The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 13,
Gov. Altgeld Informed That the Regulars are
There for a Purpose—If He Doesn't Like it, He can Lump it.
WASHINGTON, July 5.—The President, Secretary Lamont, Attorney General
Olney, Postmaster General Bissell and Gen. Schofield remained at the White
House to-night until nearly 12 o'clock, discussing the strike situation
and the telegram received by the President from Gov. Altgeld of Illinois,
protesting against Federal interference. The Governor alleges in his telegram
that the state authorities are willing and fully able to handle the situation
and intimates very bluntly that Federal assistance is not wanted until
called for. In the course of his lengthy dispatch he says, "At present
some of our railroads are paralyzed, not by reason of obstructions but because
they cannot get men to operate their trains. For some reason they are anxious
to keep this fact from the public and for this purpose are making an outcry
about obstructions in order to divert attention.
is true that in several instances a road made efforts to work a few green men,
and a crowd standing around insulted them and tried to drive them away and in a
few other cases they cut off Pullman sleepers from trains. But all these troubles
were local in character and could easily be handled by the state authorities.
have gone thus into details to show that it is not soldiers that the railroads
need so much as it is men to operate trains and that the conditions do not
exist here which bring the case within the Federal statutes.
repeat that you have been imposed upon in this matter, but even if by a forced
construction it were held that the conditions here came within the letter of
the statute then I submit that local self-government is a fundamental principle
of our Constitution. Each community shall govern itself so long as it can and
is ready and able to enforce the law, and it is in harmony with this
fundamental principle that the statute authorizing the President to send troops
into States must be construed.
question of Federal supremacy is in no way involved. No one disputes that for a
moment, but under our Constitution Federal supremacy and local self-government
must go hand in hand, and to ignore the latter is to do violence to the
Constitution. As the Governor of the State of Illinois I protest against this
and ask the immediate withdrawal of the Federal troops from duty in this
As the
result of this the following reply was sent by the President:
Mansion, WASHINGTON, D. C., July 5, 1894.
Hon. John P. Altgeld, Governor of Illinois, Springfield, Ills.
troops were sent to Chicago in strict accordance with the Constitution and the
laws of the United States upon the demand of the Post Office Department. Obstruction of the mails should be removed,
and upon the representations of the judicial officers of the United States that
processes of the Federal courts could not be executed through the
ordinary means, and upon abundant proof that conspiracies existed
against commerce between the states.
meet these conditions, which are clearly within the province of Federal authority,
the presence of Federal troops in the city of Chicago is not only proper but necessary
and there has been no intention at thereby interfering with the plain duty of the
local authorities to preserve the peace of the city.
CHICAGO, July 5.—There was
considerable amusement yesterday over the way the A. R. U. has hoodwinked the
county and United States officials. Large numbers of strikers and sympathizers
have been sworn in as deputy marshals and under sheriffs. In the new plan of
campaign on the part the railroads the Chicago and Calumet Terminal and the
Chicago and Alton are taking the inactive. Both roads issued a call stating
that unless all their employes [sic] who went out in the recent strike reported
for duty this morning they would be dismissed and their places filled.
Gen. Nelson A. Miles arrived
last night. Alluding to the strike he said: " I would suggest that the
newspapers warn all law-abiding citizens, as well as law-breakers, to keep as
far away from the troops as possible. The reality of the fire and the range of
their weapons is such that great loss of life must follow if they fire.
The military is not performing its present duties for display or for picnic
purposes, but is under the orders of the President. It does [not] propose to allow
itself to be besieged or to stand too much nonsense." The general at once
assumed command of the troops.
Edwin Walker, special counsel
for the government, said yesterday: "Every man who has trampled on the law
will be punished. I do not care anything about the few misguided men who have
been arrested. It is the instigator of the lawlessness that the government
wants to punish. That is Debs. We have the evidence against Debs and
proceedings will be instituted against him at once."
A special grand jury to set
next Tuesday will be summoned this morning.
OMAHA, Neb., July 5.—The Union
Pacific has requested the United States government to seed troops to such
points as are necessary in Wyoming and Idaho to relieve the interference with
traffic by strikers. This, it is taken, means Cheyenne, [Pocatello] and perhaps
other cities. The Second regiment, U. S. army, is held in waiting ready to move
upon a moment’s notice to Cheyenne.
WASHINGTON, July 5.—Debs'
reported statement that "the first shot fired by the regular soldiers at
the mobs in Chicago would be the signal for civil war," is accepted by the
authorities here in a light not contemplated by Debs. Senator Cushman K. Davis'
ringing words that Debs and his associates "are rapidly approaching the
overt act of levying war upon the United States," are adopted by both the
civil and military authorities in Washington as embodying their view of the
situation. The United States troops that have been called in action are not
simply posses under the United States marshalls.
members of the cabinet and General Schofield joined in the usual night session
at the White House.
The tenor of all reports, official
and press, were so satisfactory that the conference lasted less than an hour
and before 10 o'clock, all except Secretary Lamont, Attorney General Olney and
General Schofield departed for their homes.
At 9:45 a telegram was
received from General Miles, stating that the city of Chicago was comparatively
quiet, and that he apprehended no trouble during the night.
At a late hour to-night
President Cleveland issued the following proclamation:
Proclamation by the President
of the United States:
Whereas, By reason of unlawful
obstructions, combinations and assemblages of persons, it has become
impracticable, in the judgment of the President, to enforce, by the ordinary
course of judicial proceedings, the laws of the United States within the State
of Illinois, and especially in the city of Chicago within said State; and
Whereas, For the purpose of
enforcing the faithful execution of the laws of the United States and protecting its property and removing obstructions to
the United States mail in the State and city aforesaid, the President has employed
a part of the military force of the United States.
Now, therefore, I, Grover
Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby admonish all good citizens
and all persons who may be or may come within the city and State aforesaid,
against aiding, countenancing, encouraging or taking any part in such unlawful
obstructions, combinations and assemblages; and I hereby warn all persons engaged
in, or in any way connected with such unlawful obstructions, combinations and
assemblages to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective abodes on or
before 12 o'clock noon on the 9th day of July instant.
Those who disregard this
warning and persist in taking part with a riotous mob in forcibly resisting and
obstructing the execution of the laws of the United States, or interfering with
the functions of the Government or destroying or attempting to destroy the
property belonging to the United States or under its protection, can not be
regarded otherwise than as public enemies.
Troops employed against such a
riotous mob will act with all the moderation and forbearance consistent with
the accomplishment of the desired end; but the stern necessities which confront
them will not with certainty permit discrimination between guilty participants
and those who are mingled with them from curiosity and without criminal intent.
The only safe course,
therefore, for those not actually unlawfully participating is to abide at their
homes, or at least not to be found in the neighborhood of riotous assemblages.
While there will be no
hesitation or vacillation in the decisive treatment of the guilty, this warning
is especially intended to protect and save the innocent.
In testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be hereto
Done at the city of Washington
this eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
ninety-four, and of the independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and eighteenth.
By the President :
W. Q. GRESHAM, Secretary of
The proclamation was
communicated to General Miles by Secretary Lamont who telegraphed as follows:
"In view of the provision
of statute and for the purpose of giving ample warning to all innocent and well
disposed persons, the President has deemed it best to issue the accompanying
proclamation to-night:
"This does not change the
scope of your authority and duties nor your relations to the local authorities.
You will please make this known to Mayor Hopkins."
CHICAGO, July 9.—The seat of
war in the railroad strike was transferred to-day to Hammond, Ind., just across
the border line, where, from an early hour, mob violence reigned supreme. Two
companies of regulars were dispatched to the scene.
Late this afternoon there was
a pitched battle between the regulars and the mob. This is the list of casualties:
Charles Fleisher, carpenter,
married, aged 35, a resident of Hammond, was killed instantly, a bullet
entering his abdomen and passing through the body.
W. H. Campbell, shot in right
thigh, probably fatal.
Victor Setter, shot in knee;
amputation of leg necessary; condition critical.
Miss Annie Flemming of East
Chicago, bullet wound in right knee; not serious.
Unknown man shot in right leg;
amputation probably necessary.
The trouble commenced at
daylight, when a mob which had been in the neighborhood since the evening
before overturned fifteen cars on the Chicago & Calumet terminal
railroad, between Hammond and East Chicago.
The rabble then set fire to a
Pullman car that had been run on a side track. A call was sent in and the fire
department responded, but not before four Pullmans had been badly scorched.
Shortly after daybreak the
northbound train on the Monon road reached the depot. It was surrounded by a
crowd of strikers, boys and women, and the engineer and fireman were ordered to
get down from the cab. Many of the mob were armed and the two employes obeyed.
One of the strikers then took possession of the engine and the train was
A telegram was sent to Chicago
asking for military assistance to get the train out, and at 11:30 Company D, of
the Fifteenth Infantry, 35 strong, arrived in two coaches. The regulars
disembarked at the depot and marched to the side track where the Monon train
was stationed. The mob fell back on the approach of the military, but hooted
and jeered. One half of the company took up its position in front of the engine
and the other half in the rear and preparations were made to move the train.
The mob quickly increased
until it was was nearly 2,000 strong and, realizing the fact that
reinforcements were necessary, a detail was sent to the telegraph office with instructions.
In the meantime Major Reilly
ordered Captain Hartz to clear the tracks to the sidewalks with fixed bayonets.
The regulars advanced, the mob retreated, and for the time being was held at
Shortly after 1 o'clock a
train of empty cars was started from the yards the way being cleared by the
soldiers. The mob contented itself with jeering and invectives.
Temporary quiet was secured
while Sheriff Fredericks read a telegram which had just been received from
Governor Matthews, conveying advices that a large force of State troops would
reach Hammond to-night with instructions to cooperate with the Federal troops. The
mob listened to the reading of the dispatch in silence, but when the Sheriff had
concluded it, sent up a yell of defiance.
At 4 P. M. the train that
brought the second detachment of regulars was run into the Monon yards. Just
then several freight cars were dumped on the track a block and a half to the
north. The mob then assembled at the State street crossing when a rope was
thrown around a Pullman car standing on a side track, preventing the further
passage of a mail train that had just arrived.
There are regulars on the
engine, regulars on the roof and regulars at the car windows, all of them
waiting for just such a condition as was now imminent. A volley was poured from
engine, roofs and windows. Some of the bullets took effect and the regulars made
for solid earth and with bayonets fixed made a dash for the mob on both sides
of the track.
This manoeuvre was hardly
necessary. Obscured by the smoke, the mob had taken to its heels.
Fleischer, who was not near
the Pullman cars and who, his acquaintances assert, took no part in any lawless
act, was shot dead on the tracks over which his life blood poured in a stream.
Campbell and Setter also fell when shot and were unable to move. Miss Flemming,
who was not even a spectator of the melee being simply in the act of crossing
the track after a visit to a neighbor's house, fainted when shot.
The shedding of blood was in
obedience to orders issued by General Miles to shoot any person caught in the
act of blocking the highway of inter-state commerce or destroying railroad
property used in the carriage of United States mails.
The man Fleischer was an
innocent victim. He had gone to the tracks simply to take home his son, whom he
had been told was looking on in the outskirts of the mob. He had mounted to the
box car in order to get a better view and spy out his child when he was struck
by the bullet. The firing of the regulars created rage and excitement.
Hundreds of the mob rushed to
their homes and returned to the scene with revolvers and shot guns; declaring
their intention of killing every man wearing an army uniform.
President Shields of the local
A. R. U. sent a telegram to Governor Matthews to-day saying that the troops
were shooting down people without provocation, and asking the Governor if
something could not be done. The Governor replied: "Have sent State troops
to restore order and protect lives of law abiding citizens. Rioting and lawlessness
must be suppressed. Citizens who obey the law have nothing to fear from the
Federal or local authorities."
CHICAGO, July 10.—The full list of the men
indicted by the United States Grand jury to-day includes Eugene V. Debs, George
W. Seward, Sylvester Keliher, L. W. Rogers, James Murwin, Lloyd Hotchkiss, A.
Paizybak, H. Elfin, James Hammond, William Smith, John Westerbrook, Edward O
Neil, Charles Nailor, John Duffy, William McMullen, E. Shelby, Fred Ketcbam and
John W. Doyle.
They are indicted for conspiracy, which is
punishable by a fine of from $1,000 to $10,000 or
imprisonment for not more than two years, and also for hindering the execution of
the laws of the United States, which is a much more serious offence, punishable
by a fine of from $300 to $5,000 or imprisonment for not more than six years.
The Grand jury brought in its report to Judge
Grosscup's court at 4:30 P. M. Very few witnesses were examined.
Warrants were at once issued, United States
Marshal Arnold personally serving the one for the arrest of Debs. Bail was
fixed at $10,000 each, which was soon secured.
In the meantime a subpoena duces tecum was
issued for J. G. Haines, one of Debs' associates, commanding him to produce all
the official correspondence of the A. R. U. Under the latter process the office
of the A. R. C, in the Ashland block, was searched, and all records, letters,
circulars, telegrams and correspondence were seized and deposited in the vaults
in the Federal building, to be used in the trial at the October term of court. District
Attorney Milchrist, in discussing the legality of the seizure, declares that
all Debs' personal letters will be returned to him immediately and without an
attempt to pry into secrets, but that official matter will surely be offered in
evidence against the officers of the Order.
When Mr. Debs heard of the raid on the correspondence at his office he was wrathy [sic] and
denounced the affair as a high-handed outrage. The Knights of Labor officials
have sent to Minneapolis to secure the services of W. W. Irwin, the attorney
who won fame among labor men through the Homestead strikers.
Saturday Grand Master Sovereign of the Knights of Labor threatened to issue an
order on Tuesday calling out one million members of the order. He issued the order
on that date and it was supposed that at least 400,000 members in and about
Chicago would go out, but only about 15,000 in
that city responded and the order fell flat and was disregarded everywhere
documents and papers signed by the Marshal in the office of the A. R. U. were
ordered to be returned to the place from whence they were taken by Attorney General
Olney without examination. The mayors of several cities presented a petition to
the Pullman company asking them to agree to arbitrate their differences with the
men and received this reply: "That the question at issue, which was simply
that of re-opening the works and carrying them on to a ruinous loss, was not a
proper subject for arbitration."
Strikers Now in Want.
6.—The question which confronts many of the Pullman Strikers is how to secure
food. At present there are 4,000 people dependent upon the relief committees,
and in a day or two the supplies already contributed will have been distributed.
The committee has furnished supplies to more than 500 families, but it is now
without food or money. The A. R. U. promised $3,000, but has given only $150.
![]() |
Laura A. Darragh docking on Cayuga Lake. |
The Y. M. C. A. Excursion.
About one
hundred and twenty-five pleasure seekers took advantage of the low rates and
the pleasant day on Wednesday, to enjoy a day on Cayuga Lake. The excursion was
given by the Y. M. C. A., and all those attending spent a most enjoyable day. The
train left Cortland on the E., C. & N. R. R. at 8:30, arriving in
Ithaca at 9:15. There were four electric cars at the [East Hill] station
waiting to carry the crowd to the lake where they arrived about ten o'clock.
The new steamboat, Laura A. Darragh, was waiting at the lake to be loaded, and
as soon as all were on board, she steamed away.
Darragh is one of the most perfect and well equipped boats of its kind for
excursions or private parties to be found anywhere. She steamed up the east
side of the lake to a very picturesque spot called Atwater's Landing, and there
the excursionists took dinner, staying at that place until about two o'clock.
They then boarded the boat and stopped for fifteen minutes at the handsome
village of Aurora, after which they went to Sheldrake Landing staying there
about ten minutes. The boat then started on its return trip. The Darragh came
back at the rate of sixteen miles an hour and reached the landing at just six
o'clock. The train started at 6:45, landing its load in Cortland at a little
after seven. Everybody expressed themselves as having one of the most enjoyable
times of the season.
A Young Cortland Miss Said to Have Become Enamored
with a Stranger—They Leave Town on the Same Train.
On the
14th of June last a portly man about 35 years old came to town and applied for
work at the Cortland Plating works. He said his name was Martin Marshall. He was engaged to work by the piece and
obtained board with Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mills at 94 Elm-st. Miss Emma
Champlain a comely, but rather bashful lass of some 18 summers, was employed at
the boarding house, and it was noticed after a few days that the two had become
quite friendly, although they attempted to avoid any appearance of caring for
each other's society.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. Mills went up town on some errands and when she returned Emma was not to be found, but Mrs.
Mills thought she had gone to a neighbor's until she discovered that her
clothing was missing. Enquiries elicited the fact that the two were seen to take
the 4:23 P. M. train north.
real name is supposed to be Hayberger. He admitted having a wife and five
children living in some other part of the state. He is described as weighing over
200 pounds, dark eyes and hair and when last seen wore a light colored suit of clothes
and a white straw hat.
The girl's
mother resides on Greenbush-st., and is feeling very miserable over the escapade
of her daughter who had previously borne an excellent reputation.
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