The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 21,
A Young
Married Woman Leaves Home in Company With "A Handsomer Man."
The Singer Sewing Machine company are just
now anxious to learn the present address of one Norman W. Mynard, who has been
acting [as] the agent and collector of their branch office in this place for
the past two years. Since April 1st last, he has been boarding at Mrs. Green's
on South Main-st., but previous to that he kept house with his sister Rose at
126 Groton-ave.
It is said that he misused his sister until
she refused to live with him. If there is any one thing about a man that seems
to be more attractive than another in the eyes of the average pretty woman, it
is his reputation for brutality toward other members of her own sex. When any
woman, who hasn't had the opportunity to try, arrives at the conclusion that
she can't tame almost any brute of a man, we may look for a speedy advent of
the millennium.
Possibly the idea of reforming him was what caused
the pretty wife of Jay Morgan, one of our village blacksmiths, to leave town
last Wednesday morning in company with Mynard. As Maynard’s account with his employers
is considerably overdrawn, it is pretty safe to say that Cortland is rid of him
for good. It won't take Mrs. Morgan many moons to become convinced that she
can't reform the rascal who enticed her from her home, and after he has misused
and become tired of her, he will cast her off and she will probably return to her
home, a wiser if not a better woman. She is about 24 years of age and leaves
two children, aged 3 and 7 years.
Mynard is about the same age, dark complexioned,
black hair and eyes, of medium height and weighs about 140 pounds. His parents
live at Colegrove, Pa., and his father is a Methodist minister. For some reason,
not easily explained, minister’s sons are not always just what they should be.
![]() |
Photo from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
Proper Thing to Do.
At a meeting of the Cortland Democratic Club
held in their rooms in the DEMOCRAT building Wednesday evening, the following preamble
and resolutions were presented by Hon. O. U. Kellogg and were unanimously
WHEREAS, It has been brought to our
attention that the name of Hugh Duffey, an honored and active member of this
club, has received favorable mention by the press of
the state for the nomination for State Treasurer at the coming election and,
WHEREAS, This club recognizes in Mr. Duffey one
of its most prominent and active members, a gentleman of strict integrity, a
successful business man, who has at all times commanded the respect and
admiration of every citizen regardless of party, a Democrat of unswerving
devotion to his party, who has been its worthy and respected representative at
many conventions and political gatherings and unanimously selected as its local
leader, declining all official positions, and,
WHEREAS, We believe that should his party
honor him with the nomination to this office, it would add strength to the
party ticket.
Therefore in the absence of Mr. Duffey, and
without knowing whether he will consent to the use of his name for the
candidate for the office or not, this club at this meeting, desires to avail
itself of the first opportunity to express its gratification at the favorable
consideration of the name of Mr. Duffey in connection with the nomination and
we earnestly approve of the suggestion of his nomination. It is therefore
Resolved, That this Club
enthusiastically endorse the suggestion for the nomination of Mr. Duffey, and
pledges itself to make every effort to secure his nomination by the Democratic
State Convention for the office of State Treasurer.
The rooms were filled to their utmost capacity
and the meeting was a most enthusiastic one. Speeches seconding the resolutions
were made by Messrs. J. Dougherty,
Dr. H. T. Dana, Judge C. S. Bull, G. L. Warren, Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald, J. H.
Wallace, A. J. McSweeney and others.
are Many Irate Citizens in Buffalo.
BUFFALO, July 19.-The office of "Sunday
Truth" is decidedly the hottest place in Buffalo these days. Sidney
G. Sherwood and Russell Osgoodsby, until recently proprietors of the paper, are
being hunted by irate citizens but cannot be found.
Sherwood and Osgoodby acquired control of "Truth"
some six months ago. To make money and incidentally boom the circulation of
the paper they started a rebus scheme. It was so simple that any one [sic]
could solve it almost at a glance. The usual conditions were attached, that the
person sending the first correct answer with fifty cents and three months' subscription
to the paper would receive a choice of pianos, watches, diamonds, etc.
Other puzzles in rebus form followed one another
and the money came in lively. It is said that in this fashion 25,000 names were
added to the subscription list and some $20,000 in cash received. Four succeeded
in getting prizes, but they were a great disappointment. No one got a piano or
a gold watch and the diamond rings were worth eighty cents each.
The deluded contestants made descents upon
the office and it became so hot that Sherwood and Osgoodby transferred the paper
to Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Miller, who are now so besieged by the angry contestants
that it is a matter of discussion whether they will continue the publication "Truth."
Messrs. Hausauer and Smith,
the original proprietors, who hold heavy mortgages on the plant, say they will
not publish the paper while it rests under its present stigma. The girls and
printers employed by Sherwood and Osgoodby have not been paid, and creditors
are looking for the rebus pair.
The report of the First
National Bank of Cortland will be found in another column.
Messrs. Kellogg & Curtis
have an announcement of a fifteen day special sale on this page.
The Tioughnioga club expect to
make an excursion to Taughanic Falls some time [sic omni] next month.
An account of the burning of
the hotel in Willett will be found in our correspondence from that place.
Jerry Callahan and Mike Foley
are [for safety] flagging the D. L. & W. at the Clinton-ave. and Railroad-st.
Eight car-loads of colored
people went over the E. C. &. N. yesterday morning on an excursion from
Elmira to Sylvan Beach.
Three train loads of picnickers
from Scranton, Pa., went to Pleasant Beach Saturday. Each train had eleven well
filled passenger coaches.
The Mothers' meeting (north)
will meet at the home of Mrs. W. D. Waters, 54 Madison-ave., Wednesday, July 26,
at 3 P. M. Subject, "Character Building." All ladies are
cordially invited.
A grand excursion to Sylvan
Beach over the E., C. & N. will take place next Sunday. Train will
leave Cortland at 9:54 A. M. reaching the Beach at 11:30 A. M. Returning the
train leaves the Beach at 5:30, Fare for round trip from Cortland $1.00.
The Water Works Co. has
purchased three acres of land adjoining their reservoir of the Fairchild estate
for $8,500 and have commenced enlarging the capacity of the reservoir so that
it will hold 1,000,000 gallons additional. The work will be finished about
August 20, and when finished it is expected that it will furnish sufficient water
for all purposes.
The Homer Republican says
Miss Mudge of Cortland met with an accident just north of that village Wednesday
morning. She was riding her wheel to Little York and collided with a team. The
young lady and her wheel were both run over by the horse. Fortunately she
escaped serious injury. The man refused to carry her and the wheel back to
The regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. will be held on Saturday, July 22, in the rooms over Collins' china
store, at 2:30 P. M. Consecration service from 2:30 to 3 led by---. Regular
meeting at 3 P. M. Subject, "Anti-Christ; how shall we wage our war
against him?" The exercises will consist of reading, discussion,
recitation and music. Everybody will be welcome.
The survivors of the "Old
Twelfth Reg't." held their annual reunion at Maple Bay last Tuesday. One of
the companies was raised in Homer, and the regiment was the first one raised in
either Onondaga or Cortland counties. Its ranks were sadly thinned before it
returned from the front, and death has since been busy with the survivors, so
that now the muster roll can be quickly called.
St. Leo's church in Tully will
be dedicated on Tuesday, July 26th. The services, to be held in the church,
will commence at 10 A. M., conducted by Bishop P. A. Ludden, assisted by the
pastor, Rev. Father Doody, and priests from different parishes in the diocese.
The dedicatory sermon will be delivered by Rev. John J. McLoghlin of Cortland, who
formerly had charge of the work in Tully.
The Cortland Forging Co., have
broken ground for the erection of three new buildings adjoining those now
occupied by the company. One to be 48x100 feet, one 30x36 and one 40x18 feet. The
buildings will be two stories high and constructed of wood. The intention is to
double the capacity of their works. Considerable new machinery will be added
and several new lines of goods will be turned out.
Walton Forshee and family
visited at Texas Valley last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Greene of
Cortland are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Leroy.
Elvin Babcock is taking solid
comfort on his new wheel, purchased last Saturday.
Mrs. Jack McBirney was out of
town for a few days visiting friends in Chenango county.
Austin Mooney preached in the
Congregational Church at Texas Valley last Sunday evening.
Miss Oresta Beardsley returned
to-day after an extended trip to the far west, taking in the World's Fair on
her way home.
During the storm of last
Saturday, the barn of John P. Beckwith was struck by lightning, but fortunately
did net set it on fire.
At 1 o'clock this Wednesday
morning our peaceful village was alarmed by the ringing of bells and the cry of
fire. It proved to be the hotel which was entirely consumed. Only a small share
of the furniture on the first floor was saved, everything on the second floor was
burned. Two gold watches and about $40 in money was burned. Our citizens done
some noble and hot work in saving the meat market, which was not more than twenty-five
feet from the hotel. Had that burned the loss would have been heavy, as other
buildings were so close to the market they could not have been saved, with the
facilities we have for fighting fire. The building was insured for a small
amount, but nothing compared with the loss.
She Had the Nerve.
Last Saturday afternoon
Messrs. W. H. Olmstead and M. Wetherell of Syracuse were sailing on Skaneateles
lake near Glen Haven in a sail boat. At about 5 o'clock a gale of wind struck
the boat, and capsized it just opposite the Redfield cottage. The
men caught hold of the boat and held on while the storm that came with the wind
raged and the white caps rolled over them. Miss Allie Randall, who is employed
at the cottage, saw the accident and realizing the danger of the men, ran down
to the boat house, and jumping into a boat pushed off to the rescue.
Miss Randall is perfectly at
home in a boat and she soon reached the overturned craft and telling the
men to hang on to the stern of her boat, she soon towed them on shore. Few men
would have cared to risk their lives in a row boat on the lake in
such a storm. After the blow was over the sail boat was brought to shore.
Cortland and Homer Horse R. R.
Beginning Monday, July 17,
cars on the Cortland and Homer Horse Railroad run on the following schedule
Leave Homer: 6:15 A. M., 8 A.
M., 9 A. M., 9:45 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 11 A. M, 12 M., 1 P.M., 1:40 P. M., 2:20
P. M., 3:20 P. M., 4 P. M., 4:30 P. M., 5 P. M., 6:10 P. M., 7:10 P. M., 7:50
P. M.
Leave Cortland: 7 A. M., 8 A. M.,
9 A. M., 9:45 A. M., 10:30 A. M., 11 A. M., 12 M., 1 P. M., 1:40 P. M., 2:20 P.
M., 3:20 P. M., 4 P. M., 4:30 P. M., 5 P. M., 6:10 P. M., 7:10 P. M.