The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September
14, 1894.
A Singular People.
we are told, is one of the most irreligious towns in this section of the state.
It is a common occurrence there to see shoemakers, blacksmiths, and other mechanics
with shops open and hard at work on Sundays. Farmers in that section make no
bones in breaking the Sabbath, and the great majority of people never enter
their churches and are not identified with any religious denomination. With all
their disrespect for the Bible, and what it teaches, the citizens of the village
and town are said to be in every respect worthy people. They are social,
neighborly, always willing to assist those in trouble, and as a rule are
temperate, frugal and well to-do people.
It seems
that the earlier settlers of the town were imbued with atheism and it has been
transmitted to their posterity, and this in part explains the action of this
peculiar people.—Greene American.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peebles are rejoicing
over the birth of a little daughter.
Harry, son of Randolph Mack, who has been
dangerously ill, is improving slowly.
Miss Ella Jones of McGrawville, has been
spending a few days with her parents.
F. E. Wright of Cortland has been in town
for a few days in the interests of the Standard.
Mrs. T. L. Corwin and Mrs. Elsie Parkins of
Cortland are the guest of Mrs. Burgess
E. C. Carley, an old and respected citizen,
is seriously ill at his home, corner of Warren and Mill streets.
Mrs. C. N. Stowe and sister Miss. Ellen
Burrows of Deposit are visiting Mrs. G. L. Early and daughters.
Miss Clara Early left on Wednesday evening
for Binghamton, where she will spend a week or so with friends.
Mrs. Marvin Wadsworth and children of
Cortland visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Doran, last Friday.
Miss. Carrie Bliss left on Monday morning
for Blodgett's Mills where she will resume her duties as teacher in the graded school.
Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Johnson, living about a
mile west of this village, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding
on Wednesday Sept. 12.
Mrs. Hobart Cowles of Albany and Mrs. J. B.
Cowles and little son of Springfield, Mass. are visiting at E. Wingler's and W.
R. Pollard's.
Mrs. Jane Wood, Mrs. Robbins, and Mrs.
Herbert Wood and two children of Cortland, are the guests of Mrs. Miriette Wood
and Howard Wood's family.
Mrs. C. K. Turner left on Tuesday for New
York. Mrs. Jannie Van Buskirk will remain for a time with her sisters, Mrs.
Granville Talmage and Mrs. Reba Willis.
L. F. Ward has purchased the cigar business
formerly conducted by A. L. Peck. Mr. Peck will remain in the employ of Mr.
Ward and will travel as salesman while Mr. Ward will attend to the
Margaret Killela, who has taught very successfully at Chenango Forks for the
past few years, began her duties in our school on Thursday last. She takes the
position made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Furber who went to Cortland.
Work on the Stone Crusher shops is
progressing rapidly but owing to the lack of pressed brick the masons have been
obliged to suspend work on the Library building. It is confidently expected
however that the brick will arrive in a few days.
Miss Eliza J. Lynde, for some years an
invalid, died at the Hotel Lynde where she resided with her brothers D. C. and
Ira Lynde. Miss Lynde was a most successful teacher for many years and was
widely known and respected. The funeral occurred on Tuesday afternoon at the
Presbyterian church.
The attendance at Cole & Lockwood circus on Wednesday was very large both
afternoon and evening and everyone seemed well satisfied with the performance.
A great many from the surrounding country were in. One gentleman returning from
Texas a little after 5 o'clock reported meeting 45 teams.
Mrs. Laura L. Johnson died on Saturday last
at the home of her stepson, H. D. Johnson, at the advanced age of 82 years.
Although suffering intensely for many months previous to her death from a
complication of diseases. She retained her mental faculties undimmed to the very
last. Her funeral occurred on Monday, Rev. O. L. Warren officiating.
The farmers of this county who have anything
worth exhibiting should enter the same at the County fair this year and thus
help to sustain an organization that is being kept up mainly for their benefit.
A fine exhibit of live stock at the county fair always attracts the attendance
and attention of strangers and when residents of other counties are in need of
fine horses, cattle, sheep, swine and other products of the farm, they supply
their wants from the localities that have a reputation for raising the best
specimens of the variety wanted.
For many years Orange County had the reputation
of raising the best trotting stock in the country and the owners of the stock
farms in that county became wealthy because of that reputation, for when
horsemen in other parts of the country wanted trotters, they went to the
locality where they were raised to purchase them. On the other hand when a
horseman or farmer wanted to buy one of those gamey little Morgans, he went to
Vermont to purchase the animal because that state was headquarters for this
particular breed of horses.
There is no better advertisement for the farmer
who has fine products of the farm to sell, than an exhibit at the county fair. A
large exhibit attracts a large crowd of people and when a society earns the
reputation of furnishing a large and handsome display of products of the farm,
the people are sure to attend. Farmers ought not to expect others to spend
their time and money in endeavoring to benefit them without corresponding
effort on their part. Nearly every farmer in Cortland county has something on
his premises well worth exhibiting and by bringing it to the fair, he contributes
towards the success of the enterprise besides receiving a cash premium that
will pay him for his trouble.
For many years the Cortland County fairs were
noted for their fine exhibits and the very large attendance, but in recent years
farmers have for some reason lost interest in the enterprise and as a result
the exhibitions have not been as successful as they should have been.
This year the officers are striving to arouse
more interest in the fair in the hope that the farmers of the county will
cooperate with them in their efforts to make the exhibit at once attractive and
interesting to all. Without the assistance of farmers their efforts will fail
and an enterprise that should be the pride of every citizen of the county will
prove a dismal failure.
CHENANGO.—While fishing in the river at
Bainbridge Friday, Charles Hodge fell from a boat and was drowned.
Nicholas Wentole, an Italian laborer in the
employ of Holmes & Rice of Norwich, while engaged in digging a sewer connection
ditch near the silk mill, Wednesday of last week, was buried under a mass of
dirt and stone by the caving in of an embankment. He was soon extricated
and taken to the Sanitarium, when Dr. W. H. Stuart was called, who found that
the left thigh was seriously fractured.
MADISON.—Cazenovia voted for a system of
sewers, 101 to 79.
Two Cazenovia lads, sons of Humphrey Edwards
and Thomas Baker, were badly bitten by dogs last week.
Eardley J. Norton, of Canastota, has sued
Andrew M. Lynck for $5,000 damages for alienating his wife's affections.
The Fort Stanwix Engineering Co., of Rome, is
making a survey for the new water works at Morrisville, the same to be located
on an excellent site on the Cloyes farm.
TOMPKINS.—Dryden Fair Sept. 25, 26, and 27.
County court convenes Monday, Sept. 17th.
The Catholics are arranging to hold a fair
at Nye's Opera House, sometime next month.
The bicycle races at the County Fair, Friday,
Sept. 14th, will be of much interest.
Dr. LeRoy Lewis, of Auburn, has purchased Utt's
point on Cayuga Lake for a syndicate, who proposes erecting thereon a
sanitarium. The point contains about twenty acres, and there are several
sulphur springs there, which are said to be the finest of any in the state.
Dryden Woolen Mill has already begun night
and day, in order to supply the looms and fill the demands which are pouring in
upon Mr. Dolge. Some of the new machinery has already arrived, including the
hydro-extractor and second engine, and three mammoth looms are expected this
Prominent statisticians say the new tariff
will save the consumers of woolen goods the handsome sum of $163,534,000.
Gov. McKinley made a speech in Maine last week
in which he predicted that the country had gone to the dogs as a result of
Democratic misrule and that the revival of business now apparent would be only temporary.
Here you have the prophesy of Dr. McKinley. On the other hand, Dr. Chauncey M.
Depew, a republican political prophet of more and better reputation, says that,
"We are going to have prosperity unequalled in the history of the
country." Which of these prophets will our republican friends believe?
The Hendricks men have carried nearly all the caucuses in the towns outside the city of Syracuse in Onondaga county and the Belden people have decided to remain away from all the caucuses hereafter. Belden's followers charge that the Hendrick's people used large sums of money to carry the caucuses thus far held. If there is a politician in Onondaga county who has more money to use in politics than Belden, or who uses more of it, he has not yet shown up. It looks very much as if the Hendrick's crowd were too slick for their opponents.
The Hendricks men have carried nearly all the caucuses in the towns outside the city of Syracuse in Onondaga county and the Belden people have decided to remain away from all the caucuses hereafter. Belden's followers charge that the Hendrick's people used large sums of money to carry the caucuses thus far held. If there is a politician in Onondaga county who has more money to use in politics than Belden, or who uses more of it, he has not yet shown up. It looks very much as if the Hendrick's crowd were too slick for their opponents.
Some of the Democratic sugar planters of
Louisiana threaten to go over to the Republican
party and this news seems to be very pleasing to the Cortland Standard. On
many occasions in the past, our neighbor has denounced these people as villains,
traitors, thieves and murderers, but it seems now to be willing to take them to
its exclusive and narrow bosom and shed tears of joy upon their heads. The
tariff is indeed a "local issue " and in the case of the Louisiana
planters as in many others, it is most effective and convincing when located in
their pockets. A great many men's political principles are controlled by the
ebb and the flow of the financial tide, in their pockets.
"Gorman's Triumph--A Humiliating Spectacle." A caricature with President Cleveland in tow. |
Bill's Good Points.
The New York Times summarizes good points of
the tariff bill as follows:
The bill cuts down by a considerable percentage,
as a rule, the tariff taxes of the McKinley act.
It enlarges the free list by the addition of
several very important products.
In case of the refined sugar the Trust's protective
duty is reduced, according to the Republican authority, from the McKinley
tariffs 60 cents per hundred pounds to 42 1/2 cents.
The McKinley duty on iron ore and bituminous
coal is reduced nearly one-half, from 75 to 40 cents per ton.
Wool is made free. A tariff act making wool
of all kinds free of duty would be a memorable and very beneficial act, even if
it provided for no other charges in existing tariff schedules beyond a
corresponding reduction of the duties on all woolen goods.
With free wool we have free lumber. The
Senate bill removes the duties on logs, hewn and sawed timber, squared timber, sawed
boards and plank, clapboards, hubs, laths, shingles and staves, in short,
substantially everything in the McKinley wool schedule except furniture, the
duty upon which is reduced 25 per cent.
Salt goes on the free list. Binding twine is
free of duty, also bagging for cotton burlaps. With these are Chinese matting for
floors and the iron bands (cotton ties) used in baling cotton.
Plows, tooth and disk harrows, harvesters, reapers,
agricultural drills, mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, threshing machines and
cotton gins are made free of duty. The
manufacture of some of these implements is controlled by Trust combinations.
The bill removes any duty that could assist
them in exacting high ring prices at home while selling implements at lower prices
The absurd duty imposed on tin, the metal,
by the McKinley act, is repealed, and thus the cost of a raw material largely consumed
in many important industries is considerably reduced. The enlarged free list
exhibits a notable reduction of the burden of tariff taxes.
County Fair, Sept. 18, 19 and 20th.
D. F. Wallace & Co.
advertise school books and other indispensables on this page.
bicycle races on the last day of the fair promise to be very interesting. Don't
fail to see them.
D. C. Beers is laying a cement walk in front of Firemen's hall which will run
the water used in washing hose into the gutter.
The officers of the Cortland
County Agricultural society are negotiating for the exhibition of the wonderful
donkeys which were shown at the World's Fair last summer.
The E. C. & N. R. R. has a
contract for hauling 30,000 tons of supply coal for the Boston & Maine
railroad from Elmira to Canastota where it will be sent to its destination by
the West Shore. It makes necessary the running of an extra freight train from
this place to Canastota every day, a fact that is much appreciated by the
freight crew living in Cazenovia, with whom business has been very dull this
season.—Cazenovia Republican.
The Standard makes some
rather racy comments on the Democratic county convention held in this place
last Saturday. It charges that the Cortland postmaster acted as a reserve and
intimates that he is not a good administration man, because his nomination was
promptly confirmed by Senators Hill and Murphy while other nominations made at
the same time were hung up. The Cortland postmaster did not attend the
convention and was not held in reserve for any occasion. He preferred to
maintain a position of "innocuous disquietude," and remained at his
desk throughout the proceedings. The Cortland postmaster is a democrat and not
a factionist and he sees no reason why he should not be a friend and supporter
of Senator Hill as well as the President. If it were possible for the Editor of
the Standard to be a republican instead of a factionist, he could
appreciate the situation.
Almost Given Away.
By referring to Mr. I.
Whiteson's advertisement on our fifth page, readers of the DEMOCRAT will see
that he is offering his immense stock of seasonable clothing at such low prices
that all may be clothed for little money. When one is able to buy an entire
stock of good goods for a little more than the price formerly charged for a
pair of pants, it is a good time to be clothed and to lay in a stock for future
use. Mr. Whiteson has just been making large purchases in New York and the
goods are now arriving. The stock is of fine quality and is made up in the very
latest style and guaranteed to be as represented. In this mammoth store you can
procure an entire outfit from the top of the head to the sole of the foot; in
fact Whiteson keeps everything worn by gentlemen. His stock of cloths, for fall
and winter in the custom department, is super in style and quality and he
warrants a fit every time. He solicits an examination of his goods and
comparison of prices.