Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Wheelmen posing on Main Street in front of Sager & Jennings Drug Store and Dexter House.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, September 1, 1894.

Late Results from the Track—A Fine Day.
   If the weather had been made to order the Cortland Athletic association could not have had a finer day for their first annual field day.
   Every incoming train brought in delegations of racing men and their friends from all over the state. Those residing in nearby towns rode in, and the reception committee was kept busy meeting them and entertaining them at the club house.
   At 10:45 o'clock the parade was formed on Tompkins-st., right resting on Main. The procession was led by Capt. D. F. Waters of the C. A. A. and Capt. James A. Farrell of the C. W. C. on a Rambler tandem. The C. W. C. was given the right-of-line. They were followed by the Y. M. C. A., the unattended wheelmen, the C. A. A. and the lady cyclists. Eighty-four riders, eighteen of whom were ladies, started from the club house, and others falling in as the parade moved on increased the number to nearly a hundred—about $12,000 worth of wheels, therefore, being in line. The line of parade was through the principal streets.
   Promptly at 1 o'clock the sixteen-mile road race was started at the Messenger House. There were twenty-five starters. Burke's hind wheel was loose, and he had not gone ten feet before he had to pull out of the race.
   The Cortland City band, followed by a large crowd, then went to the driving park to see the finish.
   The 16-mile road race was won by B. C. Hollister of the Y. M. C. A. club, an employee in The STANDARD office, in 51 minutes flat.
   The one mile C. A. A. handicap was won by F. W. Fisher in 2:34 3-5; C. R. Allen, second; G. E. Hitchcock, third.
   A time limit of 2:40 was placed on the one-mile open race. It was run in 2:48 3/4 and will be run again.
   Races are in progress as we go to press.

Party at Homer.
   A very delightful dancing party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brockway last evening. The company was in honor of Miss Grace Dunbar of Cortland, who assisted Mr. and Mrs. Brockway in receiving the guests, numbering about thirty, of whom the majority were from Cortland. During the evening a delicious supper was served, after which the guests indulged in a "peanut hunt," which resulted very favorably for Miss Mahan of Cortland and Mr. P. V. Bennett of Homer, who secured the prizes, the former receiving a teaspoon and the latter a silver satchel [bag.] Dancing was then resumed and continued until an early hour. Among the guests from Homer were Messrs. F. V. Bennett, J. H. Merrill and H. J. Barber. Mr. Butler of Cortland furnished the music.

Railroad Companies Should Have Gates at Crossings.
   An accident, which luckily did not result in injury to any one, occurred this morning just after the 10 o'clock trains left the station.
   Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bingham of Solon and Mr. and Mrs. David Crane of Freetown were driving in buggies side by side across the D. L. & W. tracks. After they had crossed the main line and were about to cross the tracks of the switch leading to the yard, the flagman motioned them to hurry across on account of a freight train, which was being made up. The train was backing toward them. Both conveyances got across the tracks in time to avert being struck by the train, but Mr. Bingham's horse shied at the flag and ran the carriage into Mr. Crane's buggy. Two of the wheels to the latter were badly smashed, and the buggy was also splintered in other places. Both horses were stopped without any further damage being done.

Death of Earl D. Squires.
   A telegram was received about 2:30 this afternoon from Dr. Linn of Buffalo stating that Earl D. Squires, the younger son of District Attorney Jerome Squires of this village, had died at the general hospital in that city this morning of typhoid fever. He was taken sick only about ten days ago at his boarding house, and was removed to the hospital. His death was very unexpected. He had left Cortland only a few days before he was taken sick. His father goes on to Buffalo on the 4:20 train this afternoon.

George Edwards Hires a Livery at Groton and is Arrested in Cortland.
   About 7 o'clock this morning a young man evidently about twenty-five years of age appeared at the livery stable of Chas. W. Hall of Groton and asked for a horse and buggy to drive to Cortland. He promised to be back by noon and Mr. Hall let him have the rig, although he was an entire stranger.
   At about 10 o'clock Chief Sager found a man on Orchard-st. attempting to dispose of a rig on terms that at once aroused his suspicions and led him to believe that the property had been stolen. The fellow was ready to sell on almost any terms if only he could get some ready cash. Chief Sager arrested the man and took him to the lockup. The mark of the owner was found on both buggy and harness and a telephone message was at once sent to Mr. Hall at Groton. In company with Constable Marshall Woodbury he at once started for Cortland and identified the rig as the one let to the young man this morning. The prisoner gave his name as George Edwards and his residence at Scranton, Pa. He was taken to Groton by Constable Woodbury in the same buggy in which he came over and will be taken to Ithaca to-night.

A Remarkably Dry August.
   The records of the New York State Weather Bureau in Cornell university show that last month was the driest summer month, except one, in sixteen years. During August, 1881, the total rainfall was 0.39 inches; during August, 1894, it has been 0.51 inches. During July, 1881, the rainfall was 2.92 inches; and during July, 1894, 3.17 inches. So that the lowest average for these two summer months, as well as the driest single month, was in 1881. The normal average rainfall is about 3.5 inches per month.

The Latest Novelty Dance.
   Miss Belle Chamberlyn, one of the charming young ladies of Inez Mecusker's "Prima Donna" company, will be seen in the latest and most original novelty dance at the Cortland Opera House on Monday evening, Sept. 3. The costume is of ribbon of various colors, two hundred and twenty-five yards being required to make it. The company carry all the calcium light effects and accessories required to make this one of the neatest novelty dances seen on any stage.

Mr. Frederick D. Carr Entertains.
   Mr. Frederick D. Carr delightfully entertained last evening a number of his friends at his home at 18 Argyle Place.  The evening from 8:20 o'clock till mid-night was spent at progressive euchre. Miss Anna Lakin of Washington, D. C., was awarded the first lady's prize and Mr. Frank Smith the first gentleman's. Refreshments were served at midnight
   Those present were Messrs. Harry Garrison, Ed. Norris, W. H. McGraw, Willis McGraw, Mumford Reese, Halsey Collins, Ray Harrington, Frank Smith, Ed. Allen, Chas. Baker, Guy Wallace, Will Atkinson, Will Seacord, A. H. Bennett, Chas. Kingsbury, S. S. Jones, and Misses Cora Wells, Bessie McGraw, Jennie Putnam, Maud Colvin, Grace Stoker, Helen Peck, May Hollister, Rose Bliss, Lillian Call, Belle and Mary Atkinson, and Aletta Bridgeford of Cortland and Misses Anna Lakin of Washington, D. C., Eva McKay of Kingston, Can., and the Misses Lewis of Wilkesbarre.

Opium Joint Raided.
   CLEVELAND, Sept. l.—Tom Sing's opium joint was raided by the police at sunrise and a dozen prisoners captured. Among the victims were several of the chorus singers of the Wilbur Opera company which is playing here. The dive is a notorious one and has been watched by the police for several months for the purpose of a raid. The keeper and inmates were greatly surprised.

Mr. Studebaker Greatly Annoyed.
   INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 1.—Clem Studebaker is greatly annoyed by the statement in San Francisco dispatches referring to the record of Nellie Neustretter, in which the name of Studebaker, the millionaire carriage maker, was coupled with her's in an unpleasant manner. Mr. Studebaker absolutely and emphatically denies ever having known the woman.

Japanese Attacking Port Arthur.
   LONDON, Sept. 1. — A dispatch from Shanghai says: A Tien Tsin dispatch from Chinese sources says that 14 Japanese ships with over 4,000 troops are attacking Port Arthur. The Chinese garrison numbering 5,000 men and the Chinese fleet have been ordered to attack the Japanese.

The Plague In China.
   Between the war with Japan and the terrible epidemic which is devastating her borders China appears to be in a fair way to get rid of a few hundred thousand of her surplus population. In Canton alone nearly 100,000 persons have died from the plague since March 1. In Hongkong, with a population of 200,000, the disease appeared in March. By the 1st of June the deaths had reached over 50 a day. The mortality there is something like 10,000. These are only two of the Chinese cities. They are the ones in which the disease has been most severe, but beyond doubt it has raged with fury in dozens of places where no death list was kept. The attempt has been made by the Chinese to conceal the full extent of the ravages.
   The disease is identical with the black or great plague of London in 1665. London learned a lesson from that awful chapter in its history which never needed to be repeated. It was the lesson in sanitation that it seems impossible for oriental countries to comprehend.
   The black plague is characterized by fever. It is called bubonic fever because of the buboes or swellings that appear in the large glands where there is friction caused by parts of the body rubbing together. These glands finally break like an ulcer. Black spots appear over the body. For this reason the disease is called the black plague. So fatal is it that 90 per cent of those attacked die. It is a disease of filth and sin, like most terrible epidemics. With fresh air, cleanliness and decency and purity of thought and living all the great contagions that sweep away mankind would disappear.
   Hongkong is really a British town—more disgrace to the authorities for letting the plague get such a hold there. It is situated on an island of the same name in the mouth of the Canton river. The population, while largely Chinese, is made up of a mixture of all the nations of the earth, and it is exactly among such conglomerations of peoples that depravity and epidemic disease do their worst.
   One of the suburbs of Hongkong, called Tai Ping Shan, covered several hundred acres. Its population made their living by keeping gambling dens, opium joints and centers of devilishness of all kinds. Here the plague struck and raged like a million devouring demons. The authorities of Hongkong gave the order that the buildings in Tai Ping Shan should be burned to the ground. It was done and the unsavory district cleaned out.

   ◘The enthusiasm which has burst into flame in Japan at the outbreak of war is surprising. The passionate loyalty of the Japanese for their emperor shows that his progressive course is appreciated by his people. The czar of Russia might take a lesson from the emperor of Japan which would be to his advantage. Of his own free will Mutsu-hito gave his people a parliament and a constitution. Russia calls herself a civilized country, yet not all the pressure brought to bear by their subjects for a century has been able to make the czars grant a constitution and parliament to the great northern empire. Japan is more civilized than Russia. The spirit of her progressive and ambitious people is shown in the way they responded to the emperor's call for a loan.

   ◘The popular Japanese cry is said to be, "We'll rally round the mikado." Of course one does not know the Jap for "rally round;" but, unless it is very different from the English of it, it will not make any sort of rhythm with "mikado." The Japs could not sing it to our tune of "Rally Round the Flag" and give their emperor's name its proper accent on the second syllable. They would have to sing, "We'll rally round the mickydoo."

   —As Monday is Labor day and a legal holiday, no STANDARD will be published.
   —Social sing in the Y. M. C. A. parlor this evening at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited.
   —The Oneonta milkmen have advanced the price of milk to six cents a quart on account of the continued drouth and scarcity of feed.
   —The delegates from this county to the congressional convention are understood to be all for Hon. Sereno E. Payne, who will probably be renominated by acclamation.
   —The stealing of bicycles is becoming so common that no prudent wheelman will leave his "bike," especially after dark, without a substantial lock and chain on it.
   —Water in the streams of Otsego county is very low, and as a result many fish are dying. Some trout streams have dried up entirely and it will take years, probably, for them to become restocked. So says the Oneonta Herald.
   —The railroad commissioners of the town of Cortlandville this morning signed a $50,000 bond to the State of New York, bearing interest at 3 1/2 per cent, the proceeds of which will be used to retire a like amount of the 5 per cent bonds of the town now outstanding.
   —The Presbyterian social and supper at Mr. R. C, Tillinghast's last evening was well attended, about eighty sitting down to supper. Tables were attractively spread on the verandas and indoors. The affair was a success financially as well as socially, $22.25 being cleared.
   —The two iron bridges to be put up one in McGrawville and one on the Virgil road about two miles from this village arrived Thursday afternoon, and will be in shape to drive over to-night. The Groton Bridge Co. are the builders, and E. C. Rindge, highway commissioner, has been superintending the erection.
   —The second annual reunion of the David family was held Aug. 29 at the house of Mrs. J. D. Price, 47 Clinton-ave. More than sixty of the descendants of David Davis gathered to enjoy the occasion. A permanent organization was formed with president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and historian. The gathering was an interesting and enjoyable one for all present.
Col. Albert D. Shaw, the Speaker of the Day.
   Four hundred, seventy grangers from all over the county picnicked yesterday at Floral Trout park. The various attractions of the park furnished recreation, of which advantage was taken till about 2 o'clock, when the company took possession of the seats which had been arranged in the form of an amphitheater about the speaker's platform.
   The afternoon's exercises opened with a selection by Mangang's orchestra. Mr. S. M. Byram was chosen chairman and prayer was offered by Rev. H. W. Carr. After another selection by the orchestra Col. Albert J. Shaw was introduced as the orator of the afternoon His speech  was brim full of timely hints and wise suggestions presented in a genial, interesting and eloquent manner, which secured the attention of the audience from the first and held it to the finish. He spoke at length on the happiness of home and discussed various other topics, among which were the dignity of labor, character building, thrift, education of children and farming as an art.
   The speech was a delightful composite of wit, humor, reminiscence, philosophy, sound advice, solid information and pleasing oratory, and was generally pronounced the finest address to which the Patrons of Husbandry of this county have ever listened. The audience would have given the genial and eloquent colonel a nomination by acclamation for lieutenant governor, had it been in their power.
   When the speaking was over the orchestra rendered a number of pleasing selections, after which the company followed their several inclinations in the way of amusement till the time came for breaking up.

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