Bulkley's Ordeal—Murderous Assault at Sandy Creek—Assailant's
Body Found in a Swamp.
(From the Syracuse Evening Herald, May 11.)
PULASKI, May 11.—A chain of tragic events in
quick succession have roused the people of Sandy Creek to a pitch of excitement
which they probably never before experienced.
This morning, in a swamp near the village,
was found the dead body of a man who, after striving last night most
desperately to take a human life, ended his own miserable existence by a
well-directed bullet.
Hovering between life and death, the victim
of a would-be assassin, Dr. J. Lyman Bulkley, ex-Sheriff of Oswego county, lies
at his home at Sandy Creek. The crime which has placed his life in such
imminent peril was one of the most dastardly ever recorded in this section.
At about 8:30 o'clock last night a young man
believed to be Frank K. Williams of Ellisburgh, and who was released from
Ogdensburgh asylum yesterday, called upon Doctor Bulkley and requested a
private conversation. He complained to the Doctor that he had been maltreated
by several physicians, and said he wished Doctor Bulkley to undo their errors.
The Doctor had just replied that he hardly knew how to do so, when his visitor
drew a revolver and shot at the physician.
The ball struck the Doctor's arm, but
despite his pain he clinched with his murderous assailant. The latter then drew
a knife and slashed Doctor Bulkley on the head, hands and hip, and finally
stabbed him in the abdomen. The Doctor fell, but rose again and chased the
desperate fellow some distance. The man, however, escaped, and doubtless ended
his life a few moments later in the swamp where his body was found this
Three physicians are making every effort to
save Doctor Bulkley's life. They pronounce his condition to be very serious, but
entertain hopes for his recovery. The physicians in attendance are Drs. A. S. Lowe
of Pulaski, Cook and Sackett.
Few men are more popular than Doctor
Bulkley. He has filled the offices of Sheriff and Assemblyman, is now Justice
of the Peace, and is known throughout the wide territory as a staunch and
active Republican, skilled physician, and progressive and loyal citizen. His
assailant was about 33 years old, five feet, eight inches tall and weighed
about 165 pounds, and wore a full beard.
Williams was released from Ogdensburg
hospital May 9th. He came to Adams, where his brother George is a jeweler, and
was carried by George's son to Ellisburgh that day, where he visited his
brother Wallace and his mother, and worked yesterday with his brother staking
up berries. He intended to go to Belleville last night to see his daughter, but
changed his mind and told Wallace he must come to Sandy Creek to see a man with
whom he had business and would stay at the Watkins house and look for work
there. Leaving Ellis village after 6 o'clock, his brother brought him within
two miles of the village and left him, believing him entirely sane. He walked
the remainder of the way, and went directly to Bulkley's residence. He
purchased the revolver at Ellis village unknown to his brother.
Williams also wrote two four-page letters
during the afternoon while sitting out of doors. He told Wallace one of these
was to his brother Alden Williams of Syracuse, and the other to a friend. These
were found on his person to-day and taken by Coroner Nelson, One letter was
addressed "To Any Editor," in which epistle in a rambling way he
mixed up the devil, Catholics and Doctor Bulkley in his troubles, and said that
he should find Doctor Bulkley, shoot him on sight, and then kill himself. In
the other letter to his brother George he disposed of a satchel left in Watertown
and his personal effects. Coroner Nelson has taken charge of the remains and
will hold the inquest Wednesday.
Williams' malady was the result of an
explosion in a gasoline pit at the Kirby House, Watertown, five years ago, in
which he was severely burned. This injury was upon the head. A. D. Williams of
the Otis House, then proprietor of the Kirby House, is his uncle. Doctor
Spencer of Watertown said then that the burn was so deep that it would result
in insanity.
Climax Road Machine Shops Burned Wednesday night.—Very Little Saved.
Where yesterday stood one of Marathon's most thriving
manufactories is this morning only a mass of smoldering ruins. At about one
o'clock last night residents at the lower end of Academy street were awakened
from their slumbers and discovered the Climax shops to be on fire. The alarm
was instantly given and the firemen were promptly on hand with the steamer, but
owing to the dryness of the buildings and the inflammable nature of the
contents of the paint shops, etc., it was impossible for them to do more than
to save the office, the stone-crusher and some finished stock.
The stillness of the night was a fortunate
circumstance as it would have been impossible to save some of the dwellings
nearest, if there had been much wind.
It is not known what caused the fire. Two
young men, employes of the company, discovered a small blaze in some part of
the building at about ten o'clock last night but that was extinguished and
everything supposed to be safe.
Much regret is expressed on every hand and
it will assuredlv be a very great loss to our town, should the company decide
not to rebuild at Marathon—which is considered probable—as the Climax works
have afforded employment to a large number of men and boys, and the company are
fine, upright gentlemen who would be much missed in our community.
After the flames were nearly subdued something
about the steamer broke, or in some way gave out and the firemen were obliged
to fall back on the old hand engine, which has done such noble work for our
village in years past, and which proves its self still capable of doing good
May 17, 1894.
W. [local
correspondent’s initial.]
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"Good News" on Erie Canal near Syracuse City Hall and Weighlock block in 1893. |
SYRACUSE, N. Y., May 10.—Fire broke out
shortly after midnight in the lumber yards of C. H. Baker & Co., on the
bank of the Oswego canal. The result of the fire is the destruction of about
$60,000 worth of property and the loss of two lives.
The gospel boat, "Good News," of
the Rescue Mission of this city, known along the Erie canal from Buffalo to New
York, was moored beside the burning lumber piles. The flames completely
surrounded the boat and cut off all chance of escape for its occupants.
There were three people on the boat, Robert
Wilson, its captain, and his young wife, and Alonzo Delaney, a brother of Mrs.
Wilson. All three jumped into the water in their night clothes. Wilson
succeeded in swimming ashore, but his wife and brother-in-law were drowned.
Joe Dunfee, the well known pugilist of this
city, jumped into the water and assisted Wilson to land. There was a strong
wind blowing and it was feared at one time that the blaze would spread to
adjoining buildings. It was gotten under control, however, inside of an hour.
The boat was burned to the water's edge,
entailing a loss of about $3,000. The loss on the lumber is covered by
Miss Augusta Hyde, only daughter of Dr.
Frederick and Elvira Hyde was born in Cortland, N. Y., June 24, 1839 and died
May 12th, 1894 in New York. She received her preliminary education in the
Cortlandville academy, commencing her Latin at nine and her brother at seven
years of age. She graduated at Mt. Holyoke Seminary in 1862, completing the
entire course in two years. She taught a short time in the Cortland academy and
had a special class in geology for a brief time, and afterward supplied a vacancy in the academy of this village.
Her elementary training in drawing had been
good and having taken lessons in oil painting she soon began to make sketches
of the beautiful scenery of our valley, and for several years has given all her
time to the enthusiastic study of art. Her many pupils can testify to her
earnest efforts for their advancement and her friendly interest in their
welfare. She not only did conscientious work in water colors and oils and china
painting, but in the winter of 1892 she entered a studio in New York to take
lessons in tapestry painting which she pursued with enthusiasm. Afterward, in
addition to work at home, she opened a studio in Syracuse and for some months
maintained also a large class in Whitney's Point.
To maintain this necessitated early and late
hours and her work was brought to a sudden close in August of last year, when
preparing with her usual ardor, the exhibition of china for the New York State
fair at Syracuse of which she had charge. Since that time she has been confined
to her room and in bed, with a painful disease for which an operation was
performed in New York May 12th, her death occurring the evening following. She
bore these long months of suffering with fortitude and gratitude to her many
In 1857 she united with the Presbyterian
church and almost her last words were "I trust in God."
False Alarm.
The annual test alarm and drill of the Cortland
Fire department will soon occur. A false alarm of fire will be given within the
next thirty days. The different companies will be required to fulfil the
following program:
Hose companies—Lay 250 feet of hose, attach
to hydrant and get water. First company arriving at hydrant is required to put
on two hydrant gates.
Hook and Ladder Co.—Hoist a twenty-four foot
ladder within fifty feet of fire alarm box and send a man over the ladder.
Protective Police—To drive in iron stakes and
string fifty feet of rope within a distance of one hundred feet of fire alarm box.
A prize of five dollars will be given by Chief
Engineer N. J. Peck to the company performing the required amount of work in the quickest time.
A fine of five dollars will be imposed upon
any company not performing the required amount of work.
The Engine Co. are excused from responding to
the alarm.
Work of
ATHENS, Pa., May 13—Unknown persons to-day
drilled holes in the trunk lines of the United States Pipe Line about eight
miles from this place and set the escaping oil on fire. The fire blazed
fiercely all day. Gangs of men have been laboring to put it out, but thus far
without success. The loss will be quite large. The telegraph wires were also
cut and communications with the pump station at Bradford, Pa. was cut off.
We Beg
Leave to Differ.
The Cortland Daily Standard was
delivered of the following last Monday and is in a fair way to recover:
"In the case of Democratic newspapers,
however, their attitude depends almost entirely on how honest, how consistent,
how cussed or how purchasable they happen to be. The New York Sun is
probably the most honest, candid, straight-forward and honorable, as well as
the ablest Democratic newspaper in the United States. Concerning the Cortland
DEMOCRAT, public opinion as to all the particulars just specified might vary
The Cortland DEMOCRAT begs leave to suggest,
that concerning the Cortland Daily Standard, public opinion as to all
the particulars just specified would not vary in the least particular. It
furnishes the proof itself though perhaps not intending to do so. When it has
the impudence to call the New York Sun a Democratic paper, it either
exhibits its ignorance on a matter which is known to everybody else or, it
simply tells what it knows to be untrue.
One might as well charge that the New York Tribune
is a Democratic paper. The Sun has been a most vindictive
opponent of the President for years, and has never let an opportunity slip to
abuse him. It is a protectionist organ and has given more aid and comfort to
the Republicans for the past ten years than any paper published in the United
States. No one will object to fair criticism, but downright abuse is not Democratic.
The Sun is criticizing the party and its measures in season and out of season
and this is the reason why it finds favor with our neighbor.
Owing to the miners' strike in the
bituminous coal fields, there is a great scarcity of soft coal for
manufacturers use. The N. Y. Central railroad is practically out of coal to
feed their engines and many freight trains have been laid up for want of fuel.
Only perishable freight is taken at their stations. It is stated that the company
has several steamers loaded with coal from Wales on the ocean and they are about
due. Importing coal from foreign countries will not tend to raise the wages of
miners in this country. We must manage in some way to keep the "Home market"
for our own use. Is the tariff on coal keeping up the wages of coal miners in
this country? Why do miners strike if the tariff is a benefit to them? The
McKinley tariff places a duty of seventy-five cents per ton on bituminous coal
and yet with that advantage the miners cannot compete with the miners in Wales.
What is the matter with the McKinley bill? Is it doing what it ought to do for
our "Home market?"
Notwithstanding the extravagancies of
Tammany that we hear so much about, the tax-rate in New York city only reaches
$1.30 upon each thousand dollars of valuation. In the highly virtuous and
eminently respectable city of Auburn, the tax-rate is $27.38 upon the thousand.
But Auburn has more wards in proportion to population and more officeholders to
the square rod than any town in the United States. It contains a large number
of pensioners who contrive, by one scheme and another, to live upon the
tax-payers. The jobs these fellows concoct—the plans they devise to hoodwink
unsophisticated Alder men and rural Supervisors—would astonish the greatest
conspirator that Tammany boasts of.—Weedsport Cayuga Chief.
Something of a sensation has
been caused in the U. S. Senate, caused by the charge that attempts have been
made to bribe certain senators to vote against the tariff bill. Senator Hunton
of Virginia was offered $25,000 for his vote. A large sum was also offered to
Senator Kyle of South Dakota. When the republican beneficiaries of the McKinley
bill fail to win with logic, they usually come forward with money, which is
often a strong argument for or against any cause. The lobbyist is trying to do
business in the capital.
Coxey's army has been forced
to move from the immediate vicinity of Washington over the Maryland line. Two
weeks since it numbered over 600, but now there are only about 200 and they are
becoming discouraged because rations are not served promptly.
He Was so Ugly That He Had to be
Poisoned—Not a Good Job.
NEW YORK, May 11.—Tip, the big
elephant in the Central park menagerie, died this afternoon at 4:19:30 o'clock,
after many hours of agony.
Such a botched piece of work
has never been seen accomplished by any set of men who have professed to have
the slightest skill in killing wild animals or to save any animal from unnecessary
cruelty and suffering.
From 6 A. M. until 4 P. M.,
the great king of the forest went shuddering from one convulsion into another
under the influence of the cyanide of potassium which had been given to him.
The first dose of the poison was not sufficient to put a quick and painless end
to his life. After many consultations between Superintendent Smith of the
menagerie, Superintendent Hankinson of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, and Secretary Burns, it was resolved at 3 o'clock to
administer another dose of poison. The second dose finally proved effective.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon,
Dr. Allen, one of the experts, said that he believed that what little poison
Tip got into his system in the morning was taking effect. "His trunk is
partially paralyzed now," he said. "His hind quarters are also
partially paralyzed. He is breathing heavily, which goes to show that the
poison has acted on his heart." Some of the experts went so far as to say
that Tip was dying by inches at that hour.
Capt. Collins, in charge of a
squad of park policemen, kept the crowd back. No one was allowed within 200 yards
of the elephant house.
Matters at 3:15 o'clock seemed
to be reaching a climax. At that hour fifteen capsules of cyanide of potassium
were given to Tip in a dish of bran. The great beast went into convulsions and
thrashed about at a tremendous rate. In his wild struggles he broke the chains
which confined him and snapped his martingale. The attendants seemed to be
panic stricken. Tip was loose in his pen and their lives were in great danger.
The latter dose of poison combined with the preceding had not killed the
elephant. It had only tortured him. It was announced later that the second dose
of poison was two ounces. It was five minutes afterward that the violent convulsion
seized him and he burst his chain and martingale. He died at 4:19:30 o'clock.
John Rowley, who is the chief
taxidermist of the museum, will have charge of the work of mounting Tip's skin.
The stuffed remains will be mounted beside those of Jumbo, who was killed in
1889 at St. Thomas, Ont. by a railroad train.
Mahan's Music Festival opens
May 28, 1894.
Early vegetables were caught
by the frost last Monday night.
The Cortland wheel club made a
run to McLean and back last night.
The Homer excise board has
granted hotel, saloon and store licenses.
The Y. M. C. A. wheel club
took a run to Little York and back Wednesday evening.
Emma Keefe, a wayward girl
from Cuyler, was taken to the House of Refuge Wednesday.
It costs $5, for each offence,
to ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in Homer. Cortland city fathers need bracing
The Clionian society of the
Normal have been photographed by Hyatt & Tooke. Fifty ladies and fifty
mortar-boards in one troupe.
Mahan has an advertisement
concerning his Music Festival which opens May 28 and continues five days. The
artists engaged are of the best.
Mr. H. C. Blodgett, the owner
of Floral Trout Park will have charge of that resort this season. He is making
many improvements about the grounds.
Any physician having on his
hands a case of contagious disease, subjects himself to a fine of $25,
if he does not report the fact to the board of health at once.
An evening with Hawthorne at the rooms of the
W. C. T. U. Friday, May 18, at which strawberry short cake will be served from
5:30 to 9 P. M. All are invited.
John Harvey [coachman] has
just purchased a handsome new coupe and his customers can now take a
comfortable trip at any time of day by calling him up at the Cortland House.
Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald sold
sixteen fine young horses at auction on one of his farms between Homer and
Cortland last Saturday. The prices were considered low, when the quality
of the stock is considered.
Geo. Fitts has sold a thousand
bushels of potatoes to parties in Cortland for eighty cents per bushel. They
are to be shipped from McLean this week. They are Monroe Seedlings and late
Burbanks and are a fine lot of tubers. Mr. Fitts is well known as a very
successful potatoe grower.—Groton Journal.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Jacob
Stevens residing at 215 Port Watson-st., undertook to do the family ironing and
while at work accidentally dropped a flat iron. In her attempt to pick it up
she slipped and fell to the floor sustaining a compound fracture of the left
wrist. Dr. Bennett was called and reduced the fracture.
Last Friday night, while Emmet Riley was training on the fair grounds for the coming wheel races, his foot slipped off the pedal of the wheel and in endeavoring to catch it as it came around, he put his foot through the spokes of the forward wheel and was thrown to the ground. His collar bone was broken and the wheel was practically ruined.
J. H. McWhorter charged with
abandoning his wife in this place two years ago this month, was arrested in
Greene by Sheriff Miller last Tuesday. When brought before Justice Smith the
next day he plead not guilty and bail was fixed at $200, pending an adjournment
of the case until 10 A. M. to-morrow. It was charged that he left town in 1892
with another woman leaving his wife without means of support.
Last Saturday Hon. L. J.
Fitzgerald sold a yearling filly at private sale to Mr. Geo. H. Bigelow of
Binghamton for $487.50. Mr. Phil D. McGregor superintendent of Riverside farm
sold a two-year-old filly to the same party for $550. They are both very
promising filleys and even now show some very fast quarters.
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