracuse, Auburn, Malone, Norwood,
Homer, Glen Haven, Wellsboro, Pa., Philadelphia, Seneca Falls, St. Louis, etc.
The groom
has been head bookkeeper in the First National bank of this place for several
years past, and has made many friends by his gentlemanly manners and his
uniform courtesy. The bride is a beautiful and amiable young lady and all who
know the young couple will wish them a long and happy married life.
A Brilliant Wedding.
Thursday evening of last week the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Wheeler was
brilliantly illuminated and the interior was made fragrant and beautiful with choice
cut flowers and palms, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Miss
Nellie M. Barrett to Mr. William L. Fox.
As the
clock struck eight, the bridal party marched into the parlor and took their
places in the bay window, where they were married under a bell made of marguerites,
Miss Nina Rawson playing the wedding march. The bride was dressed in white
bangoline trimmed with Dutchess lace and orange blossoms. She carried a bunch
of roses in her hand
Carolyn Stratton of Addison acted as maid of honor and was dressed in white with
May roses. The bride's maids were Miss Elizabeth King of Toronto, Canada, Miss
Bessie Darby of Elmira, Miss Harriett
Johnson of Hornellsville and Miss Bertha Russell of Olean and were all
dressed in dotted Swiss trimmed with yellow ribbons. Mr. Charles L. Mead of
Cortland was best man. The ushers were Messrs. G. Harry Garrison, James
Robertson, Mumford Keese and Hubert Maine, all of Cortland.
Mrs. Fox
is a graduate of the Elmira Female College and is one of Cortland's most
popular and estimable young ladies. The groom is a young man of bright prospects
and has been in the employ of the Cortland Wagon Company for some years past as
The happy
couple left on the 11:20 P. M. train, amid a shower of rice and shoes, for
parts unknown, accompanied by the best wishes of a host of friends. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. Robertson of Cortland.
elegant wedding supper was served by caterer Griffith after which the young people
enjoyed several hours in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will reside in Cortland.
Struck by Lightning.
evening during the severe thunder storm lightning struck one of H. A. Wadsworth's
barns, near Solon, tearing away half the gable end and hurling the pieces some
distance away. When discovered, flames were issuing from the doors of the
building but with timely effort the fire which was caught in the hay was extinguished.
Besides a few tons of hay the barn contained valuable farming implements and a
number of calves. Luckily all escaped unharmed. The damage to the building was
fully covered by insurance.—McGrawville Sentinel.
Don't fail to see the circus parade at 10 A.
M. next Tuesday.
Lee's Circus was pretty well patronized last
Friday. The show was a very good one, some of the acts being especially good.
Orris Hose Company will celebrate the fourth
at Floral Trout park with games, fireworks, etc. The programme will be an interesting
Freer's Independence party to be held Tuesday
evening, July 3rd, at Higginsville, and furnish an excellent opportunity for
social enjoyment to all who dance. Keep the date in mind.
If you want to protect your sheep from being
killed by dogs, put bells on a few of them. The tinkle of the bells seem to warn
the dogs of danger and they will not chase the sheep. It is worth trying. Many people
prefer to let the dogs kill the sheep, especially in these times, and make the town
pay for them.—Ex.
Mr. D. F. Waters, foreman of the Excelsior Hook
and Ladder company returned yesterday morning from Seneca Falls. He saw the new
truck which is being built for the company by Gleason & Bailey and which
will be completed and delivered here in a short time. The makers are putting up
an extra fine job and Cortland will soon have the finest hook and ladder truck in
central New York.
Last Friday evening while Mr. P. Sugerman was
driving with his family to Blodgett's Mills by way of the sand bank road, the
horse became frightened at the ringing of the gong at the crossing near [the]
John H. Rease residence, and backing up overturned the carriage throwing Mr.
and Mrs. Sugerman, daughter Julia and Mrs. I. Whiteson out. The horse ran up
the track and the train struck the surrey breaking the rear seat and smashing
the top. All escaped injury except Mrs. Julia Sugerman, one of whose knees was
quite severely bruised.
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