Sunday, July 9, 2017


Roswell Flower.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 6, 1894.

Governor Flower and the World.
(From the Albany Argus, June 30, 1894.)
   Governor Flower has been the object of the New York World's petty spite for some time now. That Mugwump, sensational and unreliable sheet has thrown its shafts of personal venom right and left, without regard to fairness, truth or [regard,] but the arrows have fallen short of the mark. When a great newspaper attacks a great man because the great man refuses to be dictated to by the great newspaper there is little force in vituperation. The New York World attempted to tell Governor Flower what bills he should sign and incidentally to guide the pen in the matter of vetoes.
   The governor ignored the World and went about his work as though there was no such man as Pulitzer. He performed his sacred duty with only one object in view, with but one thought—to benefit the people of the great State of New York. He was fearless because he knew that he was right. He knew that Pulitzer was not the entire State, even though he did claim ownership of the World.
   And when a great man and a great governor dares to fling defiance to a great newspaper like the World and refuses either to be bulldozed or persuaded to do that which he thinks is against the welfare of the people who placed him in office, every citizen should feel proud of its executive.
   When Governor Flower refused to recognize the dictation of Pulitzer the latter did not know what to make of it. He immediately instructed his editors to "pitch into the governor" and his minions have faithfully carried out instructions. They have attacked him from every point but the animus has been apparent, and Governor Flower still refuses to be coerced.
   The World was instrumental in inaugurating an investigation into the Niagara Falls Power contract as applied to the canals, and called loudly upon the legislature to impeach the governor. There was a great stir made over the World's scare. A committee was appointed to investigate. Testimony was taken and the World waited in vain for its sensation.
   The committee never reported its findings because nothing was found—except favorable things. They found—but did not make a report of it—that if the contract had been awarded, as Governor Flower had advised, it would have resulted in a great benefit to the State. It would have meant a solution of the great canal problem that is puzzling the legislators and business men of the State. It would have meant a saving of millions annually to the State and the formation of a canal system that would have completely revolutionized its workings, to the benefit of all hands concerned.
   The New York World will soon realize the truth of the wise words, "You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time—but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time." And it will not be long before the people will come to the realization of the fact that "When you see it in the World—It's not so."

At the hour of going to press it looks as if the strike on the western railroads would soon come to an end. The strikers, it is thought, will lose.
The [Wilson] tariff bill has passed the Senate and is in the hands of the conference committee of both houses. It would seem as if the long agony was nearly over.
It is charged that there has been some crooked work connected with the printing done for the Constitutional Convention now in session at Albany. This is a republican organization and we suggest that the Lexow Committee be invested with power to investigate the subject. The investigation would be particularly in the committee’s line.
Mr. Henry Howes of Cuyler is a candidate for the republican nomination for sheriff. Hon. B. F. Lee of the same town wants to be renominated for Member of Assembly. Cuyler couldn't reasonably expect to have both these nominations and she won’t get them even if she does want them. Cuyler may possibly have one of them and she may possibly get neither. If Mr. Howes gets the delegates from that town Mr. Lee’s goose will be cooked to a very nice brown. On the other hand if Mr. Lee secures all the delegates from his own town, Mr. Howes will be obliged to wait three years before his ambition for official honors can be granted. It is pretty well known that in Cuyler, cash makes the mare go. If there is no money in sight, the mare baulks and refuses to budge a single inch. Messrs. Howes and Lee understand the situation perfectly. In order to secure a nomination the candidate must have all the delegates from his own town. In order to get them he must prevail upon a majority of the republican voters to vote for his delegates, or wait until the delegates are elected and then prevail upon the delegates to vote for him first, last and all the time. The result hangs entirely on the meaning which the candidate gives to the word prevail. The word ordinarily means to convince, and sometimes this is done by argument. The average Cuyler republican however, knows of only one method of being convinced and that one method is not allied to the ordinary reasoning powers. There is nothing ephemeral about it. It is eminently practical and will purchase more bread than a ten acre lot full of ordinary reasoning. The candidate who has the largest bundle of this sort of argument with him, and has become heartily tired of carrying it about is liable to win, provided he exercises good judgment in distributing it, and is the last colporter who visits the town. There are those who think that the distribution should take place just before the caucus while others insist that the safest and most satisfactory time is after the convention meets and just before the vote is taken. Of course the DEMOCRAT cannot decide this question, but Messrs. Howes and Lee will undoubtedly know all about it.

A Horse in a Church Pew.
   Man's best friend, the horse, often takes him to church, but has rarely been known to constitute part of the congregation. At North Pharsalia, however, a horse actually sat down in a church pew on Thursday. He had been frightened by a bicycle and ran, dashing the buggy to which he was harnessed into a hundred fragments and bolting straight through the open door of the Presbyterian chapel. In the main aisle he lost his balance and fell over into a pew, where he sat on his haunches wildly pawing the air in his efforts to rise. A portion of the pew was removed before he could be extricated.—Norwich Sun.

Beginning the Fourth.
   The small boy and his older brother began operations Tuesday night about 11 o'clock with fire crackers and small cannon. At 11:30 o'clock some malicious individual succeeded in opening [fire alarm] box 142, corner South Main and Union-sts. with a key which was "home made" and had no number, and sent in a false alarm to which the entire fire department responded.
   Several large bonfires were built of boxes and rubbish from adjacent alleys. President Tisdale had arranged so that the sextons of the various churches rang their bells for a half hour after midnight and the fire bell was operated for a while by the lever. A difficulty over the possession of some drums occurred near the bonfire on Church-st, and one boy was arrested in possession of the wreck of one of the drums. He was released before morning on bail to appear before Justice Bull at 2 P. M. yesterday.

Exploded Too Soon.
   Mr. A. G. Klotten, a wire drawer, who resides at No. 120 Tompkins-st., was firing a small cannon at the temperance picnic in Randall's woods on Wednesday. As he held a lighted match in his hand for the purpose of lighting the fuse his attention was called in another direction and he turned his head momentarily. The match struck the fuse near the cannon, which exploded and filled the upper part of his face with powder. Dr. Higgins took a holiday in the country in the afternoon and could not be found till 7 o'clock and the accident occurred about 11:30 but he expects to save the eyesight, though it will be somewhat impaired. It will be a long time before he will be able to use his eyes.

Died Suddenly.
   Wednesday morning Mr. William S. Santus, one of the proprietors of the Homer Laundry, was delivering clothes on Homer Avenue in this place, in company with his partner and brother-in-law, Mr. Chas. Frazier. In getting out of his wagon he fell striking his head on a wheel. He was helped into the wagon and the horse headed for home. By the time they had reached the North Cortland House he was so ill he was carried into the house where he soon after had an epileptic fit. Dr. Bradford of Homer was sent for and the Dr. and the sick man's wife reached him just as he was recovering consciousness. He was soon taken with a second attack and died at 10:20 o'clock. He was thirty-three years of age and leaves a wife and two children.

Lavender Reception.
   Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. A. M. Jewett gave a reception to over a hundred of her lady friends at her home on Monroe heights. She was assisted in receiving by her sister Mrs. D. Eugene Smith of Ypsilanti, Mich., and Mrs. M. C. Eastman and Miss Marguerite Force were the ushers. The dining room was in the hands of Misses Harriet Allen, Dora E. Smith and Cora Bull.
   Lavender ribbons intertwined with similax were hung from the chandelier, to the corners of the dining table. Cake with lavender frosting, lavender bonbons and ice cream, were served to remind the guests that this was a lavender reception. The rooms were handsomely decorated and the guests were most royally entertained.

Steamer Ossahinta.

Steamer Glen Haven.

   Hon. A. P. Smith delivered the address at Dryden on the Fourth.
   Richardson the bicycle dealer has an advertisement on our last page.
   Messrs. Case, Ruggles & Bristol have a new advertisement on this page.
   The Homer Republican is moving into its new office in the Union building this week.
   The steamers Glen Haven and Ossahinta are making regular trips from Glen Haven to Skaneateles.
   A law recently passed makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear the badge of any secret society or organization without belonging to the same.
   The Cortland wheel club hold their annual wheel races on the fair grounds Saturday, July 14. They expect to have some of the very fast racers present.
   The executors of the estate of Mary L. Howard of Preble will sell a quantity of household furniture at auction at her late residence on Wednesday July 11, 1894.
   W. R. George, for several years past Superintendent of the "Fresh Air" camp at Freeville, met with an injury some weeks ago while on the "Children's Common" in Central Park, N. Y. City, by being accidentally hit with a base ball, and as a result was obliged to go to a hospital and pass through a severe operation. He is, however, as full of "Fresh Air" work as ever, and planning for his camp at Freeville this summer, as usual.
   The colored people had planned for a large celebration on the Fair Grounds but Ithaca was the only town which sent a delegation. The colored band from Syracuse failed to show up, so no parade was had and the attendance at the ball game between Ithaca and Cortland was very small and a financial failure. The speaker W. H. H. Harts of Washington, delivered an address at Well's hall in the evening which was followed by a dance.
   The contractors commenced work on the sewers last Monday on the banks of the river about one half mile below Hon. O. U. Kellogg's farm house. Quite a large force of Italians are employed. Fifteen more arrived on Wednesday evening and were set to work the following morning. The contractors propose to push the work as fast as possible. The large outlet is to be built first. At the point where the pipe empties into the river the ditch will be about sixteen feet deep. A report was about town yesterday that the Italians had struck for $1.50 per day. A reporter of the DEMOCRAT went to the scene of operations and interviewed one of the managers who said there was no strike, but a few were laid off when they struck water because they had no rubber boots. The boots were sent for and the men were all at work this morning.

The Electric Railway.
   The stockholders of the Cortland & Homer Horse Railroad company held a meeting in their office in this place last Saturday to perfect certain plans for turning the road over to the Electric company. The full board of directors of the old road now consists of the following named gentlemen: C. H. Garrison, L. D. Garrison, C. P. Walrad, E. A. Fish, G. J. Mager, E. Mudge and Ernest M. Hulbert. It is said that the stock of the company was transferred from the old to the new company and that work will commence on the road in about two weeks.

Main's Great Show.
   The streets of Cortland were filled with people on Tuesday of last week to see the grand parade of Walter L. Main's great circus, menagerie and hippodrome. It was indeed well worth coming miles to see and taken all together averaged about on a par with Barnum or Forepaugh. The horses were a fine looking lot, the vans were all handsomely painted and the costumes were fine.
   The large tent was well-filled at both the afternoon and evening performances, which were of a high order. All the acts were of the best and there was nothing old or stale about any part of the ring performance. The riding was good, the tumbling excellent and the trapeze performances superb. There were several acts performed by trick horses that equalled any ever shown in Cortland. In fact the exhibition given by Main's show in this place last week stamps it as one of the best now traveling. If anything, Mr. Main gives a better exhibition than he advertises to give. The DEMOCRAT acknowledges many attentions upon the part of Mr. Piper, the gentlemanly press agent of the show.

Purchasing a Cemetery.
   Last Tuesday the town Board of Preble was called together to take action on a special law passed last winter at Albany.
   There is an old cemetery east of the village containing perhaps about 30 graves, quite a number with tomb stones, and consisting of about one-half acre of land. It is not quite half way to the depot. The place has been neglected and not fenced, some remains having been removed and the graves not being filled up.
   Some of our village folks think it is not a sightly or pleasant place to look at,  especially for strangers to see coming to town, and that the bodies should be removed and the place cleared up and made more pleasant to the eye, and have naturally supposed that some one had a title to the land.
   Some parties also think that the town should buy the land if it can be bought and remove the bodies to Elmwood cemetery, put the land in shape and sell it again to help pay expenses. They procured through Assemblyman Lee a special act providing that the town Board of Preble may acquire the same by purchasing for town purposes and if it cannot purchase the same to acquire title by condemnation, remove the bodies and sell the same to help pay expense of the purchase and removal.
   E. M. Van Hoesen was before the Board and was a strong advocate of the purchase by the town at town expense to improve the appearance of the village. The Board was divided in opinion, but they appointed a committee to inquire as to who owned the property; if it could be purchased reasonably and about the expense of removal and to inquire into the legal question of condemnation. The chairman appointed J. T. Steele and Schuyler Cornue as such committee and on motion A. H Van Hoesen was added to the committee, and the Board adjourned for six weeks.

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