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Eugene V. Debs. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 30, 1894.
They Refuse to
Accept Bail and Will Be Tried Next Monday.
CHICAGO, July 17.—There was a sensational climax
late this afternoon to the troubles that have disturbed railroad circles during
the past three weeks when president Eugene V. Debs of the American Railway Union
and his cabinet, Vice-president George W. Howard, General Secretary Sylvester
Keliher and L. W. Rogers, chairman of the executive committee, were taken to
the county jail and incarcerated as prisoners of the United States for
violation of the injunction issued July 2 by Judges Woods and Grosscup,
restraining them from combining and conspiring to hinder inter-State commerce
traffic or the movement of United States mails.
The imprisonment of the chiefs of the
Railway Union was not in any sense an arbitrary proceeding.
Although predicated upon what the courts regarded
as an open and defiant violation of orders previously issued, an opportunity
was afforded the defendants on presenting bonds for their appearance in court a
week hence.
This proposition, however, was rejected on
the ground, as emphasized by President Debs after the court had rendered its
ultimatum, that the principle involved was one entirely too serious in its
nature to admit of the defendants availing themselves of any technicalities
that might be regarded as loopholes in the law.
Bondsmen offered aid to the Union leaders,
but their overtures were declined and the prisoners suffered themselves to be taken
to jail and locked up.
There, unless in the meantime they should
tire of the incarceration, they will remain until Monday morning of next week.
The proceedings that resulted in this climax
were inaugurated in the United States Circuit Court
this morning when special counsel for the United States, Edwin Walker, and U.
S. Attorney Milchrist appeared before Judge Seamans to present information
against President Debs and his associates, charging them with violation of the
In support of the contention of the
government, several scores of telegrams, which had been secured from a
telegraph company under a ruling of the court, were cited. These are specimens
of the whole:
''To Court Head, South Butte, Mont. The
general managers are weakening. If strike is not settled in 48 hours,
complete paralysis will follow. Potatoes and ice are out of sight. Save your
money and buy a gun. E. V. DEBS.''
''W. F. Smith, Grand Junction, Col. It will
take more than injunctions to move trains. Get everybody out. We are gaining
ground everywhere. E. V. DEBS."
Only a few of these dispatches had been read
when Judge Seamans interrupted to remark that sufficient had been shown to indicate
a wilful and deliberate violation of the injunction, and thereupon counsel for
the government concluded with a prayer for an attachment against the defendants
and their punishment for contempt of court.
An information, somewhat similar in its terms,
was then filed by George R. Peck, general counsel for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa
Fe road.
President Debs was the only representative
of the Union in court during the morning session.
He was accompanied by W. W. Erwin, of St.
Paul, special counsel for the Union, W. A. Shoemaker, of St. Paul, his law
partner and S. S. Gregory of Chicago.
When the representatives of the government
had concluded their argument, Attorney Gregory took the ground that the
information failed to charge any one of the four defendants with personal
participation in violence or destruction of property and contended that no case
had been stated that called for the cognizance of the court. He laid stress
upon the argument that the government was moving for the protection of the
railroads and that its power and authority were being exercised to vindicate the
property rights of railroads.
Discussion was cut short by the court, the
judge ordering writs of attachment to issue against Debs and his associates,
returnable at 2 o'clock.
Instructions were given to United States Marshal
Arnold to waive personal service with the understanding that the defendants
would voluntarily surrender themselves.
At the opening of court in the afternoon Debs,
Howard, Keliher and Rogers were in hand.
After arguments by counsel, Judge Seamans
fixed the hearing for Monday at [10 o'clock,] and added $3,000 to the bail of
each of the defendants.
At 4:30 Marshal Arnold escorted them to an
open carriage, in which they were driven to the county jail.
No feature of jail methods was relaxed in their
behalf. At the demand of the turnkeys they held up their hands and submitted to
a search.
They were deprived of all valuables and led
to cells in the debtors' department.
He Says the
Company Has Been Doing Business at a Loss.
NEW YORK, July 14.—George M. Pullman has at
last made a statement to the public. In this he says:
"What is the demand concealed under the innocently
sounding word 'arbitration?' A little more than a year ago the car
shops at Pullman were in a prosperous condition, work was plenty, wages were
high, and the condition of the employes was indicated by the fact that the
local savings bank had of savings deposits nearly $700,000, of which nearly all
was the property of the employes. Our pay rolls for that year show an average
earning of more than $600 per annum for every person on the roll. Then came the
great panic and depression of last summer. Many customers stopped negotiations
and cancelled orders and our working force had to be diminished from nearly 6,000
to about 2,000, in November, 1893. The great business depression existing
throughout the country had naturally resulted in a wage depression and the only
hope of getting orders was by bidding for work at prices as low or lower than
could be made by other shops and this of course necessitated a reduction in the
wages of the employes at Pullman. This was arranged satisfactorily, as I
supposed, and in close competition, disregarding all account of capital and
machinery, I secured enough work to gradually increase our force to 4,200, the
number on the rolls last April.
"In the early part of May a committee of the
employes demanded a restoration of the wages of a year ago. I explained to this
committee minutely and laboriously the facts, showing that the company was already
paying them more than it was receiving for their contract work, and I offered them
for complete assurance and to end all questions an inspection of our books and
contracts in hand. This and the beginning at Pullman of a proposed careful investigation
of a number of shop complaints seemed to end all trouble, but a few days later,
under the excitement of their recruiting into the new organization, the workmen
closed the shops by abandoning their work, thus themselves doing what I was
strenuously trying to prevent being done by the depression of the car-building
business, and the employes who have quit their work have deprived themselves and
their comrades of earnings of more than $300,000 up to this time. The demand
made before quitting work was that the wages should be restored to the scale of
last year, or in effect that the actual outgoing money losses then being daily incurred
by the company in car- building should be deliberately increased to an amount
equaling about one fourth of the wages of the employes.
"It must be clear to every business man and
to every thinking workman that no prudent employer could submit to arbitration
the question whether he should commit such a piece of business folly. Arbitration
always implies acquiescence in the decision of the arbitrator, whether favorable
or adverse. How could I, as president of the Pullman company, consent to agree
that if any body of men not concerned with the interests of the company's
shareholders should, as arbitrators for any reasons seeming good to them, so decree.
I would open the shops, employ workmen at wages greater than their work could
be sold for and continue this ruinous policy indefinitely, or be accused of a
breach of faith! Who will deny that such a question is plainly not a subject
for arbitration?"
More Burglars.
Last week Wednesday night burglars entered
the Fair store in the Standard building and carried off between $75 and $100
worth of jewelry. They effected an entrance by removing a light of glass
from the rear door, which was found next morning lying on the ground and
unbroken. One dozen gentlemen's gold rings and about five dozen ladies' gold
rings were taken. The money drawer and safe were not molested. There is no clue
to the perpetrators of the job.
Last Friday night burglars had a high old
time in Theodore Evarts' saloon on Port Watson-st. They bored a hole through one
of the panels in the back door and undertook to unfasten the bolt, but failing
in this they broke a pane of glass in one of the windows of the billiard room and
entered. They evidently partook heartily of all the good things to be found in
the place, and from the appearance of things the next morning, must have remained
some time.
B. S. Weyant, who lives over the store,
heard them having a merry time for a good share of the night, but thinking that
the proprietor might be entertaining some friends did not get up. The cash
register, valued at $130, was found on Clayton-ave. the next morning badly
broken. A large stone had evidently been used to batter it in pieces. They secured
the two dollars in change which was left in the register the night before.
Mr. Evarts has no means of knowing how many
cigars were taken but he thinks the amount was considerable. There is no clew
to the robbers but it is believed that the job was done by local talent.
C. W. C.
The Cortland Wheel club fully verified all that
has been said of it as a rain-maker, last Saturday. Though no rain fell during
the races, the track was made very slow by what fell before then, and many
people who would have attended were kept away by threatening weather, and
financially the boys are left about $100 to the bad, the postponement having
caused nearly as much expense as two meets would have cost.
There were eleven starters in the road race
which left the Cortland House at 1:20. The roads were very muddy except between
Homer and Little York. F. W. Melvin who had 3 1/2 minutes handicap came on the
track first and finished his sixteen miles in 55:14 1/2. He was on his second
lap when C. T. Miner of Binghamton came in. He had 1 minute handicap and won
the time prize in 54:56. Third came J. A. Maynard of Cortland; fourth, H. F.
Lewis, Syracuse; fifth, A. F. Senn, Whitesboro; sixth, C. H. Knowland, Syracuse.
The second event was the one-mile novice, which
had a splendid finish, F. J. Barry of Syracuse making a fine spurt under the wire
and winning in 2:39, Herman Dietz second, and Sydney Ketchum third.
The one mile open had eight starters and was
won by F. J. Jenney of Utica in 2:39 3/4; Murray of Syracuse second, and
Benjamin third. The half mile for boys was won easily by C. S. Easterbrook of
Syracuse in 1:20; Fred Priest second, and Frank Pike third.
C. W. C. championship went to Grove Stevens
in 2:42 1-5, Wright second, and Dudley third.
The two mile handicap had nine starters with
Hoppler of Binghamton on the 230 yard mark. The others bunched in the first
half, but Hoppler kept his lead till the last quarter and it looked as though
he had a cinch, but from there Jenney and Fisher made an elegant spurt and went
over the tape, Jenney first, Fisher second and Hoppler third. Time 5:08
Tucker won the county championship on a loaf
in 3:15 3-5, Dudley second and Wright third.
The half mile open was won by Jenney in
1:17; Murray second and Benjamin third. Two mile C. W. C. handicap was won by
Wright from 30 yards; Tucker, scratch second. Tucker did the first mile in 2:30
1/4, winning the [$50] Stearns water set. Geo. E. Hitchcock won the consolation
in 2:49 2-5, Jaques second and Newman third.
The C. W. C. will hold matinee races as often
as practical and in that way endeavor to get out of the hole in which past rainy
weather has put them.
To the Thousand
The E. C. & N. railway will run an
excursion to Alexandria Bay, Clayton and Thousand Island Park on Thursday, Aug.
3, 1894. Fare for the round trip from Elmira to McLean inclusive $5.00, from Cortland
to Delphi, inclusive $4.00, and from Rippleton to Canastota, inclusive $3.50. Tickets
good for five days. Parties desiring to remain ten days can do so by paying $2.00
additional to the ticket agent of the R. W. & O. road at Clayton, N. Y. Tickets
will be good only on train leaving Elmira at 7:10 A M., Thursday, August 2, and
returning on any regular train within limit of ticket. Here is a splendid
opportunity for an elegant outing at very small cost, which readers of the
DEMOCRAT are advised to avail themselves of.
TOMPKINS.—The hotels of Slaterville are reported
well filled with summer guests.
The new dormitory of the Cascadilla School,
Ithaca, will cost $25,000.
Groton Lodge, I. O. of G. T. will hold an ice cream
social Friday evening, July 20th.
The summer law school at Cornell's
University is honored by the presence of one lady.
A telephone line is to be put up between
Trumansburg and Frontenac Beach.
A new athletic club house is being built at
Percy Field. It will cost [$6,800.] It is tasty in architecture and a fine
addition to the grounds
At the request of a large majority of the
holders of the consolidated bonds, Hon. Thomas C. Platt has been appointed
receiver for the Southern Central Railroad.
The contract tor street paving in Ithaca has
been awarded to Messrs. Campbell & Wood, at the price of $8.20 per linear
foot. The price last year was $10.50 per linear foot
The Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co. a
few days ago received a contract from the commissioners of a county in Maryland
for forty-five bridges. The most of them are small bridges.
The Cornell University Christian Association
maintains a representative in Japan to do Christian work among the educated
young men of that country. The name of the Cornell missionary is R. S. Miller,
and he has now been in Japan nearly four years. He resides at Tokio. Cornell is
the only university in the United States that supports a foreign missionary.
Prendergast was executed last Friday for the
murder of Mayor Harrison of Chicago last summer.
The railroad strike is believed to be about
ended. Men are going back to work on the railroad and at Pullman's shops,
and trains are running regularly over all of the western roads.
The Commission appointed by Governor Flower
to enquire into the sanity of Mrs. Lizzie Halliday, the Sullivan county murderess,
reported that she was insane and the governor commuted her sentence to
imprisonment for life.
The President has appointed William A. Beach
of Syracuse to be Internal Revenue Collector for this district. The appointment
is a most excellent one in every respect and the DEMOCRAT offers its most hearty
Wool is now selling at 17 cents per pound.
At about the time the McKinley bill became a law, wool brought 30 cents per
pound. The wool grower may well ask, "Does protection protect?" We know
of no bigger fraud than Bill McKinley unless it is Bill McKinley's bill.
The After-Riot.
[From the New York Sun, July 13.]
We suppose that the popular abuse of Mr. PULLMAN,
none the less outrageous for being soft-headed and easy-mouthed, must exhaust
itself like the blind and diseased rage of rioters. It comes like a sort of
apology to riot for putting it down, then to join and agree with it in abusing the
original target of its outrage.
The common way of attacking PULLMAN, or
other men in his situation, for refusing to arbitrate, is to call him arrogant for
assuming that in a dispute between him and his employes he is "altogether right."
Right or wrong cannot be forced into such discussions. If one side of an industry,
employer or employed, capital or labor, is compelled or desires to stop, it can
stop, and that is the end of it, or this is not the United States. The laborer
must be assured of peaceful passage to his home free from violence or the
hooting of the mob. The capitalist must also be able to go to his home free
from violence or the hooting of the mob; and whoever tries to badger him with
hard language into adopting other man's opinions as to how his business should
be run, or into submitting it to a tribunal of arbitration for review, is
guilty of abuse little less wholesome to the community generally than positive
violence, and feeds fuel to the over smouldering furnace of lawlessness and
Request PULLMAN to take your view of this or
any other subject as much as you like; but you cannot now sneer at him for refusal
without striking straight at the common right of citizens in this country to
carry on a legal business safe and unmolested. PULLMAN is but one, and it is
easy to jump on him; but he is to-day as seriously entitled to protection
against abusive assault, by direct violence or by word of mouth, as either a
discharged convict or the most saintly teacher in the pulpit.
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M. F. Cleary. |
A Good Candidate.
The Firemen of this place will present the
name of M. F. Cleary, Esq., of Cortland, to the State Convention of Firemen to
be held in Oswego next month, for the office of President of the association
for the ensuing year. Mr. Cleary is a respected citizen, a man of ability and character
and has been an enthusiastic member of the department for many years. The six
companies of Cortland all belong to the state association and on many occasions
have attended the annual conventions in a body. They have never asked for
official recognition and they feel now that they have an exceptionally good candidate,
their claims for recognition should be favorably considered.
In 1847,
at the age of thirteen years he joined the old "Red Rover" company in
Rochester. In 1862, he moved to Cortland, and in 1878 he organized the Emerald
Hose company of which he was elected foreman. He served as chief of the
Cortland Fire Department during the years 1883 and 1884, and has represented
his company on the board of engineers since. In 1888 he was elected a life
member of the state association and has attended every convention since. He
makes an admirable presiding officer and the convention will make no mistake in
choosing him to preside over its deliberations. He is warmly supported by the
entire department.
Annual school meetings, Tuesday evening,
August 7th.
Mr. Geo. H. Torrey has purchased C. F. Barker's
trucking business.
The next annual reunion of the l85th Regiment
will be held in Syracuse.
The shoe stores in this place will close at
6 P. M. except Mondays and Saturdays.
Mr. J. W. Orr has purchased a lot on James-st.
of M. L. Alexander and intends to build a house thereon soon.
The Odd Fellows of the Cortland District
will have an excursion to Long Branch on Onondaga lake, Saturday, July 28.
The Ladies' and Pastor's Aid society of the
Homer-ave. church will give an ice cream social this Friday evening in the
church. Everyone most cordially invited.
The Homer water works were sold last Saturday
on mortgage foreclosure. Mr. J. H. Moulton of Bangor, Me., bid $20,000 for the
property and it was struck off to him.
Mr. W. C. Bouck, who has had charge of A. B.
Frazier's branch market in the Squires block, has
become interested with Mr. Frazier in the old Central Market on Court-st., and
hereafter the business will be conducted under the firm name of Frazier &
Work on the sewers was suspended last Saturday
owing to the fact that the "Y" pipes which connect with the houses
have not yet arrived. This would not prevent the continuance of the work along
the river bank, but the pump used to take the water out of the ditch was broken
last Saturday, a new one had to be purchased and put in place. This was done
Tuesday morning and the work was again resumed at this point.
The annual parade of the Cortland fire department
will take place September 6.
The trustees have ordered that the awning in
front of the Cloyes block be removed.
D. F. Wallace & Co. have a new
advertisement on this page that is well worth reading.
Grace church Sunday-school held a picnic at
Floral Trout Park Wednesday afternoon which was well attended.
The board of trustees have given permission to
five fire companies to attend the Firemen's convention in Ithaca August 9.
Village [tax] collector W. E. Phelps has
filed his bond in the penal sum of $75,000 with the board of trustees and the
same has been approved and accepted.
The game of base ball played on the fair grounds
last Tuesday afternoon between the Moravia club and the C. A. A. club resulted
in a victory for the latter by a score of 14 to 8.
A lemonade tent is the very latest on Tompkins-st.
A glass of ice-cold lemonade for only 3 cents. Masters Wickwire & Case are
the proprietors and business is carried on in the yard of the former, corner
Tompkins-st. and Reynolds-ave.
The C. W. C. have arranged for pleasant weather
Saturday July 28, and will hold matinee races in the afternoon. Besides the
regular races Stevens will ride a mile, with pace-makers, against time and
local runners will have a fifty and one hundred yard dash.
The children of Secretary of War D. S. Lamont,
having named their camp in the yard of O. A. Kinney after Major General Schofield,
acquainted the latter with the fact. Monday a very nice silk-flag was received
from Mr. Schofield and duly erected with appropriate ceremony and a copy of the
proceedings sent to the donor. —McGrawville Sentinel.
Twelve car loads of people
left this village Wednesday morning on the E. C. & N. road for Sylvan
Beach. The crowd that took in this excursion was simply immense and the
Congregational Society, under whose auspices it was gotten up, will net a
handsome sum. It has been charged that the notices published in the DEMOCRAT caused
this remarkable stampede and the DEMOCRAT pleads guilty to the charge.
Col. D. T. Ensign, formerly of
this village, has recently become proprietor of the Pitney house at Stillwater,
Saratoga county, N. Y. The hotel is one of the finest in that part of the state
and it is located on the Hudson two and a half miles south of the historical
battle grounds at Bemis' Heights. It is said to be a delightful summer resort
and the house is large enough to accommodate sixty boarders. Parties visiting
the place from this section will be sure of a royal reception at the hands of
Mr. and Mrs. Ensign.
During the storm of last
Sunday afternoon lightning struck one of the large maple trees on the west side
of Owego-st. on Mrs. Van Bergen's premises, knocked small particles of the bark
off the trunk of the same in two or three places, struck a root at the bottom
which it followed to the curb, tearing up the ground, when it jumped about
eight feet into the highway and disappeared, leaving a round hole about two
inches in diameter where it entered the hard path. It is supposed that it was attracted
by the iron pipe of the water main about four feet underground. The question
with the neighbors is, what became of the dirt that came from the hole? There
is no sign of it in the vicinity.
J. D.
Freer and wife, of South Cortland, were at W. S. Freer's, Saturday.
Delia Hodges returned Saturday from a two weeks visit at Fabius.
Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Foster, of Virgil, were visiting friends here Thursday.
Tarbell and daughter, of Peruville, were at Higginsville the first of the week.
of our enterprising citizens are building new sidewalks. Let the good work
Amanda Brown, who has been living in Homer for the past few months, is visiting
relatives here.
Mr. J. B.
Nash, of Georgetown, was here Thursday looking after the effects of his son.
Frank E. Nash.
Mrs. Emma
Bloomer and children, of Binghamton, are spending several days with her mother,
Mrs. A. Spencer, and other friends.
Mrs. D.
Hobart is caring for the family of Daniel Barry. Mrs. Hunt, of Preble, and Mrs.
Shevalier, of Virgil, have been spending several days there.
Nellie Cullen, of Syracuse, and sister, Miss Mary Brown, of Tully, visited at
Reuben Reynolds, the past week. Mrs. Cullen was formerly a teacher in our school.
night Mrs. Chase and Miss Minnie McCumber were coming from Cortland and when on
the hill near G. Burgess crossing, the alarm bell commenced to ring which
frightened their horse, which became unmanageable and started to cross the
track ahead of the cars but was not successful. The horse, wagon and women were
thrown in a general heap. The ladies received some severe bruises but were able
to ride to their home south of this place. The horse received a severe cut on one
of the forward legs and has since been killed. It was owned by Mr. McCumber,
father of the young lady. Officer Sevenoakes and another railroad man were here
Saturday to try to settle the damage but did not succeed.
funeral services of Mrs. Caroline Burnham who died on Sunday morning, July 8th, were held at the M. E. church on
Wednesday, July 11. Many loving friends and relatives were present to pay a last
tribute of affection and respect. Rev. W. H. Robertson delivered an appropriate
sermon, using as a text the one she had chosen, and which may be found in St John
17:24. The church was tastily decorated with plants and cut flowers and the floral
tributes on the casket were beautiful. It seemed fitting that it should be so,
as one of Mrs. Burnham's most prominent characteristics was her love for flowers.
deceased was born in the town of Fabius in 1816, her maiden name was Caroline
Webster. She was married to Marvin Burnham in 1836, and most of their married
life was spent in or near this place. Since Mr. Burnham's death, about three
years ago, she has been in feeble health and lived with her son Eugene, of this
village. Mrs. Burnham was a loving christian woman, always thoughtful and kind
toward those in trouble, and having a pleasant word and hand shake for every one.
She left many friends to mourn her loss, but we can only think that it is one more
gone home.
Jerry Hartnett, who has been visiting at her home in Scipio, has returned.
Haying is
now in order and potatoe bugs are enjoying life. Never so many before.
was out to see the [bicycle] lantern parade. It was all right only there were
no lanterns—and might more appropriately be called the "dark parade."
Maycumber is thought to be improving.
Mrs. Lois
Clarke is failing. Her son, Randolph, is here in answer to a telegram.
Allen Barber and daughter of Marathon are stopping for a few days with Byron
Barber's people.
Is there
only one physician in Cortland County who can tell scarlet fever from small
pox? Bad state of things when it becomes necessary to send west for a physician
to decide a case like that, and quiet the nerves of Homer people.
Quite a
number of friends and relatives from this place attended the funeral of Mrs. S.
L. Angell at East Virgil on Sunday. The remains were brought to Marathon for
masons working at the foundation for the Peck Library building, who were obliged
to suspend operations on account of the non-arrival of stone, resumed work Wednesday morning.
contract for the erection of the new Climax Road Machine building was let on Wednesday
of last week to G. W. Aldrich of Norwich, N. Y. A large force of workmen have
begun on the foundation.
Dr. and
Mrs. F. D. Avers who returned from the Thousand Islands on Monday night were
surprised by a large number of their friends on Tuesday evening. A pleasant
time is reported by those who were there.
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