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U. S. G. S. map of Erie and Central N. Y. R. R. (track is pink line.) |
Citizens of Cortland Invited to Attend a Meeting in Firemen's Hall, Saturday
Evening, to Discuss the Question.
A meeting of the directors of the E. & C. N. Y. Railway Co. was held for consultation on the 23rd inst., at the office
of I. H. Palmer.
Mr. Bundy assured the directors of the Railway
Co., several weeks since, that if people along the line between Cortland and Cincinnatus
would raise a sum of money, not less than $50,000, by subscribing to the bonds
of the Company, or by donations, payable when the road was completed, equipped
and in actual operation between Cortland and a point near the mouth of Gee Brook
in the town of Cincinnatus, he had arranged to market the remainder of the
bonds of the road in such a way that the work of construction would commence in
earnest within ten days thereafter.
Subsequently the engineer, Mr. Messerole, and
a contractor for the construction, viewed the road on foot, made computations and
obtained such flattering statistics of the probable traffic of the road that
the minimum sum to be raised along the line was reduced to $25,000. Mr. Bundy
was assured this sum could be raised and so assured the parties in New York who
had undertaken to float the bonds of the road, and these parties have become
impatient at the delay in raising this sum here among us.
They evidently do not appreciate the difficulty
of raising so large a sum in small amounts and have become restive at the time
consumed thereby. It was anticipated that this sum would be raised by a few large
contributions, but this expectation has not been realized. Mr. Bundy could remain
here no longer waiting for the tardy action of persons interested in the road,
and went to New York last night at the call of the parties who had been waiting
his report of the amount of bonds and contributions subscribed for by the people
of this county. It is to be regretted that the amount is now considerably less than
Fearing that the result of his report might
threaten the success of the plan and cut the whole enterprise adrift again,
some of our business men called on Mr. Bundy at the Messenger House before he
left, to renew assurances that the proposed $25,000 would be forthcoming, and
he will so report to the parties who have depended upon it, with what result is
a little uncertain. It therefore depends upon prompt and efficient action on
the part of people living along the line of the road, in raising the required
sum whether the construction of the road this summer is or is not assured, in the
opinion of well informed persons.
While Mr. Bundy says, and evidently believes,
he will build the road anyway, and he has done some work to comply with the
terms of his contract with the Railway Company, in order to avoid the forfeiture
of his contract with the Company which he regards as very valuable, yet he is
frank to admit that his personal resources are quite limited, and those best
informed deem the probability of his successfully constructing this road with
less than $25,000 contributed by residents of this county, as not very
The bonds of the Company are to be secured by
a first mortgage on all its property, and are to bear 6 per cent interest.
The traffic data gathered proves that the road
will earn more than enough to pay operating expenses and interest on its bonds
at 6 per cent, on $15,000 per mile, and so soon as this is demonstrated, the bonds
will bring a premium, and in any event, can result in very little, if any loss,
to the investor.
Competent financiers term these bonds good
and satisfactory security. At all events, we can't expect investors in Wall-st.
to manifest more confidence in the earning capacity of our road than we
ourselves show by our subscriptions to its securities.
A meeting of the directors of the E. & C.
N. Y. Ry. Co. is called for the 26th inst. at 1 P. M., at the office of I. H.
Palmer in Cortland to be followed by a meeting of the business men of the town
at Firemen's hall, at 7:30 in the evening of that day, when plans and
suggestions for raising the needed sum will be discussed. All interested in the
prosperity of Cortland should attend this meeting and aid the enterprise it is
called to promote.
Mahan's Music Festival opens Monday, May
28th, and continues five days. He has secured some of the very best artists to
be found in the profession and the festival must be one grand success. We copy a
few newspaper clippings in regard to some of them:
"Miss Blauvelt sang delightfully Bizet's "Pearl
Fishers," and the waltz from 'Mireille.' It must be said that
the enthusiastic reception and applause accorded her were no more than her due.
She is by all means the best soprano we have heard in New York for quite a good
many seasons."—N. Y. World, October 17, 1892.
"We have no metropolitan vocalist who can
rival Miss Blauvelt in a florid solo of this kind (Dinorah Shadow Song), and
then her tone and phrasing are at all times unimpeachable."—N. Y.
World, Nov. 31, 1892.
"Pauline Glidden-Chapman did some very
remarkable work with her cornet and again demonstrated that she is
unquestionably the leading lady player of the country. She thoroughly
understands the instrument, and brought out clearly all the many sweet notes,
and certainly ranks with the leading cornetists."—Hartford Telegram.
"Henri Marteau is one of the most
admirable artists that the Old World has sent to us."—H. E. KREHBIEL,
Musical Critic, N. Y. Tribune.
"No more admirable cantabile playing could
be possible. This public has certainly never heard anything to surpass
it."—WILLIAM HENDERSON, Musical Critic, N. Y. Times.
"The chief honors of the evening, in the form
of an instant encore, fell to Mme. Rosa Linde, who earned them justly by her
charming rendition of the song, 'Ultima Thule.'"—N. Y. World, Oct.
11, 1892.
"Mme. Linde, the charming contralto, has
a powerful, highly cultivated voice of wonderful compass, extending over three
octaves, under perfect control, and her singing was rewarded with a tumultuous encore."—N. Y. Morning Journal.
"Rosa Linde's sweet and
powerful contralto voice won her continued recall, all of which she richly
deserved."—Boston Traveler.
"Mr. Aime Lachaume, the
pianist, is a remarkable manipulator of the piano key board."—Chicago
Evening Post, January 2d, 1894.
Mr. James Hunneker, the
eminent critic of the Musical Courier, says "that M. Aime Lachaume
is one of the very best pianists he has ever heard."
The Manly Art.
Fred Graham and Wortman June
fell into a discussion last Saturday afternoon and decided to settle the
question according to Marquis of Queensbury rules, and with this object in view
repaired to the hill west of W. R. Randall's house. They were followed by some
fifteen or twenty companions. Fred Bently is said to have acted as June's
second and Graham is said to have been worsted in the mill. After the affair
was over Chief Sager heard of it and the principals and Bentley were arrested and
lodged in jail over Sunday.
Monday morning they were
brought before Squire BuIl and all insisted that there was no fight at all, it
was simply a wrestling match, and that they were not very drunk. The Justice
gave them ten days each for public intoxication.
Commencing Early.
Last Friday Samuel Boland,
colored, began circulating a petition among the "white trash" for subscriptions
to pay the expenses of a Grand Celebration of the colored people to be held in
this place at a date in the near future. A prominent citizen headed the list
with a subscription of $10 which was marked paid.
This fact may have no
connection with what follows but we give it for what it is worth. At about the
time the wrestling match on old Court House hill was taking place, Chief Sager
found Mrs. Samuel Boland reclining in a gutter on Groton-ave. Now the Chief is
a very kind- hearted and polite official and has been known on more than one
occasion to lend his arm to assist the weary and foot sore to a haven of rest.
On this occasion he was forced to lend both arms to Mrs. Boland in order to land
her at her domicile on Homer-ave. and he experienced much difficulty in
accomplishing the undertaking. Meanwhile the wrestling match on the hillside
was successfully pulled off.
A Bad Penny Returns.
On the 30th day of May 1888,
at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Alfred Taylor of Lapeer and Charles Parker
of the same place, arrived at the store of L. E. Hay in Harford Mills. Melvin
Frieze was there standing on the steps of the store when they arrived. The
winter previous both Taylor and Frieze had lived on Michigan Hill in the town
of Harford. Taylor was jealous of Frieze, whom he charged with being intimate
with his wife. Parker stood a few feet from where Frieze was sitting and held a
rifle in his hand. Suddenly Taylor slipped up behind Parker and snatching the
gun from him leveled the same at Freize and fired. The ball entered his breast
just above the heart and came out at his back.
Taylor was lodged in Cortland
jail and Frieze was cared for. It was thought he would surely die but he did
not, and in December of the same year he appeared as a witness against Taylor, who
was tried in the County Court in this village and convicted of assault in the
third degree. The Court sentenced him to the Onondaga Penitentiary for one
Last Saturday afternoon
Sheriff Miller arrested a plain drunk on the streets of this village and took
him to jail. As soon as they entered the hall of the Court House, the prisoner
threatened to kill the sheriff but the latter soon convinced him that he wasn't
big enough. The prisoner was the same Alfred Taylor, who says he now lives in
Lisle. He is serving five days for want of five dollars.
With a Slung Shot.
Last Saturday was a
red-letter day with the police officials in this town. More intoxicated people
perambulated the streets in the afternoon than has been seen here in many a
day. The half holiday was indeed right royally observed, and after that days
experience, none will be found to question the wisdom of the legislature that passed
the bill, giving the poor workingman an opportunity of indulging in much needed
rest from the fatigueing labor of the other five and one half days of the week.
Monday morning Michael Reagan
was brought before Justice Bull charged with an assault with a slung shot to
which charge he plead not guilty. His attorney Mr. W. C. Crombie moved for his
discharge on the ground that in the papers he was called Ready. The motion was
denied. Jas. Kelly, who was the complainant swore that he boarded at Hotel
Burns and that soon after 11 o'clock Saturday night, defendant came into the
office of the hotel where he was talking with Thomas Girrard, a moulder.
Suddenly the latter jumped between Reagan and him and received a blow aimed at
him by Reagan. Girrard knocked Reagan down
twice and Floyd Terpenning picked up a slung shot that fell to the floor.
Girrard swore that he received a glancing blow from some hard substance near
the right eye.
The defendant said he was at
work for D. E. Kinney taking care of trotting horses, had been here two weeks
and was 22 years of age. Had never saw the slung shot until after he was
arrested. The arrest was made after two o'clock Sunday morning after he had had
a scrimmage on Groton-ave., which resulted in his being pretty well punished.
Justice Bull held him for the grand jury.
A Handsome Job.
Mr. W. T. Smith, the
well-known carriage builder, has just completed one of the handsomest
cabriolettes ever seen in Cortland. It was made for Mr. Henry Young of the Cortland House stables, and Mr. Young with his handsome
chestnuts attached will surely possess one of the finest turnouts to be seen anywhere.
The vehicle is made from selected stock throughout and is handsomely
proportioned. It is of the latest and most approved pattern and good
judges pronounce it a model in every respect. Mr. Smith knows what the trade
requires and his years of experience coupled with his desire to turn out nothing
but the very best in his line, is a sure guarantee of the lasting qualities of
the work he builds. There is a style and finish about all his work that is hard
to imitate.
Death of Mrs. Knapp.
Mrs. Sarah W. Knapp, the widow
of Dr. J. H. Knapp, died in her [rooms] on Greenbush-st. last Tuesday morning of neuralgia of the heart, aged 68
years. Most of her life after marriage
was spent in Harford where her husband enjoyed a large practice. The funeral
was held yesterday afternoon. Interment at Marathon.
Program for the Bicycle Meet.
At 10:30 A. M. Saturday the
Cortland Wheel club, the cycling division of the C. A. A. and the visiting wheelmen will form in line in front of the C.
W. C. clubrooms on Railroad-st, and ride over the following march: down Main to
Tompkins to Reynolds-ave., to Union, to Main, to Port Watson, to Church, to
Grant, to Main, to Court, to Church, to Railroad.
Ranks will be broken at
clubrooms, where the visiting wheelmen will be entertained by the club. The
road race will start promptly at 1 P. M. and the track events will follow immediately
after the finish.
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Thomas Platt. |
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Richard Croker. |
The retirement of Croker
leaves only one "boss" in this state. Platt will have the field all
to himself and he will undoubtedly profit by the situation. He is a diligent
gleaner in the field of politics.
There will be a sharp canvass
among the republicans for nominations on the county ticket this fall. Several
candidates for each office have already entered the field and there are a good
many towns yet to be heard from. The small politicians in the several towns
will do well to set their houses in order and be prepared to treat with the
most generous and well-to-do candidates, who will soon be urged on by their
friends to make personal calls upon the poor and needy rural republicans. The DEMOCRAT
promises to keep its readers posted on the political events as they transpire. The campaign is about opening and there will
be lively times in the near future.
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Page of photos copied from Grip's Historical Souvenir. The center photo shows boats on the shore of the lake at Raymond's Landing. |
Be sure and see the bicycle
races on the fair grounds to-morrow.
Nest Monday is the first day
of Mahan's Music festival. People who enjoy music have a great treat in store
for them.
Be sure and see the Wheel club
races tomorrow on the fair grounds. Some of the fastest riders in the country
will take part.
The court of appeals recently
decided that the provisions of the penal code, section 365, prohibiting fishing
on Sunday, is absolute, and forbids fishing on that day anywhere in the state,
and under all circumstances.—Exchange.
The D., L. & W. railroad
company placed ten engines at the disposal of the New York Central Sunday night, the latter road being unable to burn
hard coal in its engines, and the miners' strike preventing the procuring of
soft coal.
The graduating class of the
Normal have adopted a ring as their emblem. It is a plain gold ring with the
figures "94" cased on one side. Some members of the class have the
"94" set in pearls and garnets. The rings were furnished by Mr. H. P. Gray the jeweler.
A. C. Ellis was awarded the
contract of building a new iron bridge across the Tioughnioga near Tripoli, in
Cuyler, Friday. Its extreme length will be fifty feet and the width fourteen.
There were ten bidders, Mr. Ellis' bid
of $295 being the lowest by $25. The bridge he put in at Kinney Settlement proved
so satisfactory that the Cuyler people are pleased to have him get this job.—DeRuyter
The latch-string at the
Raymond House in Little York was hung on the outside last Monday and hereafter and until the season is over guests will be
entertained in Mr. and Mrs. Raymond's very best style. The house has been
repaired, repapered and repainted and the boats are moored at the landing ready
for business. The table is one of the chief attractions at this popular resort
and it will be fully up to the standard this year. Take an outing this summer
and don't forget Raymond's.
Our letters [local correspondence]
from Taylor and Elm Stump came to us on Friday afternoon of last week. The
paper was printed Thursday afternoon. They will be found on our eighth page
this week.
The Cortland City band will
give the first open air concert of the season on Friday evening, May 25, at the
corner of Court and Main-sts., under the auspices of the Cortland Wheel club.
At 11 o'clock A. M. Wednesday
Mr. G. F. Beaudry sent a good-sized package to the DEMOCRAT office with
instructions not to open it under a half hour. It was deposited on a desk and
at noon it was taken to our domicile. At 12:40 it was opened and placed on the
dinner table. It proved to be a solid brick of delicious ice cream. It is put
up in a paper box and can be kept for a long time without melting.
Last Thursday a vagabondish
appearing sort of a chap appeared in town who demonstrated himself to be either
drunk or crazy. Among other things which he did was to go into Wooster &
Crofoot's drug store and procuring vitriol poured some on his hand, stating
that he could thus carry his hand and excite sympathy, and so beg his way
through the world. He became so violent in his demonstrations that he was
arrested and kept in the refrigerator over night. In the morning he told his story
to Justice Willson. He said that he had served two terms in Auburn prison, one
of three years for forgery, and one of two years for obtaining goods under false
pretences. He was questioned as to some remarks of his in regard to the origin of
the fire at the Climax shops, but he said that he was simply talking in a
drunken state, and told of his whereabouts that night in an apparently true and
straight- forward manner. He plead guilty to public intoxication and was sent
to the county jail for ten days.—Marathon Independent.
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