The Electric Road.
The projectors of the electric road have let
the contract for the construction of the same to a Mr. Jacobs, who came to town
yesterday. If they have no trouble procuring iron and ties, the contractor expects
to be able to commence work the first of next week. None of the material in the
old road bed will be used and new ties and rails will be put down. The rails will
be of the T pattern and of the same weight used by steam roads. The outside of
the rail will be planked and the inside graveled up to nearly the height of the
rails. Last Friday Messrs. Page and Hand looked over the Fairchild farm on
[225] Tompkins-st., with a view of purchasing the same for a park. They expect to go
around Cemetery hill from Groton-ave. to Tompkins-st., and they want the park
as an attraction for their patrons.
Electric Road to Little York.
The directors of the electric road are talking
quite seriously of extending their road to Little York. If they decide to do this
they will purchase a site on the shore of the lake which will be made into a
park. Accommodations for entertaining a large number of summer visitors will be
provided and it is believed that it would make one of the pleasantest and best
patronized resorts to be found in Central New York. A handsomer sheet of water cannot well be
found and we know of no more delightful place to spend a few hours or months.
Cortland people would enjoy the ride and many of our citizens would spend considerable
time there. If the road is built to Little York, the project to extend it to
McGrawville will undoubtedly be abandoned.
The New
Engineer Walter Messerole of Brooklyn was in
town on Monday and Tuesday on business connected with the new road from
Cortland to Cincinnatus. Work will be commenced as soon as the balance of the $25,000
in bonds has been subscribed for. Only about $3,000 of the amount remains to be
taken and this small sum ought to be provided for without delay. If New York
trust companies are willing to subscribe for several hundred thousand dollars'
worth of these bonds as an investment, there ought to be no question concerning
their value, as these institutions never handle bonds unless they are sure that
they are of sufficient value to be marketable at pretty nearly their face value.
We believe they will prove a good investment and parties having a hundred or
two dollars lying idle ought to call on the committee and invest.
Outing of the Tioughnioga Club.
Arrangements have been made by a committee
of the Tioughnioga club for their annual outing. It will occur on Thursday,
August 16 and the objective point will be Sheldrake on Cayuga lake. The train
will leave the E. C. & N. station in this place at 8:30 A. M. and arriving
at Ithaca the passengers will be taken to Renwick park by the electric cars,
where they will board the new steel steamboat Laura A. Darragh for Sheldrake,
arriving there at 11 A. M. Dinner will be served from 12 to 3 P. M., at the
Cayuga Lake house kept by Mr. D. S.
Phinney, formerly of the Ashland House, New York. Those who choose to do so can
take a ride from this landing to Aurora at 2 P. M. Boating, bathing, bowling,
billiards, lawn tennis, croquet, base ball, whist and other harmless games will
serve to while away the time of those who remain until 4 o'clock when the
steamer will return and leave for Renwick park, where the well known caterer,
Mr. Casey, will furnish a clam bake supper, after which those who care to do so
can visit the the campus on University hill and other places of interest until 8
o'clock, when the train will leave for home, arriving in Cortland at 8:45.
Here is a day full of amusements of a varied
character which cannot fail to please all who join the party.
Ed Hulbert
Narrowly Escapes Fatal Injuries—Horse Breaks a Leg and is Killed.
(From the McGrawville Sentinel, July 26.)
Yesterday morning Ed Hulbert was driving his
team hitched to a lumber wagon along the main road between here and Solon, and
as he was coming down the hill by the white school house the horses, for some
unknown reason, started into a run and became unmanageable. As they struck the
wooden bridge just west of Clint Maybury's, Mr. Hulbert was thrown from the
wagon over the north side of the bridge and into the creek. The horses freed themselves
from the wagon at this point and ran into Mr. Maybury's residence where they
collided with a maple tree and were stopped.
Mr. Hulhert managed to get out of the water
and was taken home. Dr. Forshee was summoned and on examination found no bones
broken although he says the unfortunate man sustained a most severe shaking up
and many bruises on his hip and body.
One of the horses, the black colt thought so
much of by Mr. Hulbert, was found to have broken one of his legs twice and for
a space of about three inches on the leg the flesh was pummeled in a frightful manner.
The horse was at once killed and taken away.
A strange incident connected with the affair
is the position the wagon was found in. The horses were going due west but the
wagon was found right side up headed to the east, and nothing particularly broken
except the box.
School Laws.
The following are the principal changes made
in the school law, which went into effect June 30th, 1894:
Annual school meetings must be held on the
first Tuesday of August.
No person shall be eligible to hold a school
district office who cannot read and write.
A sole trustee in any district is given the power
of three trustees. This power is important in the employment of teachers.
No person shall be qualified to vote at any
school meeting who has not been a resident of the district for at least 30
No person related by blood or marriage to
any member of the board of education in a union school district shall be
employed as a teacher except with the approval in writing of two-thirds of the
members of such board.
School districts may elect a district treasurer
as the custodian of school moneys. A treasurer must be a taxable inhabitant of
the district.
Persons holding land under contract to purchase
are qualified voters at school meeting, unless otherwise disqualified.
School commissioners are entitled to the use
of school buildings when necessary to hold examinations directed or required by
the State superintendent.
School buildings may be used for the purpose
of teachers' institutes without expense to the state except as to
heating, lighting and janitor service.
Trustees must provide ballot boxes for use
at school meetings when officers are to be elected, and a poll list of voters
shall be kept.
Trustees must provide for all janitor service
in schools, and for cleaning school buildings.
Pamphlet copies of the law, with side notes
and index, together with all separate laws relating to school matters, will be furnished
to all who apply to the department for the same.
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J. S. Coxey. |
◘ Gen. J. S. Coxey has returned to Washington.
He will take considerable pains "to keep off the grass."
◘ Representative Tucker of Virginia, who introduced
the resolution in congress for a constitutional amendment to elect United States
senators by direct vote of the people, is confident that it will be passed. Some
of the states are already consenting to the change and have nominated senators at
their State conventions. Illinois started the movement and Michigan has
followed, and it is believed the practice will become general. The people
should have the right to vote for their senators direct and we hope the
practice adopted by Illinois will become general throughout the United States.
◘ The spectacle of Altgeld, the Anarchist Governor
of Illinois, arguing with President Cleveland the question of the legality of
Federal interference with the strikers while property was being destroyed,
traffic paralyzed and the city of Chicago helpless under mob rule was hardly
calculated to render Anarchy or its representatives popular among thinking
people. Mr. Cleveland's course in the matter meets the approval of all good
citizens irrespective of party. The shedding of blood is of course to be
regretted but it was unavoidable under the circumstances and the moral it
conveys to the numerous classes who are always ready to revolt against law and
order will be beneficial.—Kingston Argus.
◘ It is all well enough for
United States Senators to get mad and swear about the unwarrantable
interference of the President concerning the tariff bill, but the Senators may
be assured that while they are abusing the President, the people are indulging in
some choice remarks concerning them, for insisting on the enactment of a bill
that is not at all in accord with Democratic principles or platforms. The
promises made by the party should be faithfully kept by its representatives in
the halls of legislation. The people of this great country are not so much
concerned over the propriety of the Presidents interference as they are that
such interference became absolutely necessary. If the senators had done their
duty there would have been no need for the President's lecture. Having failed
to do their duty, the President was warranted in using any method and any
occasion to bring them to a realizing sense of the purpose for which they were
chosen to represent the people.
◘ Platt has been interviewed
and he announces that he is in favor of a combination ticket in the city of New
York, with a republican for mayor. This would undoubtedly be a very nice
arrangement for Thomas, but it would hardly be good politics for the Democratic
organizations opposed to Tammany. They would give everything and get nothing in
return. If the Democratic organizations outside of Tammany expect to do
business they will nominate a good ticket, made up mostly if not entirely of
genuine, reliable Democrats and test the desire of the republicans of that city
for reform. If the republicans take the lions share of the ticket, Democrats will
vote with Tammany because they will prefer an indifferent Democrat to a pretty
good republican. The experiment of handing the city over to the Republican party
has been tried before and the result was never satisfactory. There may be some things
about Tammany that might be improved, but if the republican cities in the state
could show as low a tax rate as New York city shows under Tammany's rule, the
people of those cities would have a right to be pleased. There is no city in the
state where life and property is so secure as New York, and Tammany is entitled
to much of the credit for its being so. Tammany is not the bugbear that rural
republicans claim it to be, although some weak- minded children are frightened
by the cry of "Tammany."
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Eugene V. Debs. |
Guerrilla War.
CHICAGO, July 19.—The
following notice has been distributed among the employes of the stock yards:
"American Railway Union,
"July 17, 1894.
"To whom it may
concern—At a meeting held by the A. R. U. at Corcoran's hall the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Resolved, That all men
continuing in the employ of the railroad departments of the Union Stock Yards
and Transit company, Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Norris & Co.,
Burton Stock Car company, Streets' Stable Car company, Canada Cattle Car
company, and all other industries in the vicinity of the Union Stock Yards where
railroad men are employed, after 6 P. M. Wednesday, July 18, 1894, will forever
be branded as scabs, and treated as such."
"(Signed) W. H. OVERTON, President.
"J. A. DRISCOLL, Vice-
"N. R. TURPKIN, Secretary.
"(Approved) E. V. DEBS, GEO.
Debs claims that the above
notice is a forgery. The railway managers insist that it is a threat to injure
their employes. Debs denies the genuineness of most of the telegrams and orders
which furnish evidence of wrong on his part.
There are over 150 guests at
the Glen Haven Sanitarium.
Burgess the clothier has
something to say to our readers on our eighth page.
The Clover club held an
informal reception at their rooms Tuesday evening.
The C. M. B. A. will give a
grand reception in their rooms on the evening of Aug. 14.
Bingham & Miller,
the clothiers, have a new advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT.
The result, both socially and
financially, of the ice cream at the Homer-ave. church last Friday evening, was
very satisfactory.
The W. C. T. U., has taken up
quarters on second floor of the Hulbert building on West Court-st,, which have been nicely fitted up for the organization.
The entire issue of sewer
bonds of this village, amounting to about fifty-five thousand dollars, has been
taken by the Cortland Savings Bank.
Grover Post No. 98, G. A. R.,
has accepted an invitation to attend the Tompkins County Veterans' picnic at
Glenwood on Cayuga lake, Thursday, August 23.
Harry, the sixteen year-old
son of David C. Beers of this place, left home last Thursday. He returned on
Monday, having been to Binghamton on his wheel.
Eyes tested free of charge at
Jewett's jewelry store Friday and Saturday July 27 and 28 by Prof. Jourdanais,
scientific optician. All cases of defective vision correctly fitted and
satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Many thanks are due the
silver-tongued choir which rendered such sweet music a few evenings since as
they went from street to street, much to the delight of all their favored
listeners. Such pastimes are helpful to both participants and recipients.
Mr. Walter K. Tichenor, a
former student of the Normal, has purchased the bakery heretofore conducted by
Mr. C. H. Smith in the Squires building. He will keep a line of bakestuffs and
candies and will soon put in a fine line of Japanese ware.
While N. J. Peck of
this place was endeavoring to land a large pickerel at Otisco last Saturday, he
became excited and fell out of the boat into the lake. All his efforts were
then put forth to land himself, which he succeeded in doing but, as usual, the
big fish got away.
The hospital car is the newest
thing in railroad enterprise. The car is divided into compartments and supplied
with cots, stretchers, medicines of all sorts likely to be needed, and the
usual appliances of an emergency relief corps. One of these cars is now in service
on the New York Central railroad, and it is given the right of way over
The Homer-ave. church
directory recently issued is a model of its kind, both for neatness and
comprehensiveness. Upon its cover is a fine cut of the church, within appears an
unmistakable likeness of the pastors face, a sketch of the church history,
the official list, its various societies are represented, also its
membership list in full. The book will prove very useful in many ways in the
work of the church.
One of the best kept country
hotels in this section is the hotel at Harford, kept by Mr. Banker. We were one
of a party who were his guests for a time last Saturday, and was astonished at the
service which was given. The hotel is neatly furnished and scrupulously clean,
and the supper which was served was fit for a king.—Marathon Independent.
One evening last week while a number
of men were at the bath house in the north part of this village, too many got
on the platform in front, and overhanging the river, and as a result, the bath
house, men and all went into the pond, the building overturning. Among the
number were one or two spectators who were not prepared for the involuntary
bath, but went in, store clothes and all.— Marathon Independent.
Last Friday night burglars
entered C. F. Brown's drug store in the Schermerhorn block and carried off
$1.25 in cash and on Sunday night they entered the rear door of Mr. L. Hale's
meat market by turning the key in the back door with a pair of nippers. They
did not disturb anything. Notwithstanding the fact that these fellows carry off
articles of but little value in their raids, they are a nuisance. The time may
come, however, when they will take more valuable things. It is to be sincerely
hoped that they will carry off most anything but our police force. It is such a
comfort to know that these watchdogs are on guard while simple folk are sleeping.
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D. L. & W. train depot at Homer, N. Y. |
Mr. Irving Steadman
is spending his vacation in Great Bend, Pa.
Mr. Chas. Burroughs
is the guest of Mr. Nelson Wiegand in Truxton this week.
Mrs. J. G.
Limberger left Wednesday to visit friends in Binghamton for a few days.
Rev. Mr. Wilcox, a
former pastor, preached in the Baptist chapel last Sunday.
The Hook &
Ladder company gave an ice cream social and band concert Friday evening.
Mrs. Whitmore, of
New York city, is the guest of her brother, Mr. Henry Watrous.
Mrs. W. L. Dixon,
of Brooklyn, is spending a few weeks with her niece, Mrs. W. H. Foster.
About a dozen boys
started Tuesday morning for Little York lake, where they are spending a week.
Miss Coral Bates
and Miss Mabel Wills are spending a few days in Truxton as the guests of Miss
Bertha Wiegand.
A small wreck
occurred on the railroad Monday morning near the depot when twenty-one coal
cars were thrown from the track and scattered in all directions. Several of
them were hurled down the steep embankment at the coal yard and smashed into
splinters. The wreck train from Syracuse soon cleared away the wreck.
Merton Brown is in
Another doctor has
come to our town. Dr. Tripp of Philadelphia we believe.
George Maycumber is
thought to be a little improved at the present writing.
Lovinus Tinkham and
C. C. Clarke appraised the property of the late Dr. Babcock last Tuesday.
A young man by the
name of Ensign is stopping with Mr. Booth's people. Though young he is not
small, by any means.
There will be a
social at the grounds of the S. D. B. parsonage Saturday night, July 28, under
the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. Cake, lemonade, peanuts, banana's, &c., served. All invited.
In keeping with the
republican doctrine of "retrenchment," we notice the Republican
legislature has raised the wages of supervisors of New York state, increasing by
one-third making their pay $4.00 per day instead of $3.00 during the hard
times; this will bring from the working people a large amount of money to be
poured into the pockets of the elect, and you will remember that last spring
was a great harvest of republican supervisors.
Mr. Morrison of
Brooklyn, is visiting in town.
The work on the
hotel [rebuilt after fire] is being pushed along rapidly.
F. T. Van Hoesen of
the Custom House, New York, is spending his vacation here.
Mrs. Richard
Egbertson, aged about 55, died Monday afternoon of cancer. She was a great
sufferer before she died, but her death was hardly expected so soon. Interment
at Preble, Mr. Egbertson has been married to his third wife, has had three
children and has buried them all and is now left alone.
Last week Friday,
John Moore, who worked for Charles Hartman, while raking hay with two horses,
the pole dropped from the neck yoke and the team ran away running over a rail
fence throwing Moore from the seat and running a large sliver into one of his
lower limbs and bruising him up pretty badly.
Last Saturday
afternoon the mason work for the new iron bridge, to be put up near the
McCormack house, was let to the lowest bidder by Commissioner Crofoot. Although
it rained quite hard there were quite a number in attendance ready to take the
job if they could see anything in it. Mr. Southwick opened the bidding at $190,
and different parties bid until finally it dropped so low that there were but two
bidders, William McNeil of Truxton, and William Sandford of Tully. It was finally
struck off to William Sandford for $74.00.
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