Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday,
September 4, 1894.
Law Under Consideration.
Limit of
Debate Fixed.
ALBANY, Sept. 4.—When the session began Mr.
Goodelle of Syracuse offered a substitute for the entire section providing that
general laws shall be passed preventing bribery and corruption, but not
defining the way in which it shall be done.
Mr. McKinstry amended Mr. Holls' amendment
so that it would only allow the use of property and not money for political
Mr. Holls accepted this because Mr. Root
thought it would exempt the newspapers that very often loaned their property
for the pushing of a candidate's canvass.
Mr. McKinstry's amendment was adopted, as was
a technical amendment of Mr. Hawley.
Mr. Goodelle's substitute was defeated and
the article reported favorably to the house by a vote of 59 to 33.
When the night session opened the committee
on rules reported through Mr. Root that
they had fixed the time for debate as follows:
Citizenship a requisite for suffrage, 30
minutes; governor's term of office, 30 minutes; canals, three hours;
apportionment, vote to be taken Thursday at 3 p. m.
Mr. Bowers presented a minority report
asking for five days.
Mr. Gilbert (Rep.) moved to make the hour of
the vote Friday at 12 o'clock.
Mr. Roche said he would accept the
Judge Gilbert's motion was carried, many
Republicans voting with the Democrats.
The discussion will be begun today after the
vote on the educational article.
The committee took up the discussion of Mr.
Roche's bill providing that a man must reside in the county one year, be a
citizen for 60 days and a resident of the election district for at least 30
Mr. Roche wanted the lapse between election
day and taking out final citizenship papers made 30 days instead of 60.
Mr. Roche's amendment was lost and the
amendment reported by the committee compelling a man to be a citizen for 60
days before election instead of 10, as now, was sent to a third reading.
Parties Cut the Teats From a Cow.
For some time Messrs. W. B. Knapp of 46
Grant-st. and David Benham of 7 North-ave. have each been the owner of a fine
Jersey cow. The two cows were pastured together upon the hill north of the
village. Last Sunday afternoon when Mr. Knapp went to milk his cow he found her
badly slashed with a knife about both flanks and about two-thirds of her tail
was cut off. Mr. Benham's cow was all right at that time, but next morning it
was found that two of her teats were very badly cut. One teat was nearly off
and has since been entirely removed by Dr. Baker. The other teat will probably
have to be removed. The cow's udder was also badly slashed. The cow had about a
foot of rope hanging from her horns. About ten or twelve feet more of the same
rope was found tied to the fence at the back side of the pasture, and close by
a pool of blood. Evidently the cow was tied to the fence at that time by the
miscreants when the job was done. This rope also appears to have been cut from
an electric light pole on Fitz-ave. for about that amount of rope is missing
from that lamp and the rope matches.
There seems to be no explanation for the
outrage, unless it be that it was done out of pure spite. It is known that Mr.
Knapp had justly rebelled somewhat at having all his rights upon his own
property ignored and trampled upon by boys who frequent the [Kingman’s] bathing
house in the vicinity of his home and property. The belief is that they did
this cowardly and despicable deed wholly from spite. Mr. Benham thinks he has
no enemies and believes that the perpetrators of the crime made a mistake when
they mutilated his cow, believing that it was Mr. Knapp's. It is hoped that the
guilty parties can be caught and be made to suffer the penalty of their deeds.
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Alonzo B. Cornell. |
or Extravagance.
Every citizen is vitally interested in the
economical administration of the government. The property owner pays taxes
directly, while the man who only rents a place, and even he who boards, pays
just as much and perhaps more, indirectly; but it is not merely the rate of
taxation they are interested in, it is the amount of expenditure, and the
purpose for which it is expended. Gov. Hill and Gov. Flower have been talking
about the "rate of taxation," and because they can show that it is
less than it used to be, they claim great credit for their administrations. The
taxpayer knows that whatever the rate may be, he does not pay any less on the
same piece of property. It is so easy to put valuations up instead of bringing
expenditures down that the rate of taxation shows nothing. Besides, there have
been laws passed by successive Republican legislatures which have provided a
great amount of revenue from taxes which do not fall directly upon property at
all, and so are not counted in the rate, but which are paid by the people all
the same.
thing that is needed for an intelligent comparison is a statement of the
revenue of the state from all sources, and the expenditures for the regular, ordinary
administration of government. Hon. Alonzo B. Cornell, the last Republican
governor, has furnished this in an open letter, which gives a complete review
of the financial management of the state from the beginning of Gov. Robinson's
term down to the close of the second year of Gov. Flower's. During the three
years that he himself was governor the total direct taxes were $22,000,000, and
the corporation taxes $2,700,000, making a total revenue of $24,700,000; but
out of this he paid $3,700,000 for work on the new capitol, reduced the state
debt $1,400,000, and increased the surplus in the treasury $700,000, leaving
the net expenditures for governmental purposes $18,000,000, or $6,800,000 per
In Gov. Flower's two years the direct taxes
were $18,200,000, and he had also $8,500,000 from corporation and inheritance
taxes, making a total revenue of $26,700,000. Besides this he decreased the
surplus in the treasury $2,400,000, so that he paid out in all $29,100,000. Out
of this there was paid for work on the new capitol $1,600,000 and the debt was
reduced $900,000, so that the actual net cost of the state government was
$26,600,000, or 13,300,000 per year.
Since Gov. Cornell's term the population of
this state has increased 22 per cent, but expenses have been doubled, and
$700,000 besides. This increase in the cost of government has been progressive under
the different Democratic governors ever since Cornell went out. His own net
expenditure, as noted above, was $6,300,000 per year; under Gov. Cleveland this
rose to $7,300,000, in Gov. Hill's first term it was $9,800,000, and in his
second term, $10,400,000, while Gov, Flower has reached $13,300,000.
What makes this comparison still more striking
and significant is the fact that Gov. Robinson's term, which preceded
Cornell's, shows an expenditure of $6,800,000 per year, so that the increase
has not been continuous. The amount was reduced half a million per year under a
Republican governor. It has increased at the rate of $800,000 per year under
Democratic governors. The tax-payers of the state, without regard to partisan
leanings, can take these facts and figures, taken by Gov. Cornell from the
official reports of the controllers of the state, and study them with great profit.
In the three-cornered fight in the orient
one fact stands out that cannot fail to be most gratifying to Americans. It is
that the only country which either Japan, China or Korea trusts implicitly is
the United States. We alone have no ax to grind on any of them.
of News From Our Twin Village.
Two carriage loads of summer guests arrived
in town from the Glen this morning and took the train for their homes in New
York and Philadelphia.
Prof. L. H. Tuthill spent Labor day at
Mr. Bruce Aldrich spent Sunday at the Hotel
Mr. D. E. Shepard is in New York City
purchasing goods for the fall trade.
Mrs. Willard Reed was buried from the
Calvary Episcopal church in this village yesterday afternoon. Interment was
made at the Sand Hill cemetery at Dresserville. Mrs. Reed leaves a husband and
two sons William and Ivan, who reside on Grove-st. in this village.
Mrs. Catherine Vanderline Herrick died at
her home on West-st. in this village on Saturday, Sept. 1, aged 69 years. The
funeral was held from her late home this afternoon. Interment was made at
Glenwood cemetery. The deceased was the wife of Hiram Herrick of this village
who survives her.
Mr. John Vandenberg Arnold died at the
residence of his son, Mr. J. J. Arnold, in this village yesterday at noon. Mr.
Arnold was a resident of Tully, where for many years he engaged in the
tailoring business and held the offices of justice of the peace and notary public.
The deceased was seventy-four years old and until recently has been in apparent
good health. He leaves one son, Mr. J. J. Arnold, at whose home he died. A
short service will be held at the residence of Mr. J. J. Arnold this afternoon
at 3 o'clock and will be led by Rev. E. C. Olney of this village. The funeral
service will be held from his late home in Tully to-morrow. Interment will be
made in the Tully cemetery.
Mrs. Amelia Smith, widow of the late Lorenzo
Smith of Cortland died at her home on Elm-ave., in this village on Sunday,
Sept. 3, aged 74 years. One sister Mrs. Lina
Eighmy of Cortland, a granddaughter, Miss Lillian Snyder of Buffalo,
are her only surviving relatives. The funeral was held at her late residence on
Elm-ave. this afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. Parker Fenno officiating. Interment was
made at Glenwood cemetery.
Melvin Chapman was arrested last evening by
Officer Shirley for assault and battery, on a complaint of Ella Hicks. He was
brought before Justice Kingsbury, this morning, and subsequently released on
bail to appear before the justice on Thursday, September 13.
Guests at Homer.
The following list of Cortland guests at the
party given by Mr. and Mrs. George
Brockway of Homer in honor of Miss Grace Dunbar, on Friday evening last, was
omitted—through an error in our composing room—from the notice of the affair
which appeared in last Saturday's daily.
The Cortland guests were Misses Mabel
Brewer, Lillian Bayes, Bessie Benedict, Mabel Fitzgerald, Jennie Humes, Carrie
Kellogg, Mary Mahan, Fannie Mantanye, Jennie Newkirk, Maude Kinney, Ethel
Saunders, Hattie Strowbridge, Louise Wallace, Anna Winchell, and Messrs. Robert
Barker, Harry Greenman, Louis Hulbert, Alex Mahan, Earl Newton, Harry Wickwire,
Chas. Wickwire and Chas, Dunbar.
at McGrawville.
A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Brooks was given last Saturday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Holland
Wood. Mr. Brooks was formerly of McGrawville, where he has a host of friends
by whom he is held in the highest esteem, and by a portion of these the house
was filled. The gathering was a merry social event and one thoroughly enjoyed
by those present, among whom were several from Cortland, Elmira and Ithaca.
Very fine and appropriate refreshments were served and quite extensive
merrymaking indulged in so that the hours passed all too soon away.
An elegant onyx top stand was given to Mr.
and Mrs. Brooks by two or three of Mr. Brook's friends, as an addition to an
already long list of elegant wedding presents, a few of which from Mr. Brook's
friends in New York are awaiting them there as a surprise.
The bride was formerly Miss Jennie May,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sackett of Lowville, N. Y., a lady of unusually
fine culture and social standing and who on this occasion immediately won the
sincerest admiration of all those who had the honor of meeting her.
This evening they leave for their home
in Brooklyn and take with them the sincerest good wishes for a long and happy
A Bride
of Thirty-five and a Groom of Eighteen.
At about 10 o'clock Sunday morning a wedding
party, consisting of Frederick Peek, Frankie A. Sanford, Mrs. Eveline Nye and
Mr. and Mrs. Peek of Virgil arrived at the home of Rev. S. J. Parmitor at 27
Maple-ave. After a series of questions Frederick Peek and Miss Sanford were
married. The groom is eighteen years of age, while the bride is seventeen years
his senior.
After the ceremony the party attended the
Baptist church. They then drove to Virgil.
Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Peek left for
the hop fields, where they will spend their honeymoon.
—Justice Bull discharged a vagrant in police
court this morning.
—The STANDARD is under obligations to
Constitutional Convention Delegate Mantanye for valuable public documents.
—Daniels' orchestra of six pieces leaves
to-morrow morning for the Whitney's Point fair, where they play for three days.
—Regular meeting of the membership committee
of the Y. M. C. A. this evening at 8 o'clock. All members of the committee are
earnestly requested to be present.
—The King's Daughters will send flowers
Wednesday morning from Mrs. Holt's, 6
Graham-ave. Those wishing to contribute will please leave them Tuesday afternoon.
—The Normal will open to-morrow morning at
8:45 o'clock. Nearly all of the teachers are back and others are expected
to-night. Students are pouring into town in large numbers.
—The public schools opened to-day. Not all
the pupils are in yet and some are to be changed from one room to another so
that it is not possible yet to give exact figures of the number in attendance
or the number in each school.
—A horse, which was hitched in front of a
house on a new street leading off of Homer-ave., became tired at about 8:30
o'clock last night and broke loose. He created considerable excitement before
he was captured. No damage is reported.
—Ada Hollenbeck of Preble was taken this
morning to the Idiot asylum at Syracuse by Supt. Angel and one of the keepers,
Mrs. F. D. Wire. The little girl is certainly unfortunate and it is hoped that
she will be much benefited by the treatment.
—At a meeting of Vesta lodge last evening
the invitation of the patriarchs was accepted and the members of Vesta will
join in the parade next Thursday as a subordinate lodge. Their lodge rooms will
also be open to visiting Odd Fellows, all of whom are welcome.
—Canton Binghamton, No. 21, will leave for
Cortland on Thursday next to attend the annual Cantonment of New York Odd
Fellows. The D. L. & W. will run a special excursion on that occasion and
it is expected that a large number of Binghamtonians will take advantage of the
opportunity.—Binghamton Republican.
Cantons Will Own the Town on Thursday.
Next Thursday will be a gala day for Cortland,
probably one of the biggest from every point of view that she has known since
the Firemen's state convention. The occasion, as previously stated, is the
annual field day of the Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., of the state of New
At 2 P. M. the grand parade will form right
resting on Main-st. at the Cortland House. The parade will then be made up
Main-st. to Lincoln-ave., to Homer-ave., to Madison-ave., to Main-st., to East
Main-st., counter march to Main, to
Grant, to North Church, to Port Watson, to South Main, to Union, to Reynolds,
to Tompkins, to Main, to Cortland House, counter march to right on Main to
The prize drill will be held at the armory
at 3 P. M. Battalion drill and dress parade at 5 P. M. The fete will close with
a grand ball at the armory, commencing at 9 P. M.
Every house and business place in Cortland
should be decorated with the lodge colors, yellow, purple and white. The
Cortland Odd Fellows especially urge that every one on the line of march, at
least, decorate. Emblematic flags and colors may be secured of Cobb & Perkins.
Four Cantons will arrive on the 6:04 P. M.
train to-morrow. They will be met at the D., L. & W. station by Canton Cortland
in uniform. Nineteen Cantons
have signified their intention of being present.
Dagoes Have a Narrow Escape This Morning.
At about 7:30 o'clock this morning two
Dagoes had quite a narrow escape from being buried alive by a cave-in on the
sewer ditch on Park-st. Luckily the men were standing up and they were only
buried to their waists. The whole force was set at work digging them out.
men were taken in a wagon to the Dago camp, but neither was seriously injured.
Had they been leaning over when the cave-in occurred they would probably have
been killed.
The sewer contractors take every precaution
for the protection of the lives of their men and this is the first accident of
any consequence.
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