OUT OF $4,800 IN CASH.
Wealthy Farmer Reads the papers but Is Victimized.
Yesterday afternoon Morris Weldon of
Cramer's Corners, distant about ten miles from Fort Plain, bought a wooden box,
a copy of the New York Herald, a copy
of the Rochester Democrat, a
type-written letter and a good-sized cobblestone for $4,800. To-day he twirls
his depleted money bags and grimly hums to himself, "Tis the same old tale
Weldon is sick of his bargain, and wants to
trade back but the birds have flown with the hard-earned ducats which Weldon
dug out of the Montgomery hills. Weldon was buncoed, flim-flammed, gold-bricked
as neatly as ever sheep was shorn, and yet he claims that he reads in the
newspapers weekly, stories of how his kind are fleeced. There is one phase, and
only one, of the swindle from which he derives a little bit of consolation and
that is that the $4,800 represents but a comparatively small part of what he is
worth. His reputed wealth is close to $100,000.
So old is the game and so often has its
workings been aired in the newspapers that it seems hardly credible that one so
guileless could be found even in so remote a place as Cramer's Corners. The
story as told to the Police authorities by the victim at Fort Plain is
substantially as follows:
"At ten o'clock this morning a genteel
sort of a fellow presented himself at my home, saying that his name was Wood
and that he was employed in a Little Falls bank. He wanted me to go with him to
examine a certain farm within a mile or so of mine which he claimed to be
desirous of purchasing for a widow and her two sons.
"After we had driven about half a mile we were accosted by a man who wanted to know the direction to Fort Plain. I told him that he was on the right road. He started a conversation in which he said he was from Tennessee and that his people were well-to-do; that he had just returned from Buffalo where he had exchanged some Government bonds for cash. Wood insinuated that he was a tramp. This angered the man and unfolding the bundle he showed us $25,000. I asked Mr. Wood if he thought the money was good and he replied that it certainly was. He claimed to work in a bank and I thought that he must know. The stranger then told us he had been beaten out of $2,000 by a game in Buffalo. Mr. Wood asked him how it was done and the stranger produced three cards. Throwing them faces down, he bet Wood $100 that he could not pick out a certain card. Wood won. The stranger raised the bet to $5,000 and wanted to know if we had the money to pay if we lost. We replied that we had it in the bank. He agreed to wait until we got the money. When we arrived at Fort Plain I drew $4,700 from the bank, had $100 in my pocket and Wood had $200 so we had the necessary $5,000.
"After we had driven about half a mile we were accosted by a man who wanted to know the direction to Fort Plain. I told him that he was on the right road. He started a conversation in which he said he was from Tennessee and that his people were well-to-do; that he had just returned from Buffalo where he had exchanged some Government bonds for cash. Wood insinuated that he was a tramp. This angered the man and unfolding the bundle he showed us $25,000. I asked Mr. Wood if he thought the money was good and he replied that it certainly was. He claimed to work in a bank and I thought that he must know. The stranger then told us he had been beaten out of $2,000 by a game in Buffalo. Mr. Wood asked him how it was done and the stranger produced three cards. Throwing them faces down, he bet Wood $100 that he could not pick out a certain card. Wood won. The stranger raised the bet to $5,000 and wanted to know if we had the money to pay if we lost. We replied that we had it in the bank. He agreed to wait until we got the money. When we arrived at Fort Plain I drew $4,700 from the bank, had $100 in my pocket and Wood had $200 so we had the necessary $5,000.
"We met the stranger at Van Slyke's
mill, about twelve miles from Fort Plain. Wood took my money and played it and
won. The stranger then took the money and pretended to put it in the box. I
thought he did put it in but it seems he didn't. Wood told me to take the box
and the money. Then the stage came along and I walked a short distance to meet
it and got in and rode away. After I had ridden about two miles I began to grow
suspicious. The money had been all in bills and the box seemed to be pretty
heavy for that. I shook it and heard something rattle inside. Then I made up my
mind that I was the victim of the gold brick swindle. The driver thought I was
too. I hired a horse and drove here at once."
Chief of Police Mereness opened the box with
an axe and found that it contained some papers and a good-sized stone. The trains
were watched, but of no avail.
Mr. Weldon who is between 60 and 70 years of
age, described the men as follows: Wood was rather of slight build, light hair and
complexion, wore a light suit of clothes, straw hat and was smooth faced. The
stranger wore dark clothes, had dark complexion, dark hair and moustache, wore
a felt hat and was taller than Wood. Both are apparently about 35 years of age.
The story comes from Little Falls that the
fellows stopped Thursday night at the Girvan House in that village, and
yesterday morning hired a livery rig at Randall's stable and drove to Van
Hornesville. After making the haul they drove to Fort Plain, where they boarded
a train, sending the rig back to Little Falls by a man whom they paid $3.— Utica
Observer, Aug. 18.
![]() |
N. Y. Central R. R. Engine No. 999 in Syracuse, N. Y. |
Over a
Mile a Minute.
The 999 is still the queen of all
locomotives. Her run of 439 1/2 miles in 425 3/4 minutes stands as a world's
record, and her mile in thirty-two seconds has never been equaled in this or
foreign countries. But it is more than probable that within the next few months
the New York Central officials will order one of these records broken by
another engine, and will then give the 999 an opportunity to enter the
record-breaking business again.
Fourteen State conventions so far have decided
that United States Senators should be elected by the people.
Republican papers are greatly disturbed for fear the new tariff will
prove to be of some benefit to foreign countries. So long as it brings
prosperity to this country it matters not to us if it does benefit foreign
The response made by St. Clair McKelway,
editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, to a
proposition to make him a candidate for governor, is both original and
suggestive. Mr. McKelway says: "The Buffalo Evening Times nominates one editor for governor and another for
lieutenant-governor on the Democratic ticket. The first man peremptorily
declines, for he holds both offices already. He is governor where he works and
lieutenant-governor where he lives, and that is all he wants."
The bad actors and actresses are getting it
from all sides nowadays. This from the Boston Traveler: "Education, long training, and a study of human
nature are no longer necessary to success in the dramatic profession. James
Corbett, the prize fighter, can make more money than John Drew; the Carters,
Pollards, and other execrable, unclean and unmentionable hussies, attract
larger audiences than Modjeska, Rehan, Cavyan or Janauschek. Brodie, the
uncouth, illiterate, boorish bridge-jumper and Bowery rumseller, draws
audiences that neither Booth nor Barrett could have brought out in their day.
Is it really the drama or its patrons that is degenerating?"
Through all the "'slime and mire"
of the late Tariff struggle, with clean hands and untarnished reputation, comes
one man, the senior Senator from this state, David Bennett Hill. Whether he be
in the right or wrong—whether we be his admirer or the reverse—it cannot be
said but that he has been clean, consistent and all things considered,
generous. No suspicion of improper relations with corporate influence, no
suggestions of compromise with that which he has asserted to be undesirable, can
be laid at his door. All who love fair play and respect sincerity—be they
Republican or Democrats, cannot withhold their admiration for the qualities the
Senator has displayed in this struggle.—Marathon Independent.
Practical View.
The tariff bill as passed is a depressing
defeat for the honest tariff reformers in the House, and it is a barren victory
for the Senators who loaded the bill down with McKinleyism. The tariff will
indeed be reformed. The McKinley bill will be repaired, but the humbug and evil
of protection will still remain too large. The Sugar trust instead of being
deprived of all protection has the McKinley protection of one half a cent a
pound reduced to one eighth of a cent a pound. The woolen duties are reduced
from an average of upwards of 95 per cent, to less than 45, which is still too
high. Soft coal and iron ore, which ought to become free, are slightly reduced.
The bill is simply an improvement. It does not settle the question of tariff
reform. But it takes a long stride away from the abyss into which the McKinley
law was leading the business interests of this country. The people have not
fought so long for tariff reform to be satisfied now with so small a measure of
reform. It will be accepted for what it is worth, but not as a settlement of
the question. The position of President Cleveland, of Chairman Wilson, of
Senators Jones and Mills is the position that the people do and will stand
upon. It is a position which has the support of a large Democratic majority in
the House of Representatives, of 36 Senators and a large majority of the people
of all parties. Special interests are not going to be permitted to stand
forever in opposition to the will of the people.—Hudson Register.
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Grover Cleveland. |
"There Are Provisions in This Bill
Which Are Not in Line With Honest Tariff Reform."
27.—President Cleveland has written the following letter to Representative
Catchings, of Mississippi, in which he sets forth his views of the new tariff
law and gives his reasons for not signing the bill:
Executive Mansion, Washington
Aug. 27.
Hon. T. C. Catchings:
My Dear Sir—Since the
conversation I had with you and Mr. Clarke, of Alabama, a few days ago, in
regard to my action upon the tariff bill now before me, I have given the subject
further and most serious consideration. The result is I am more settled than
ever in the determination to allow the bill to become a law without my
When the formation of
legislation, which it would hope would embody Democratic ideas of tariff
reform, was lately entered upon by the congress, nothing was further from my
anticipation than a result which would not promptly and enthusiastically
I do not claim to be better
than the masses of my party, nor do I wish to avoid any responsibility which,
on account of the passage of this law, I ought to bear as a member of the
Democratic organization. But there are provisions in this bill which are not in
line with honest tariff reform and it contains inconsistencies and crudities
which ought not to appear in tariff laws or laws of any kind.
And yet it presents a vast
improvement to existing conditions. It will certainly lighten many tariff
burdens that now rest upon the people. It is not only a barrier against the
return of mad protection but it furnishes a vantage ground from which must be
waged further aggressive operations against protected monopoly and governmental
The trusts and
combinations—the communism of pelf—whose machinations have prevented us from
reaching the success we deserved, should not be forgotten nor forgiven.
I love the principles of true
Democracy because they are founded in patriotism and upon justice and fairness
towards all interests. I am proud of my party organization because it is
conservatively sturdy and persistent in the enforcement of its principles.
I cannot be mistaken as to the
necessity of free raw materials as the foundation of a logical and sensible
tariff reform. The extent to which this is recognized in the legislation
already secured is one of its encouraging and redeeming features; but it is
vexatious to recall that while free coal and free iron ore have been denied us,
a recent letter of the secretary of the treasury discloses the fact that both
might have been made free by the annual surrender of only about seven hundred
thousand dollars of unnecessary revenue.
When we give our manufacturers
free raw materials, we unshackle American enterprise and ingenuity, and these
will open the doors of foreign markets to the reception of our wares and give
opportunity for the continuation and remunerative employment of American labor.
With materials cheapened by
their freedom from tariff charges the cost of their product must be
correspondingly cheapened. Thereupon justice and fairness to the consumer would
demand that the manufacturers be obliged to submit to such a readjustment and
modification of the tariff upon their finished goods as would secure to the
people the benefit of the reduced cost of their manufacture and shield the
consumer against the exaction of inordinate profits.
The millions of our countrymen
who have fought bravely and well for tariff reform should be exhorted to
continue the struggle, boldly challenging to open warfare and constantly
guarding against the treachery and half-heartedness in their camp.
Tariff reform will not be
settled until it is honestly and fairly settled in the interest and to the
benefit of a patient and long suffering people.
Yours very truly,
Bogus Non-Partisanship.
It is interesting in
considering the proposed increase of the Members of Assembly from one hundred
and twenty-eight to one hundred and fifty, to look at the table which shows
where the appointment committee of the Constitutional Convention intends to
locate the additional twenty-two assemblymen. Broome, Cattaraugus, Cayuga,
Chautauqua, Jefferson, Monroe, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, St. Lawrence, and
Suffolk counties are to have an additional assemblyman apiece. Judging from the
election returns of the past ten years, every one of these additional
Assemblymen will be Republicans. The increase of Kings county is only three and
in New York county five. These are the only Democratic counties which have any
increase whatsoever.
It would save time and space
in the Constitution should the committee simply report that hereafter the
legislature shall be Republican. The matter is to be further cinched by
inserting a provision that these Assembly districts shall not be disturbed
until the next century.
For square, honest, partisanship
we have every respect, but for the hypocritical pretense which is hid away with
certain of these propositions to amend the Constitution, no citizen of the
State of New York should have anything except contempt.—Albany Argus.
Myron J. Glover, Esq., has
been appointed postmaster at Texas Valley, N. Y.
The Maude Hillman Co. are
playing to good audiences in the Opera House this week.
The Cathedral team of Syracuse
were downed by the C A. A. base ball club on the Fair Grounds last Saturday
afternoon. Score 13 to 1.
On our third, sixth and seventh
pages will be found the new tariff bill and a comparison between it and the
McKinley bill. This information should be preserved.
The young [bear] cub brought
home by Ed Robbins and party from the North Woods last week may be seen at
Robbins' tobacco store where he has already made many friends.
Mr. F. A. Blanchard of
Stonewall Farm is exhibiting his fine stock of Chester white swine at the
Hornellsville fair. He also has charge of several fine specimens of Mr. J.
Heath's Poland Chinas.
The E. C. & N. road expect
to have four new Pullman day coaches delivered to them this week. They were to
have been delivered about June 1st last, but the strike at the Pullman shops
delayed the work.
Last Monday some young rascals
done considerable damage to Graham's sand bank on the Truxton road. They used
seives for targets and rolled rocks from above into the bed. Mr. Graham
proposes to prosecute them.
Miss Lottie Reese, [age 15,]
the little girl who was so severely burned by fire in the Standard building
last April, died from her injuries last Monday morning. She had been cared for
at the Cortland Hospital since she was injured.
The regular monthly meeting of
the board of managers of the Hospital association, will be held at the hospital
Monday, Sept. 3rd at 3 P. M. A good attendance is desired.
The injunction proceedings
begun by the S. & B. Railroad Co. to restrain the Cortland & Homer
Traction Co. from crossing any of their tracks in this town has been abandoned
and the matter has been satisfactorily arranged.
The deer brought home by
Messrs. H. H. Robbins, E. Robbins, C. L. Kinney, E. C. Rindge and Art Stevens
from the North Woods, was cut up last Saturday and the DEMOCRAT returns thanks
for some generous slices of the venison.
Wickwire Bros. are erecting a
new building on the south side of their factory to be used as a tower for
painting their wire cloth. It will be 30 x 30 feet and 70 feet in height. Beers
& Warfield do the mason work, and N. P. Meagher has the contract for the
carpenter work. It will be ready for occupancy by Oct. 1st.
W. G. Mead has an
advertisement in another column.
W. J. Hollenbeck's Sterling
wheel which was on his front porch at 35 Union-st. last Sunday evening, is
lost, strayed or stolen.
Mr. J. H. O'Leary has erected
a building at 165 Tompkins-st. and put in a fresh stock of groceries. He
solicits a share of the public patronage.
All carriers and clerks in the
post office in this place are trying to ride bicycles. They are Silver King and
were purchased of the Hitchcock Mfg. Co. in this village.
Manager Jacobs expects to run
horse cars from the corner of Main-st. to Clinton-ave. to the S. & B. station
to-morrow. The track is nearly completed down Clinton-ave. to Church to
Railroad, down Railroad to the station.
Geo. S. Cady of Glen Haven has
taken the contract to furnish the Cortland and Homer traction company with two
hundred oak and chestnut poles to be used for stringing their Electric wires at
two dollars each. Mr. E. Arnold gets fifty cents each for drawing and
delivering same along the line.
Dr. and Mrs. D . D. Campbell
of Syracuse, who have been spending some days in town, were most
agreeably surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis, 19 Union-st.,
last Saturday evening. About eighty of their friends assembled and during the
evening a well-filled purse was presented to them in honor of their
"Crystal wedding" which occurs to-day.
While returning from a visit
to friends in Summer Hill one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Edgcomb and
daughter Lena, were thrown from their carriage. The accident happened on the
gulf road near Robey's mills about three miles west of this village. The horse
was frightened by a bicycle rider and ran up the steep bank overturning the
carriage. Fortunately the horse was stopped and no one seriously hurt, although
Mr. Edgcomb was imprisoned under the overturned vehicle.
The following teachers in the
village schools have resigned: Mrs. M. A. Rice goes to live with her son in
Brooklyn, Miss Helen M. Seacord accepts a place at Windsor, Miss Elizabeth
Turner has accepted the tutorship of music in the public schools, Miss Mary E.
Hunt has a better salary in the city schools in Binghamton, and Miss Anna
McNamara has resigned. The following teachers have been employed to fill their
places: Mrs. M. Hattie Furber, of Marathon, Miss Mabel C. Graves, Miss Lena V.
Lovell, Miss [Lucia] Day, Mrs. I. A. Benedict and Miss Agnes Grady. This gives
one more teacher than last term and a new room will be opened in the Owego-st. school.
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