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Cortland Normal School. |
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Alton B. Parker. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 29,
The Normal Commencement.
graduation exercises of the Normal school commencement was held in the opera
house Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. A class of forty-eight was graduated.
The opera
house was filled up to the last seat in the gallery and though they lasted nearly
three hours the audience paid a close and interested attention to the exercises
throughout. At one point in the program the circus procession passed the
building and put the self-restraint of the audience to a rather severe test. A
few so far forgot what the courtesies of the occasion demanded as to rise and
pass out while an oration was being delivered, but the confusion was only
momentary and as a whole the audience stood the test manfully and splendidly.
orations and essays were all thoughtful, well written, and delivered with grace
and force. Altogether the exercises were such as the class and school may well
be proud of. The orations of Miss Jennie May Allen and Miss Anna B. Thayer were
of especial interest. The thought of the former was that the freedom in which
lies strength of character and true success comes from silent conflicts, the
life long struggles in the individual for mastery over self struggles which the
world cannot see or understand.
Thayer's oration dealt with an interesting professional theme, with the results
of the work of the "Committee of Ten" appointed by the National Council
of Education. The oration dealt especially with correlation of studies and
pointed to geography as furnishing a good basis for such correlation. The studies
in all branches, language, literature, history, science, even in mathematics may
be grouped around geography and made dependent upon it. The other orations were
scarcely less interesting than these two and all deserved and secured the attention
and interest of the entire audience.
program was carried out exactly as printed below excepting that Mr. Van Arnam
was at his own request, and because of the condition of his voice, excused from
delivering his oration. In announcing this change Dr. Cheney said that the
honor of a place upon the program was one that Mr. Van Arnam had well merited
by his good scholarship and excellent work in the training school. At the close
of the program Dr. Cheney introduced, as the one chosen to address the
graduating class, one who as a student had been familiar with the Normal school
in its infancy and who by a well deserved eminence had brought honor to the
school and place, Judge Alton B. Parker. He opened his address in a very happy
way with reminiscences of the early days of the school and of the men who had
secured it for Cortland. He alluded to several incidents connected
with the first commencements of the school which had occasioned immeasurable
wrath on the part of the faculty and the graduates and their friends, and great
amusement on the part of the audience. He proceeded to implicate several men
now eminent in these schemes, and paid a tribute to Mr. B. B. Jones, as one
whose efficient aid had secured from detection the perpetrators of this old
time deviltry. The judge said that it had been his intention to embody in his
address other reminiscences of the sort but for two reasons he had changed his
mind. The one was that one of his old time friends who might perhaps be
concerned in such revelations and who had anticipated something of the sort in
his address, had written to him especially warning him therefrom under threat
of retaliation. The other was contained in a letter received from Dr. Cheney, one or two sentences of which he would read.
It ran somewhat as follows:
I should inform you that the graduating class consists of about fifty young men
and women, ten of whom will appear upon the platform with orations. These exercises will occupy about two hours and
immediately thereafter will be the time for your address. While I do not wish
you to make your address too short, your own good judgment will under these
circumstances indicate its appropriate limits."
The judge
commended the diplomacy of these sentences. He said that never before in so neat
a way had he been told that others would be glad to hear him talk if only he
would not talk much. The judge then spoke of the influences that are important
in forming character and placed the teacher high among these. In considering the
opportunity of the teacher he spoke at some length of some of the social weeds
that infest the country from whose spread much of danger is to be anticipated, to
socialism, anarchism and allied doctrines. He referred to the lawlessness
connected with the Coxey movement as an instance. Very feelingly he referred to
the honored president of the French Republic now lying dead, under the dagger of
an anarchist. He instanced the great number of people and periodicals published
in foreign languages in this country as showing the great difficulty of
combating these doctrines. But the teacher in the public schools comes in
contact with the children of all classes and has an opportunity denied to all
others of instilling into their minds just conceptions of the worth and use of
the government, into their hearts a love of country. He appealed to the
teacher, whom he was addressing to undertake that work. An earnestness and feeling
ran through all his remarks that made his address very impressive.
Cheney presented the diplomas to the graduating class with a few appropriate remarks.
The class sang its class song and after benediction by Rev. Dr. Cordo the
exercises were at a close.
Below is
a list of the graduates, the program in full, and the class song:
Invocation, Liston H. Pierce, D. D.
2. Overture—Fairy Queen, Eilenberg.
3. Oration—Freedom In Development, Jennie M. Allen.
4. Oration—Importance or Details, Ida B.
5. *Essay—Volapuk or English, Dora A. Wagner.
6. Oration—Decision of Character, Ernest P.
7. Essay—Practice vs. Theory, Lula E.
8. Music—Liberty Bell, Brooks.
9. Oration—Civil Government and the Common school,
Harmon Van Arnam.
10. Oration—Nature's Methods in Teaching,
Adelaide A. Allen.
11. *Essay—English, the World Language, Agnes
C. Post.
12. Oration—The Need of Belated Work, Anna B.
13. *Oration—What Next? Dora E. Smith.
14. Oration—Crystallized Beginnings, Laura L.
15. *Essay—The Report of the Committee of Ten,
Glendora L. Atkinson.
16. Music—Concert Mazurka "Amarosa,"
17. Oration—Education in Citizenship, Jessie
P. Ward.
18. *Essay—The Three Aristocracies, Anna L.
19. Oration—Coxeyism and Democracy, Rufus E.
20. Oration—Mental Hygiene, Anna W. Blackmer.
21. Music—Hungarian Fantasia, (Liszt) Moses.
22. Address, Hon. Alton B. Parker.
23. Presentation of Diplomas.
24. Class Song.
25. Benediction.
by Chas. E. Bryant.
Music by Harry M. Butler.
We stand to-day at the threshold
Where opens life's busiest mart;
Each has a duty before him,
To meet with unfaltering heart.
The world has need of true workers,
Of thoughts that are noble and strong,
Deeds that will last through the ages
And triumph at last o'er the wrong.
CHORUS—Then where so e'er there's work to do,
Let every noble effort rise;
For truth and honor must prevail,
If we would at last win the prize.
The pathway that stretches before us,
Which leads to a future unknown,
Is not lined with sweetest of roses,
Nor with thorns and briers is strown.
So let us strive with a purpose
And work while the promise looks bright,
With "Seem not: Be" for a motto,
We all hope to win in the fight.
Jennie M. Allen, Jeanette M. Ranney,
Jessie L. Barnes, Jessie P. Ward,
Ida B. Butler, Jeanie S. Wratten,
Anna W. Blackmer, Claribel Warren,
Josie K. Meade, Ernest P. Carr,
Anna L. Place, Henry E. Hubbard,
Martie L. Myers, Lew Fralick,
Edwin T. Whiffen.
William E. Hine.
Sara M. Angell,
Glendora L. Atkinson,
Adelaide A. Allen,
Rosa K. Barden,
Laura L. Burritt,
Julia E. Bull,
Anna DeRonde,
Josephine B. Flynn,
Emma M. Gilbert,
Iva Belle Kinney,
Margaret A. Lorch,
Cora A. Morse,
Luella W. Palmer,
Agnes C Post,
Myrtle M. Rounds,
Dora E. Smith,
Anna Belle Thayer,
Katherine Taylor,
Ella M. VanMarter,
Julia E. VanBuskirk,
Lulu E. VanScoy,
Gertrude I. Woodworth,
Dora A. Wagner,
John A. Bowen,
Charles E. Bryant,
Willis E. Cummings,
Frank P. Gleason,
Harmon Van Arnam.
Rufus E. Corlew, Fred B. Niles.
Harry M. Butler.
Geo. W. Champlin.
Killed by the Cars.
last Monday morning the mangled body of Henry Powers was found lying near the
railroad track just north of the Warren-st. crossing in Homer village. The body
was removed to Briggs Brothers undertaking rooms and coroner Bradford was
Powers was a farm hand and was employed by
Mr. Jerome R. Hathway, who owns the John Scott farm about a mile south of Little
York on the west road. His watch, hat, a pair of shoes and several packages
were found scattered along the track. It is supposed that he undertook to board
one of the coal trains about mid-night Sunday night and fell under the train,
being dragged some distance. He was seen about Homer during the day by several
persons and was apparently under the influence of liquor. Just after the first
shower which occurred a little before darkness set in on Sunday evening, he called
at the house of Mr. Hector Cowan, about a mile and a half east of this village on
the road to East Homer, and tried to induce Mr. Cowan to carry him home but failed.
He was invited to have lunch with the family and accepted the invitation. He
said he had lost his reckoning and had walked up the railroad track supposing
he was on the road home, but finally it occurred to him that he was on a single
track road and he left the track and came to Mr. Cowan's house.
He was
then considerably under the influence of liquor. From there he went to the
house of Mr. Fred Cowan, just north and endeavored to get him to take him part
way home offering to pay for the ride. Presently a man drove along from the
south in a buggy and Powers got in and rode north with him. He probably got out
when he came to the road leading over the hill from Lorings station to Homer,
and at the latter place struck the double track for Little York.
He was
about forty-five years of age and had a son, who was employed on the Hitchcock
farm two miles north of Homer. The coroner decided that an inquest was not
The New Railroad.
engineers, who have been laying out the line and establishing grades on the Erie and Central N. Y. road, have the work well
along and it will soon be completed, ready for active work in grading and
laying track. This work, however, will not be commenced until the full sum of
$25,000 in bonds has been taken. A little over $3,000 is needed to complete the
amount, and those of our readers who want the road and are able to do so,
should subscribe for one or more of these bonds. Any delay in raising this
small sum, causes a corresponding delay in the work that makes the road a sure
thing. Don't wait for your neighbor to do what you ought to do yourself. Come
forward and act promptly.
A Brilliant Social Event.
Friday evening a very large party of invited guests assembled at the handsome home
of Hon. and Mrs. W. H. Clark on Prospect-st., to partake of their hospitality. The
party was given in honor of his business partner Mr. E. D. Blodgett and his
bride. The rooms were brilliantly lighted and handsomely decorated with flowers
and ferns, and the evening was spent in a social way. Those who were so inclined
indulged in the various games at cards. Mr. Geo. Griffith, the well known caterer,
served an excellent supper at about 10 o'clock and Mangang's superb orchestra furnished
music during the entire evening.
The weather
was very sultry and the handsome grounds about the house accommodated many gay
lawn parties. It was one of the most enjoyable and brilliant social events that
has taken place in Cortland during a notable season of similar occurrences. The
hosts have a peculiarly happy manner of entertaining and their guests were
received with an ease and grace that made them feel at home during the entire evening.
◘ Casimer
Perier has been elected President of France by the National Congress to fill
the vacancy caused by the murder of President Carnot.
◘ The
Prohibitionists of this state have made the following nominations: for Governor, Francis E. Baldwin of Elmira; for
Lieutenant-Governor, Justus Miller of Troy; for Judge of the Court of Appeals,
Zachariah P. Taylor of Rochester.
◘ Richard
Croker sailed from England for New York yesterday. The Lexow committee will
have an opportunity of securing his testimony in regard to certain alleged questionable
transactions in New York. It will be a great surprise to the World and other republican papers, that have
charged that he went abroad for the purpose of getting rid of such an examination.
◘ Hon.
Sereno E. Payne of Auburn desires to be renominated from this district for
Congress again this fall, but there are said to be other aspirants for his
comfortable place. Hon. John Raines of Penn Yan was a candidate two years ago,
but was defeated by a combination. It is said that he is fixing up his
political fences and that he intends to enter the race again this fall. Raines
is a wealthy man and money talks in republican conventions. Hon. R. T. Peck of
this village is said to be ambitious to reside in Washington and it is quite
probable that he will be a candidate. Wayne and Cayuga counties can get what they
want in this district, for the reason that they have a majority of the
delegates and have entered into a combination to take charge of the affairs of
the district.
◘ Genl.
Neal Dow the famous prohibitionist of Maine says the police of Portland in that
state "are more corrupt in comparison with the wealth and population of
the city, than the police of New York. The price for protecting the illegal
grog shops is reputed to be $40 a month, while sometimes as high as $100 is
paid. The courts are contaminated by the way in which they handle the liquor
cases. Some of the Judges, after a conviction is secured in their
courts, have the cases placed on file, not to be called up unless on a special
order by the court. That ends the case practically." This is too bad. No
one would suppose that such a thing could be possible in the great republican
state of Maine, but here is a splendid field for the Lexow committee and we
hope they will start for Portland as soon as they finish their work in New York.
Genl. Dow will surely welcome them to that state and bid them God speed in
their benevolent work.
◘ The
Syracuse papers claim that Hon. Frank Hiscock of that city is a candidate for
the republican nomination for Governor. Hiscock took no part in the municipal election
last February for the reason, as they claim, that he had made an alliance with
Belden. At the time, the fact that he remained neutral caused considerable comment
and no one seemed able to account for his apathy. The deal between him and Platt,
Belden & Co., had undoubtedly already been consummated. It is
believed that the combination will have charge of the convention and unless Platt
chooses to make another combination before the convention sits, Hiscock's
chances would seem to be good. His friends say if he is nominated for governor
he will be a candidate for the presidency in 1896 and that if nominated he will
be elected. While he may be nominated for Governor there is no sure thing that
he will be elected, and his chances of a nomination for the Presidency are
quite remote and decidedly uncertain.
month the Indian monument at Painted Post will be unveiled. The monument is a
large granite one surmounted by a life size figure of an Indian. A legend is
told of how a large post in the village was painted with Indian blood from
which the place derives its name. A very appropriate program is being prepared and
many different tribes of Indians will be represented.
If there
is anything in heredity, George Huff of Moravia village ought to live out more
than the allotted three score and ten years. All his grandparents are still
living. His grandparents on his father’s side, Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Huff, being
89 and 90 years of age, and his mother's parents being 91 and 85 years old respectively.
Mr. and Mrs. Huff have been married for 70 years and Mr. and Mrs. Rounds will
soon celebrate their 65th anniversary. We doubt if this record for longevity in
a single family can be surpassed.—Moravia Republican.
In New York City a passenger can ride from
the Battery to 173th street for five cents—a distance of over ten miles. [It
could be done until July 1, 1948, too—CC editor.]
Denver's population has decreased in one
year from 105,000 to 65,000. Depression in mining and general business.
During the year 1893 the people of Paris consumed
21,291 horses, 229 donkeys and 40 mules, the total amount of such meat sold in
the market of the French capital being set down in round numbers at 4,615 tons. (H. S.)
The quarterly convention of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union met in Cuyler June 13th according to appointment. All
unions were not represented by delegates, but a good number were present. Interesting
papers were read, and some equally so were crowded out. An especially bright,
interesting and instructive paper upon "Flower mission work" was read
by Mrs. Jennie June. She gave its beginning as a dept. of W. C. T. U. work, and
also a brief history of the life and work of the national Supt., who
accomplished so much although unable to leave her bed for thirty years and who
passed away during the last year or two
Among the most profitable exercises of the
day was one conducted by Mrs. Edith Cotton county Supt. of the Loyal Temperance
Legion, which consisted of tests of the common summer drinks so popular and
especially Hires Root Beer so widely advertised even in the religious papers as
a temperance drink, which was found to contain a large per cent of alcohol.
Mrs. N. M. Hutchinson of Owego was present
through the entire session and gave several interesting talks upon Loyal
Temperance Legion work and systematic giving, and in the evening delivered an
address which gave excellent satisfaction. A good audience was present.
The good people of Cuyler opened hearts and
homes to the convention and all were made to feel thoroughly welcome.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June 25.—Senator Hill's fight
against the income tax was a futile one, and he did not get even the support of
all those he had counted upon. Whether it was that fact or something else he
conducted the fight with such bitterness that he made enemies among the
democratic Senators who will never forgive him for the language he used and for
the manner in which he used it. Senator Hill could have made a fight against
the income tax without offending a single democrat who favors it, but he chose
to do otherwise, and even those who agree with him in opposing the tax are now
unanimous in saying that he has made a mistake that he will never be allowed to
forget. No man objects more to be driven than he. Yet he tried to drive his
democratic colleagues.
The end of the fight against the income tax
is the end of the legitimate fight against the tariff bill, and unless there is
some republican trickery the bill will pass the Senate and be in the hands of
the conference committee before the close of this week. Such republican
Senators as Aldrich, Sherman and Teller, will do nothing to prevent a vote
being reached, the legitimate debate being over, but there is a gang of
guerillas on the republican side of the Senate (men like "Little
Billy" Chandler of N. H.) who may attempt to filibuster against a vote,
not with any expectation of defeating the bill but just because of their
"pure cussedness." Public interest recognizing the early passage of
the bill, is now centered upon the changes that will be made in it by the
conference committee. That there will be a number of changes is regarded as
certain, and it is fair to presume that they will all lean towards the original
Wilson bill as it was passed by the House, although probably in few, if any, instances
going all the way. The sugar schedule is regarded as one of the certain changes
to be made, but it will hardly go as far as free sugar, because of the opinion that
some revenue must be raised from sugar.
The Hatch anti-opium bill, which passed the
House by a vote of 150 to 87, has been before Congress in one or another shape,
for the last five years. It was shown by the manner in which party lines were
disregarded when the vote was taken—for the bill, democrats 93, republicans 47,
and populists 10, against, democrats 61, republicans 26—that politics did not
influence the members to any marked extent. The anti-opium bill was originally
introduced in the Fifty-first Congress by Representative Funston of Kan., who
was chairman of the House committee of Agriculture at that time, and it was
introduced in the present and in the Fifty-second Congresses by Representative
Hatch of Mo., now at the head of the committee on Agriculture.
The so-called industrial armies, three of which
are now in the vicinity of Washington, are rapidly going to pieces, the men finding
that the people of this country are not quite silly enough to work for money and
then contribute it to keep several hundred men lying around in idleness.
regular meeting of the board of the Hospital association, will be held at the hospital,
Monday, July 2, at 8 P. M.
Last Monday Mr. A. J. Hamilton
had the thumb of his left hand badly injured by a buzz saw in Keller, Keese
& Co.'s shop on Squires-st.
The 6 A. M. train on the D. L.
& W. road did not arrive in Cortland last Wednesday until 12:30 owing to the
wreck of that train the night previous near New York.
Last Sunday evening just
before the shower a man riding a bicycle ran plump against a young colored
woman on the sidewalk corner of Owego and Tompkins St., bruising her quite
severely. On Monday evening a child was run over on the side walk near the
Congregational church on Church-st. by a bicycle and was severely hurt. If
someone should be killed, the trustees might possibly realize that something should
be done to protect pedestrians on the sidewalks. Wheelmen demand one-half the
highway the same as a load of hay and their rights are recognized by the law and
by the public, but no one would think of driving a load of hay down the
sidewalks of one of our principal streets. There would be just as much sense in
doing so as to permit bicycles to be rode on the walks. If the riders claim
their right to one-half the highway they have no right whatever to the
The uniforms for the C. A. A.
base ball team are expected to arrive in a short time. They are to be a light
brown trimmed with the club colors and blue stockings.
During the storm Sunday night
lightning struck the barn of Morris Reagan, in Barry Hollow. There were three
horses in the barn, and two of them were killed outright by the lightning,
while the third one was uninjured.
The annual prize declamation
contest of the Gamma Sigma fraternity was held in Normal hall last week,
Thursday evening. The declamations were all well delivered but the judges finally
decided that Morton E. Hinman was entitled to first prize, Morris L. Farrell
second, and Jared, N. Meaker third.
The closing exercises of the
Central school were held in the opera house a week ago last Thursday afternoon
and proved to be very interesting. We should be glad to give a full report
[shortened report on Democrat page six—CC editor] of the proceedings with a synopsis of
the orations and essays but want of space forbids. Superintendent C. V. Coon
delivered a very excellent and practical address at the close which was received
with applause.
Died Suddenly.
Mr. Clinton Shoals was taken
ill in Theron Evarts saloon on Port Watson-st. at about 6:30 last Friday
evening and was taken to the Central House, where he had been stopping for a
few days, in a cab. He sat down for a few moments on the stairs and soon after
went into the public sitting room and lay down on a sofa. Dr. Edson was called,
but he died soon after the doctor arrived.
The remains were taken to the
undertaking rooms of Messrs. Fletcher & Blackman and Coronor G. D. Bradford
of Homer held an inquest on Saturday. Drs. Edson, Angel and Bennett were
present and it was found that his death was caused by Brights disease
complicated with a liver trouble. He had worked as hostler at the Farmers Hotel
and latterly at the Central Hotel, giving up his job at the latter place about
a week before his death. He was a brother of Mrs. O. Tisdale and also of
Messrs. Harvey and Sherman Shoals of Blodgetts Mills. He also had a sister living
in Chenango county. Mr. Shoals was 56 years of age.
She Inhaled Chloroform.
Last Thursday Mrs. Flavilia
Bullman, aged about 70 years, residing at No. 15 Owego-st. attempted to commit
suicide by inhaling chloroform. She owns the premises and rents the house and
lives alone in a small house on the rear of the lot. She had an understanding
with some of the neighbors that she would hang a red cloth from the window in
case she was sick or needed assistance. Mrs. Lucy B. Niver, who lives near by
saw the cloth hanging out last Thursday and sent her niece, Mrs. R. Patterson,
to ascertain the cause. Mrs. Bullman was found lying on the floor in an
unconscious condition. A note was also found saying she was impelled to commit
the act on account of poor health and because of disappointment over the fact
that her granddaughter, who lives west, and was expected to spend the summer
with her was unable to come.
Dr. Henry was sent for and
brought her back to consciousness after two hours hard work. Mrs. Bullman is an
honest, kind-hearted woman who has suffered much for the last thirty years, and
her lonely life coupled with her bodily and mental ills had undoubtedly caused
her to feel despondent and discouraged with her future prospects. She came very
near leaving her earthly troubles and help came not a moment too soon.
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